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Intro to Sociology Exam 2 Study Guide Section 4 Socialization and the Life Course Module 13 The Role of Socialization Socialization process in which people learn the attitudes values and behaviors appropriate for members of their culture process of becoming a social being Occurs through human interactions that begin in infancy and continue throughout life process of becoming fully human Helps us discover how to behave properly and what to expect from others if we follow challenge society s norms and values Developing a personality cognition and morality Process of cultural transmission Learning how to conform to society Personality a person s typical patterns of attitudes needs characteristics and behavior Nature vs Nurture heredity versus environment debate We are a product of both nature and nurture Nature social behavior influenced by hormones physiological development Nurture identities are social constructs sexual identity may change cross cultural variation in gender race ethnic roles Impact on isolation on human beings Human children need socialization in the form of love care and affection Harry Harlow researched monkeys with artificial monkeys and came to the conclusion that social attachment was developed and a need for comfort warmth and intimacy Module 14 The Self and Socialization through the Life Course Self Social Development Cooley and Mead Cooley Looking Glass Self process by which we create a self We learn who we are by interacting with others Self is the product of our own social interaction The view of ourselves is affected by how we think others see us Mead SELF I ME Self distinct identity that sets us apart form others Self emerges in 3 stages self develops as we learn to interact with others Preparatory Stage children imitate the people around them association with symbols Play Stage role playing Role Taking process of mentally assuming the perspective of another and responding from that imagined viewpoint I e child learns when it is a good time to ask parent for a favor Game Stage 8 9 years old children grasp not only their own social positions but also those of others around them I e football players have to learn the roles of the other positions in order to play the game Generalized Other the attitudes viewpoints and expectations of society as a whole that a child takes into account in his or her behavior When a child acts he or she takes into account an entire group of people Significant Other those individuals who are most important in the development of self Goffman the ways in which we consciously create images of ourselves for others the individual changes his or her presentation of Impression Management self in order to create distinctive appearances and to satisfy particular audiences people resemble performers in action Dramaturgical Approach o I e clerk may try to appear busier than he or she actually is if a supervisor happens to be watching response to rejection the efforts people make to maintain the Face Work proper image and avoid public embarrassment we feel the need to maintain a proper image of the self is we are to continue social interaction get back up after falling down Personality Development Freud and Erikson Freud natural impulsive instincts are in conflict with societal constraints Self personality ID Ego Superego Inner drives ID are biologically rooted in us and are in conflict with social components of self ego and superego Conflicts between self parts are to be resolved during childhood otherwise problems arise later on Erikson 8 stages of man life stages Contradictions and conflicts occur in life Wanna grow up but still want to be a child Must go through life s stages in order to resolve challenges and not bring about problems later on in life Cognitive Development Piaget Kohlberg Gilligan Jean Piaget cognitive development newborns don t have the sense of self in the looking glass image Cognitive Theory of Development 4 stages in the development of children s thought processes Biological maturation and social experiences occur in stages 1 Sensorimotor young children use senses to make discoveries 2 Preoperational children begin to use words and symbols to distinguish objects and ideas 3 Concrete Operational children engage in more logical thinking i e clay formed into a snake is still the same clay just in a different form 4 Formal Operational adolescents become capable of sophisticated abstract thought and can deal with ideas and values in a logical manner Moral Development ability developed as we age natural process Learning wrong and right is learned from others Kohlberg conforming to normal and values learned learning to judge simple to complex situations as good or bad as right or wrong o Self Moral Reasoning Gilligan gender makes a difference in moral judgment o Self Gendered Moral Reasoning Conflict Theory Socialization is learning the patterns of social inequality and the ideologies that support the status quo Structural Functionalism Socialization is learning the core values of society and act according to social expectations so that we become contributing elements for the integration and order of society Life Course Approach research orientation in which sociologists and other social scientists look closely at the social factors that influence people throughout their lives from birth to death like gender and income Life events mark the passage to adulthood 2 Types of socialization that occur at many points throughout the life course Anticipatory Socialization processes of socialization in which a person rehearses for future positions occupations and social relationships Preparation for many aspects of adult life begin with anticipatory socialization during childhood and adolescence Continues throughout our lives as we prepare for new responsibilities Resocialization transforming the individual process of discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones as part of a transition in one s life Effective when it occurs in a total institution Total Institution institution that regulates all aspects of a person s life under a single authority Ie prison military hospital convent Degradation Ceremony part of the socialization process within some total institutions in which people are subjected to humiliating rituals Module 15 Agents of Socialization Family most important agent of socialization in the US especially for kids Parents are primary agents of childhood socialization Family school peer groups mass media

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FSU SYG 1000 - Intro to Sociology Exam #2 Study Guide

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