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Voluntary Organizations Class Social Movements Class reinforce and support all institutions link individuals to institutions social movements part of stratification and discrimination social recreation vs goal oriented wide spread social reaction reaction to perceive social change built into society conservative resist change liberal reformist radical advocate change Iron Law of Oligarchy Michels built into conservatism of any movement distinction behavior vs ideology leaders are often middle upper class and well educated Resources Potential Economic Assimilation membership material social unity products Change in activity dilemma of success Views order improving conditions conflict worsening conditions Book we can make social change change is constantly needed 3 types movements go through stages resistance reform revolution initial discontent leader organization institutionalization example civil rights came together in the 50s began long before that civil war Deviance Class non conformity to norms Deviance Opposite of Reinforces norms Punishment sanctions May modify norms Types of Deviance in terms of Types of Norms Norms breaking folkway social deviance breaking more criminal deviance What causes deviance 1 Biological body type and genetics types of norms define types of deviants types of situations insecurity disabilities and surgeries lobotomy Electro shock therapy castration medical model drugs 2 Psychological personality development compensation Freud cycle of Frustration and Aggression Complex Oedipus males Electra females personality social reaction none or limited individual reaction none or some accept label secondary deviance deviance as a result of the label assigned to deviant subgroup incarceration part of deviance subjective w deviant self deviant career ID primal instinct and urges EGO sense of reality and identity SUPER EGO sense of mores and conscious control over other elements i e ID and EGO 3 Societal Reaction Labeling Theory primary deviance initial life long limitations ignore underestimate undetected deviance doesn t explain individual reaction doesn t address individual resources ignore elite deviation ignores individual responsibility 4 Differential Association Theory associate w deviance become deviance gang studies 5 Anomie Theory Merton individual and group reaction to inequality Modes of adaption 1 Conformity 2 Innovation 3 Ritualism 4 Retreatism 5 Rebellion Book deviance is not inherent socially created defined by norms physical psychological Views Order reinforcing norms providing sense of solidarity Conflict power elite relate structure Urbanization Class Factors food surplus urbanization Characteristics Demographic Economic Foundation FACTOR Population type Population density Population growth Economic specialization Economic growth Structuring of Environment RURAL Homogenous Low Low Low Low Low Role specialization Social mobility Social relations Social control Group diversity Group types Family type Type of motives Group relations Social problems Low Low Primary Informal Low Non ecological Extended Social Traditional Low Types of Social Structure Organization URBAN Heterogeneous High High High High High High High Secondary Formal High Ecological Nuclear Individual Competitive High Ecological Theory Burgess Concentric Zone Theory of Urban Development Parker s Frontier notion plantation agricultural mining urban tourist frontiers Culture Class culture lap uneven change between population money and tech social change culture shock technology medicine cultural swings cycles responsibility achievement U S Culture Factors Government responsibility opportunity Individual Geography isolated and high resources Revolutionary foundation Religious heritage Protestant work ethic U S Values individualism and progress success through individual achievement competition hard work progress through growth material progress individual freedom Individualism Freedom Work Competition Responsibility Progress Growth Progress Technology Book Creativity Success Success Identity Creativity Achievement Independent Motivation Survival Adaption Invention Creativity Creative Invention Extreme Disorder Confusion Stress Imbalance Stress Failure Stress Blame Extreme Unrealistic Unrealistic Pollution Unrealistic Behavior Views Order integrating increasing unity efficiency Conflict elite manipulation and false consciousness Interactionist cultural socialization and national mentality Social Change economic change change in minorities effect of aging Summary Group Needs Microscopic social structure Social Groups primary secondary inequality bureaucracy Social Institutions functional group Social Change General Culture

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FSU SYG 1000 - Voluntary Organizations

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 3

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 1

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Exam 1

Exam 1

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Exam 1

Exam 1

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Exam 1

Exam 1

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Test 3

Test 3

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Test 3

Test 3

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Test 1

Test 1

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

16 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

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Test 3

Test 3

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11 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

10 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

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