SYG1000 Exam 4 Study Guide Documentary on Meth use in Fresno CA Chapter 13 Crime and Deviance Deviance violation of norms that society agrees upon o Linked to time What was deviant at one point in time may no longer be thought of as deviant Ex Women wearing pants used to be thought of as deviant o Linked to cultural values What is considered deviant in one culture isn t in others Ex Assisted suicide is legal in some countries but looked down upon in the US o Cultural universal Every culture has deviance o Social construct Society controls what is and is not considered deviant not fact just how society perceives things o You can be deviant without being a criminal Ex Lying to someone as long as you re not under oath Crime violation of norms that have been written into law o Two types 1 Street crime acts like burglary rape and assault 2 White collar crime non violent crime committed for illegal monetary gain ex Embezzling costs the US more money than street crimes although more emphasis is put on street crime o You can be criminal without being deviant Ex Downloading music illegally underage drinking Crime trends o Gender o Race Men commit more crimes than women Blacks commit more crimes Could be because they are being unfairly targeted or b c they are poorer o Social class o Age Poor people commit more crimes street crimes Arrests peak between ages 15 25 continue to decrease across the rest of your life span our crime rates are dropping but this may only be due to the fact that this age group is smaller than it used to be societal response to crime and deviance o why are certain acts illegal o Punishment Consensus model of law laws arise because people see a behavior that they do not like and they agree to make it illegal Ex Murder rape incest etc Conflict model of law powerful people create laws to protect their own interests while punishing the actions of those they wish to control Ex Drugs like weed which is grown from hemp plants hemp plants can create very durable fibers but it is illegal to grow it here possibly because rich cotton farm owners don t want to lose money Shaming deliberate effort to attach a negative meaning to a behavior Stigmatized shame a permanent label given to an offender which can actually increase the chances of re offending because the guilty person is forever labeled Re integrative shame an effort to bring an offender back into the community after punishment Deterrence a measure that prevents someone from doing something because od fear of the consequences General deterrence ensuring individuals will not commit a crime because they see the negative consequences applied to others and they fear experiencing these consequences o Ex Make convicts pick up trash on the side of the road wearing the orange jump suits and have a big sign saying inmates at work Specific deterrence a measure that changes the attitude of individuals who have already violated the law and been punished causing them never to commit a crime again Why do we have crime o Positivists ask why do people commit crimes o Classicists ask what keeps people from committing crimes Functionalist Explanations o Durkheim Crime marks the boundaries of morality Used to determine how we want society to behave Crime promotes social solidarity Crime brings us together as a society unifies us against a common enemy Deviance can bring about needed change Civil rights laws would not have changed if people did o Theory of anomie social instability is caused because social not technically violate the laws structures cause deviance Conformists Goals and means are both socially acceptable Ex Work hard to buy a house Innovators Ritualists Means are not socially acceptable but goals are socially acceptable Ex Want to buy a house but do it with inheritance Means are socially acceptable but goals are not Ex Person works hard and has enough money to buy a house but chooses to stay and rent an apartment so they can move whenever they want Retreatists Rebels Both means and goals are not socially acceptable Reject Both means and goals are not socially acceptable Use their own means to create new goals Interactionist explanations behavior is learned o Differential association theory emphasizes that criminal and deviant Ex Teen does cocaine because he grew up with his parents doing it in front of him so that behavior is normalized o Labeling theory labels we give people influence how they act Primary deviance the initial deviant act that a person is caught for Secondary deviance the psychological reorientation that occurs when the system catches a person and labels them Social conflict explanation o Power and wealth inequality leads to crime Because things are unfair we will have people lower committing illegal crimes in order to gain power and wealth o Focus on structural reasons of crime but not why certain individuals commit crimes Article Home Cooking Marketing Meth slides Article Exonerees slides Chapter 14 Marriage Family Definitions adoption or cultural norms o Types of family children o Family two or more people who are related by blood marriage or o Marriage the union of two people that is typically recognized by law Nuclear family a household consisting of husband wife and Extended family a household consisting of a nuclear family plus an additional relative o Types of marriage o Monogamy the practice of being married to one person at a time o Polygamy the practice of being married to more than one person at a time illegal in the U S Polygyny a man with two or more wives more common Polyandry a woman with two or more husbands Trends of the American Family o Age o Other In 1960 men got married at 23 and women at 20 In 2009 men got married at 28 women at 26 Number of people never married is increasing Divorces are increasing Births to unmarried mothers 5 in 1960 41 in 2008 Interracial marriages are increasing Other family types o Blended families families composed of children and some combination of biological parents o Single parent homes are increasing o Cohabiting parents are increasing doubled from 1990 2008 Choosing whom to marry o Homogamy marriage between people of similar backgrounds such as religion education race class or age Endogamy the practice of marrying within your own social o Exogamy marrying someone different from your background o Exchange theory we negotiate for the best deal takes emotion out of group marriage o Stimulus value role theory we form relationships based on 3 steps o Stimulus
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