SYG 1000 Concept Sheet Exam 1 Key Concepts to know and be able to DEFINE Week 2 What is Sociology Society a group of people who shape their lives in aggregated and patterned ways that distinguish their group from other groups Sociology Sociology is often characterized as the study of society Social Science The disciplines that use the scientific method to examine the social world this contrasts with the natural sciences that study the physical world Social Structure and Institutions The underlying regularities or patterns in how people behave and in their relationships with one another Institutions refer to any structure or mechanism of social order governing the behavior of a set of individuals Anecdotal vs Empirical Anecdotal Based on a short and or interesting story about a real incident or person Empirical Based on concerned with or verifiable by observation or evidence Anecdotal stories typically illustrate Empirical facts Micro vs Macro Mirco Small A level of analysis that studies face to face and small group interactions in order to understand how these interactions affect the larger patterns and institutions of society Macro large A level of analysis that studies large scale social structures in order to determine how they affect the lives of groups and individuals The Sociological Imagination Who coined this what is means C Wright Mills how each of us understands our everyday life and the world around us It is the application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions Stepping away from what we are familiar with Culture Shock A sense of disorientation that occurs when you enter a radically new social or cultural environment Week 2 Theory What is theory basic a system of generalized statements or propositions about phenomena theory also concerns itself with centrally important social issues that have withstood the test of time Early Sociologists who were they Marx Durkheim Weber Durkheim Functionalist Theories Structural Functionalism Anomie Solidarity Social Facts Marx Conflict Theories Conflict Theory Alienation Class Struggle and Inequality Capitalism Weber Interactionist Theories SYG 1000 Concept Sheet Exam 1 Week 3 Socialization Socialization Process through which we come to understand societal norms expectations accept society s beliefs become aware of societal values Primary Secondary Socialization Rationalization Bureaucracy Week 2 Theory Continued and Methods Methods Quantitative can be counted Qualitative cannot be counted Scientific Method Hypothesis Causation v Correlation Ethnographic Methods Interviews Survey Research Methods Primary family school hidden curriculum Secondary life events Agents of Socialization peers social roles identity Life Course Childhood Long period of childhood Child Centered Focus on the family and nurturing Adolescence The creation of a life stage Adulthood Young and Mature Old Age Living longer Theories of Socialization Many theories of socialization exist Focus on the psychological and sociology Important Human beings are self aware Move through life events typically related to family and economic status College Work Homeownership Marriage Children How we come to realize that we are different and similar to those around us the creation of a sense of self Week 4 Values and Social Interaction Values Ideas held by individuals or groups about what is desirable proper good and bad Values are strongly influenced by culture Norms Ideas held by individuals or groups about what is desirable proper good and bad Values are strongly influenced by culture Culture The values norms and material culture of given groups SYG 1000 Concept Sheet Exam 1 Roles The expected behavior of people occupying particular social positions Everyone plays numerous social roles Social Status The social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of society Status groups normally display distinct styles of life patterns of behavior that the members of a group follow Social Position The social identity an individual has in a given group or society Can be general gender roles or more specific occupational roles Impression Management Knowing which self to present in a given situation Communication Verbal and non verbal communication the ways people interact Theories of Social Interaction Micro Sociology Technology and Social Interaction more non verbal communication Week 5 Conformity Deviance and Crime Deviance Modes of action that do not conform to the norms of values held by most members of society Norms Ideas held by individuals or groups about what is desirable proper good and bad Values are strongly influenced by culture Social Sanctions A reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior Formal sanctions are handed down from the legal system Theories of Crime Labeling theory Deviance is caused by external judgments labels that change a person s self concept and the way that others respond to that person Differential Association Criminal behavior is learned through others who engage in deviant and criminal behavior Interactionist Theories of Deviance Reject the idea that some types of conduct are inherently deviant Structural Strain Theory there are goals in our society that people want to achieve but they cannot always reach these goals This creates strain because people realize want to achieve these goals but do not have the means to achieve these goals Types of Crime White Collar Crime Activities carried out by those in white collar or professional jobs Corporate Crime Offenses committed by large corporations in society
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