CHAPTER 9 SOCIOLOGY EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Bourgeoisie capitalist class Those who control major capital and own means of production Proletariat Working class Those who survive on wages they earn Major Economic Asset MAJOR CLASS DIFFERENCES Occupations Education Income Wealth Capitalist Investment capital Do not work at a job Often college education not always Top 1 394k Stocks Bonds Manage their investments Corporate executives Professionals Scientist lawyer doctor Teacher etc Office Factory workers Store clerks Home aide Customer service reps Real Estate Investments Small large home Small large savings Investments stocks Little to no wealth Home is main wealth Usually in debt Money could have been inherited College education essential to success 55 99th 57k 394k High School Diploma Technical Schooling College Degree sometimes Less than high school diploma is common 10 55th 12k 57k Bottom 9th 12k Middle Class Knowledge Expertise Working Class Skilled unskilled Labor Service Work Underclass None Usually None chronically unemployed Public assistance Informal economy Wealth the value of financial assets such as savings real estate stocks and bonds minus any outstanding debts Income money received from sources such as wages salaries as well as interest dividends and rent generated wealth Class Mobility the ability to move from one social class to another Individual Mobility mobility occurs when a person s class position changes without any change in the larger class structure Structural Mobility mobility occurs because a shift in available occupations changes the class system as a whole Classism prejudice or discrimination based on social class Absolute Poverty scarcity of resources so severe it is life threatening Relative Poverty a lack of the basic resources needed to maintain a standard of living considered acceptable in a particular society Feminization of poverty women have come to make up an increasingly large portion of the poor Social Capital relationships that are economically valuable resulting from membership in a group Cultural Capital assets consisting of various types of knowledge skills other resources Global inequality the differences in wealth and power among the countries of the world Influences Health Life expectancy Education and Housing Economies Examples Developed Countries HIGH income Developing Countries MIDDLE income Underdeveloped Countries LOW income North America Australia Asia South America Africa Modernization Theory Culture based global inequality due to cultural differences among countries Tradition vs Secular Technology Dependency Theory Power based global inequality is due to the exploitation of weaker poor nations by wealthy more powerful ones Former colonies still depend on wealthier nations Colonialism the use of military political and economic power by one society to dominate the people of another society usually for economic benefit Neo colonialism a system of economic domination of poorer nations by wealthier ones without formal political control or military occupation CHAPTER 10 World Systems Analysis Core semi periphery periphery countries Race a category of people widely perceived as sharing socially significant physical characteristics such as skin color Ex African American White Asian Ethnicity shared cultural heritage often deriving from a common ancestry and homeland Ex Latino Racism the belief that one race is inherently superior to another Racial essentialism the idea that supposedly natural and immutable differences separated the races It reflects biological variation but race is not biologically meaningful it is just a way to assign people to social categories using physical characteristics Prejudice Stereotype Discrimination pre judging of someone or some group negatively based on inadequate information Exaggerated distorted or untrue generalizations about categories of people that do not acknowledge individual variation Unequal treatment that gives advantages to one group of people over another without justifiable cause Ex Not liking someone because they have blue eyes Ex All blondes are dumb Ex Political cartoons depicting African Americans as monkeys Majority vs Minority Patterns of Interaction Majority collection of people who enjoy privileges and have more access to power because of physical cultural characteristics Minority collection of people who suffer disadvantages and have less power because of identifiable physical or cultural characteristics Pluralism Amalgamation Assimilation Slavery Segregation Genocide distinct ethnic and racial groups coexist on equal terms and have equal social standing a majority and a minority group blend or mix to form a new group melting pot members of a minority group come to adopt the culture of the majority group Expulsion majority group exploits minority group for economic gain distinct social groups are kept physically and socially separate and unequal the systematic killing of a group of people based on their race ethnicity nationality or religion Minority Responses to Discrimination Withdrawal physically escaping the worst oppression Ex migration forming racial and ethnic enclaves Passing blending with the dominant group Ex name changes taking advantage of physical similarities Code switching complying with social expectations of the majority in public but not in private Resistance actively asserting oneself in defiance of majority discrimination Jim Crow Laws state and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States Examples Characteristics about Major Ethnic Racial Groups in the U S White 75 decreasing all states are white Hispanics Latinos 17 growing Concentrated in New York The West Florida Southwest African Americans 12 5 stable Concentrated in The South Asian 5 growing Model Minority Higher income education Native 1 7 decreasing States cannot regulate Indian regulations CHAPTER 11 Transnationalism is a social phenomenon and scholarly research agenda grown out of the heightened interconnectivity between people and the receding economic and social significance of boundaries among nation states Individual discrimination refers to the behavior of individual members of one race ethnic gender group that is intended to have a harmful effect on the members of another race ethnic gender group Institutionalized discrimination refers to the unjust and discriminatory mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals by organizations For ex governments and corporations
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