Sociology Final Review 34 multiple choice 4 short answer What are the trends in age at first sexual encounter More Americans are having sex before marriage For people coming of age in the 1960 s through the 1980 s the proportion of those having premarital sex increased The age decreased from 20 to 17 but more recently since the late 1980 s the trend has reversed The trend of teens having sex by a given age has decreased More teens are waiting It is only in recent decades that sexual activity has become common in casual liaisons where there is no expectation that either party expects a relationship to ensue hookup Know hertosexium and hertonormativity Heterosexism homophobia discriminations based on sexual orientation Heteronormativity a situation where the culture and institutions send the message that everyone is heterosexual or at least that this is the normal way to be Know social group it s related to deviance Social group collection of people who interact with one another who have a shared sense of belonging Groups exert pressure over its members to conform to norms Group identity comes from symbolic boundaries a church doesn t necessarily take you to a physically different place but it has a sacred meaning or symbolic Symbolic and physical boundaries are set up with the explicit purpose of keeping outsiders out and the crossing of such boundaries by group members can be considered an act of deviance Know deviant behavior Deviant behavior behavior that violates the group consensus of what we must not do Even doing nothing can be deviant Sometimes rules reflect the needs of those in power Difference between social deviance and statistical deviance Statistical deviance deviant because few do the behavior wearing hats during class because most students don t Social deviance deviant because it breaks the shared upon rules if a student were to take off their clothes and get naked Distinction is important because what is considered deviant or even criminal has little to do with how common it is Most adult Americans have smoked pot at some point in their lives a criminal act in many states but they wouldn t consider themselves criminals Similarly adultery is statistically very common in the US but even though it is no longer a criminal act it is still considered deviant Labeling theory Researchers in the 1960s sought to understand the process through which deviance is defined Sociologists challenged the idea that there are real and objective differences in behavior that is normal versus deviant Instead of focusing on behavior of individuals they focused on how behavior came to be defined as deviant Labeling theory many kinds of behaviors are deviant solely because they are labeled as such Deviance is a social construction that evolves over time even though the act itself may not change e g alcohol has and hasn t been deviant at different points in history Must analyze impacts of labels on behaviors of people being labeled Once labeled a troublemaker individual s actions are more closely scrutinized by authorities White collar crime and social control work lives White collar crime unethical business practices committed by people in the course of their Not seen as deviant but consequences can be much greater Some kinds of white collar crime can have as much or more negative impact and cause injury to more people in a society than ordinary street crimes o Ex stealing money from your employer using the internet to defraud other or unethical banking practices and the financial crisis Social control ways societies regulate and sanction behavior to encourage conformity to and discourage deviance from the norms Social control is not just about responding to deviance it s about defining deviance Know the 3 approaches to crime Retribution punishing criminals to uphold collective values and to demonstrate criminal behavior won t be tolerated o Most often punishing by putting in prison or put on probation o One form of retribution shame Deterrence aims to create fear by letting potential offenders know that they will be punished o Scaring them straight Rehabilitation re socializing offenders to help them become conforming citizens through therapy education and job training Mass incarceration know the 2 reasons that cause this Mass incarceration a situation where vastly greater numbers of people are held in prisons than in earlier periods of history or in comparison to similar countries There is 7 times the amount of people in jail today than in 1972 In spite of the declining crime rate in recent decades more and more Americans have been issued felony convictions and many more people are now being sent to prison o First the latest moral crusade against certain kinds of individual behavior this time targeted against drugs particularly certain kinds of drugs that are disproportionately consumed by poor people and minorities had a major impact The war on drugs launched by President Reagan in 1985 spread quickly around American and encourages police and criminal justice to arrest and convict those accused of the possession to sale of drugs State governments as well as the federal government passed mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders which had the effect of dramatically increasing the proportion of people in prison for drug related offences o The second key factor involves politics Around the country politicians promoted longer sentences and more punishment Know the 3 reasons why the public has been supportive of mass incarceration conservative backlash to social movements of 60s economic downturn in 70s that lead to scapegoating urban riots in 60s left lasting images that made urban crime focus of intensive media scrutiny The 3 dimensions of power 1D 2D 3D 1 D View of Power Conflict between 2 groups and one group prevails o Between people groups organizations countries etc o Can be legitimate or illegitimate power o Focus only on outcomes who won who lost 2 D View of Power Powerful groups prevent subordinates from raising issues that would challenge power o Agenda setting powerful actors consciously or unconsciously averting challenge of power o What gets covered by media What gets left out 3 D View of Power Powerful group persuades subordinates to adopt beliefs behaviors that serve interests of powerful o Questions the view that when conflict is absent people are content Difference between a nation and a state Nation a large group of people linked by territory culture and language
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