Exam Format 22 MC questions 6 or 7 True False Pick 2 of 3 essays answer them in 5 7 sentences Concept Sheet What is Sociology Society a group of people who shape their lives in aggregated and patterned ways that distinguish their group from other groups Sociology characterized as the study of society Social Science the disciplines that use the scientific method to examine the social world this contrasts with the natural sciences that study the physical world Social Structure the organized pattern of social relationships and social institutions that together compose society ex Social class or gender Social Institutions established or standardized patterns of rule governed behavior They include the family education religion and economic and political institutions i e FSU is a social institution that has a Code of Conduct which determines our individual behaviors Anecdotal vs Empirical o Anecdotal evidence stories usually illustrate empirical facts based on a short story about a real incident or person anecdotal o Empirical evidence based on concerned with or verifiable by observation Micro vs Macro o Micro sociology small scale a level of analysis that studies face to face interactions and small group interactions in order to understand how these interactions affect the larger patterns and institutions of society in order to determine how they affect the lives of groups and individuals large scale A level of analysis that studies large scale social structures o Macro sociology The Sociological Imagination the term sociological imagination was coined by C Wright Mills the sociological imagination is how each of us understands our life and the world around us and the application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions it involves stepping away from what we are familiar with i e how we view public issues vs private troubles Culture Shock a sense of disorientation that occurs when you enter a radically new social or cultural environment i e you decide to study abroad for a semester and have a hard time adjusting to the changes in another country Theory Theory a system of generalized statements or propositions about phenomena theory helps us to explain evaluate and better understand how individuals operate and act within the social world Early Sociologists Auguste Comte coined the term sociology the big three Emile Durkheim Karl Marx Max Weber Durkheim argued that sociology must be studied through the use of research methods o Anomie o Structural Functionalism the idea that all parts of a society must work together in order the overspecialization of the division of labor can be viewed as a negative to properly function Durkheim believed that society was more important than the individual outcome of the division of labor and of being overspecialized in any particular field i e if all you do at work is make dough at the pizza place and someone else makes the sauce but they call out sick one day there is no way you can make pizza that day because all you know how to do is make dough mutual interests norms and values is unity of a group of individuals or society that produces or is based on o Solidarity Organic solidarity characterized by larger populations which may be spread out over large areas a more complex division or labor exists where members of the community are more dependent on others to fulfil their economic function i e in the United States we have organic solidarity b c everyone is responsible for their own tasks in order for the world around us to function properly Mechanic solidarity solidarity found in smaller rural and isolated societies that have a relatively homogenous population there tends to little specialization or division of labor i e tribes or hunter gatherer societies o Social Facts aspects of social life that shape our actions as individuals Marx Weber o Alienation o Conflict Theory the theory that society is not cohesive and that as a society we the social alienation of people from aspects of their human nature as a experience conflict and tension based on class differences consequence of living in a society stratified into social classes occurs in four different ways ex Alienation of worker from the product of his labor a person who works at a factory producing BMWs is likely unable to afford a BMW and is therefore alienated from the product he helped produce due to unequal access to resources production capitalists produce commodities for the exchange market and to stay competitive must extract as much labor from the workers as possible at the lowest possible cost a mode of production based on private ownership of the means of the conflict that exists between different social classes o Class Struggle and Inequality o Capitalism o Rationalization the process of replacing the current values traditions and emotions of a society that motivate their current behaviors with thoughts and actions which appear to be more rational when things become TOO rational we lose efficiency i e having a o Bureaucracy better way of doing things even if there is not anything necessarily wrong with the current way the McDonaldlization of society drive thrus are supposed to be efficient but how are they really efficient if we sit in a drive thru for 15 minutes waiting for food work together bureaucracies operate in a hierarchical manner there is a set of understandable and written rules and procedures that must be followed ex FSU we have our President who resides over the university and then we move down to Deans of colleges and professors then students a way of administratively organizing large numbers of people who need to o Quantitative o Qualitative Methods Methods interviews and observations are the main types through observation and experiment o Scientific Method this type of research analyzes numbers and examines trends this type of research focuses on people and face to face interactions a procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasizes collecting data o Identify a problem or ask a question o Review the literature o Formulate a hypothesis give operational definitions to variables o Choose a research design or method o Interpret your results o Collect data and record information o Hypothesis o Causation v Correlation a proposed explanation for a phenomenon rates and ice cream sales going up during the summer they are not directly related a qualitative research method studying people in their own environments in order to understand the
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