Voluntary Organizations Sociology Final Study Guide Around all institutions clustered Political social and economic Provide primary environments Tied to ethnicity gender race More primary settings Support institutions Money Lobbying Recruitment of members Anticipatory socialization Types Goal oriented instrumental Social recreational Expressive Part of stratification Class race ethnicity and gender Form minority voluntary organizations Some voluntary organizations become social movements Social Movements Social movement organized reaction to perceived social change a problem Problems interests Money Normative Institutions Social movements Endemic Built into society Stages Types Institutions Political Economic Social Social Dynamics Change Types of Reactions Leader consciousness raising charisma 1 Discontent perceived problem 2 3 Organization resources and stability problems with resources and conflict 4 Institutionalized incorporated changing the issue that was a problem Part of society 1 Resist Change Conservative structure belief in structure a Concern with tradition 1 Mores 2 3 values Institutions 4 cultures 2 Advocate Change Radicals a Concern with power i changing power ii Increase own power 1 Legitimacy 3 Moderate Reform status quo liberal movements moderate change a Concern with equality and ability of expression b c Concern with civil liberties Liberalism belief of order through individual reason i ACLU American Civil Liberties Union d Privacy Inner utopias General experiences MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving Theories Order View Movements when conditions improve Changes expectations Increase people s consciousness of inequality Conflict View Movements when conditions worsen decline Crisis of legitimacy Outrage Interactionist View Movements when there is a significant decline in improving conditions it s a mix of both views General Conditions Characteristics Michael s Iron law of oligarchy ideology compared to behavior action often leaders are highly educated high charisma and high power speech Resource Needs o Membership money o Social stability o Weapons and technology Failure success o due to low resources o low cohesion o institutionalization o increase part status quo o change goals leadership o assimilation in goods and businesses Deviance endemic nonconformity to norms Changing and adapting norms overtime Dynamics of changing norms and sanctions Types Heresy Rise of witch craft If you break a folkway Embarrassment If you break a mores More serious Criminal Theories how explained What causes Biological genes damaged body type appearance and disability Physiological Medical Metabolism Body types Biology Id Superego Personality Psychological Sociological Learn it Built into society Deviant socialization Deviant reactions society differential association theory o Garp studies o associate with demands may become deviant part of deviant subcultures Differential Association become deviant though socialization become part of deviant subculture o deviant roles norms sanctions deviant s self Me Anomie Theory Durkheim Decrease power ensure conformity Merton Individual and group reactions to society Specifically societal inequality Adaptation conformity innovation ritualism retreats rebellion Prescribed goals Prescribed means Societal reaction Labeling Theory Primary deviance initial deviance Societal reaction Deviant Limited reaction Individual reaction Accept label Some reaction Secondary Deviance Limitations As result or label Assigned to deviant roles subgroups Incarceration Part of deviant subculture with deviant social self Deviant career life long Ignores underestimates undetected deviance Does not explain individual reactions differences Does not address individual resources Ignores elite deviance Ignores individual responsibility Viewing deviance as normal Views Social Change Order Reinforces the norms and blames the individual group Inadequate socialization values Conflict Power elite structure power problems behavioral minorities Create implement mores Interactionist Deviant socialization identities subgroups social self Interaction between population and economic base and its roles and norms As society roles grow its economy changes leading to social change Reestablishment of equilibrium Views Order see change as functional adaptation increase population w increase in specialization norms institutions behaviors change Conflict change as charging power types of inequality Power elite dominant Power stratification economy Resource arrangements Housing outsourcing exporting production Interactionist Changing bureaucracy roles More specialized Culture Institutions are unique to every society Tied to our culture trough ethnocentrism in group solidarity conflict hostility to out groups Culture relativity Trying to understand other cultures Subcultures own folkways shares majority norms Counter cultures opposes majority mores deviant subgroups Cultural process Acculturation over generation within society socialization western cultural influence traditional culture Population economic technology Social change Culture lag uneven change Cultural shock technology Medicine Surrogate parenting Life after death Cultural swings cycles American culture Factors American values Government responsibility opportunity Individual responsibility achievement 1 Geographical isolation and high resources 2 Based on revolutionary foundation 3 Religious heritage protestant ethic 1 Success largely through individual achievement 2 Competition 3 Hard work 4 Progress through growth 5 Material progress 6 Individual freedom American culture Individualism Freedom Work Competition Responsibility Progress Growth Progress Technology Positive Creativity Success Success Identity Creative Achievement motivation Stress Failure Independence Achievement Stress Blame Negative extreme Disorder Confusion Stress Imbalance Survival Adaptation Invention Creativity Creative Inventions Unrealistic Unrealistic Pollution Unrealistic Change behavior Views Urban Order Culture as integrating functional social glue cohesion Unity Efficiency Conflict Culture as elite manipulation and false consciousness Increase in conflict Interactionist Cultural socialization and national mentality Urbanization Factors food surplus stable settlement Industrialization specialized division of labor Demographic Economic Foundation Population type Heterogeneous more dense dynamic Population density High Population growth High Economic
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