SYG1000 Exam 2 Review Chapter 5 Erving Goffman sees social life as played out by actors on a stage because how we act depends on the roles we play at a given time every human being possesses a self that is fragile and vulnerable to embarrassment or even humiliation at every turn o Microsociology social interaction studying insignificant forms of social interaction we can learn about ourselves from studying others study of everyday life reveals to us how humans can act creatively to shape reality and sheds light on larger social systems and institutions o Social Interaction process by which we act and react to those around us o Nonverbal communication communication between individuals based on facial expressions or bodily gestures rather than on language o Civil inattention process whereby individuals in the same physical setting demonstrate to one another that they are aware of each other s presence Ex Walking down the hall to your dorm Roles expected behaviors of people occupying particular social positions Social role idea comes from theater referring to parts that actors play in a stage production In every day society individuals play a number of social roles Status social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of a society Status groups normally display distinct styles of life patterns of behavior that the members of a group follow Status privilege may be positive or negative o Social position social identity an individual has in a given group or society Social positions may be general in nature those associated with gender roles or more specific occupational positions Impression management preparing for the presentation of one s social role striking a pose Unfocused interaction interaction occurring among people present in a particular setting but not engaged in direct face to face communication o Ex On a busy street nonverbal communication occurs Focused interaction interaction between individuals engaged in a common activity or in direct conversation with one another o Encounter instance of focused interaction meeting between two or more people in a situation of face to face interaction Out daily lives can be seen as a series of different encounters strung out across the course of the day In modern societies many of these encounters are with strangers rather than people we know Audience segregation in each role people act somewhat differently and they try to keep what they do in each role distinct from what they do in their other roles they can have multiple selves Regionalization division of social life into different regional settings or zones o Ex Different rooms in a house Back region areas apart from front region performance in which individuals are able to relax and behave informally o Front region settings of social activity in which people seek to put on a definite performance for others Ethnomethodology study of how people make sense of what others say and do in the course of day to day social interaction Concerned with ethnomethods by which people sustain meaningful interchanges with one another Conversation analysis empirical study of conversations employing techniques drawn from enthomethodology examines details of naturally occurring conversations to reveal the organizational principles of talk and its role in the production and reproduction of social order Interactional vandalism deliberate subversion of tacit rules of conversation Zones of personal space physical space individuals maintain between themselves and others o Middle east people stand closer to each other than in West o Intimate distance lovers parents children o Personal distance normal spacing for encounters with friends o Social distance formal settings like interviews o Public distance performing to an audience Chapter 8 Social stratification structuring of inequalities between groups in society in terms of their access to material or symbolic rewards while all societies involve some forms of stratification only with the development of state based systems did wide differences in wealth and power arise The most distinctive form of stratification in modern societies is class divisions Structured inequalities social inequalities that result from patterns in social structure Slavery form of social stratification in which some people are literally owned by others as their property Caste system social system in which one s social status is held for life structure the type of contact that can occur between members of different ranks o Associated with Hindu belief in rebirth Class socioeconomic variations between groups of individuals that create variations in their material prosperity and power o Differ from castes in that they are fluid and movement is possible positions are partly achieved economically based and large scale and impersonal Income class divisions top 5 of households received 22 of total income highest 20 received 51 and bottom 20 received 3 Wealth class divisions college graduates 12x higher than high school dropouts African Americans have less wealth Education class divisions influenced by social class of one s parents differences in race Occupation class divisions determined by education Class and lifestyle differences cultural and economic capital how individuals distinguish themselves on basis of cultural tastes and leisure pursuits differences become intensified through variations in lifestyle and taste Marx s analysis of class refers to people who have a common relationship to the means of production means by which they gain a livelihood o Capitalists those who own the means of production o Working class those who earn their living by selling their labor to them o Surplus value when workers produce more than employers actually need to repay the cost of hiring them source of profit which capitalists put to their own use Weber s analysis of class economic differences that have nothing to do with property like people s skills and credentials influence class division o Status difference between groups in social honor or prestige that others accord them o Pariah groups negatively privileged status groups subject to discrimination that prevents them from taking advantage of opportunities open to others Ex Jews during Holocaust Upper class 5 of Americans social class broadly composed of the more affluent members of society especially those who have inherited wealth own businesses or hold large numbers of stocks Upper middle class highly educated
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