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Ethnicity and Race Each theory focuses on a different dimension of development o Cognition o Personality development o Self awareness Socialization taught rules and norms of society based on race ethnicity gender and sex Begins with families first agent of socialization o Name indicative of sex Name go from women to male never go back name loses value Ex Taylor Chris Jordan Alex Jesse Pat Tyler Jamie Frankie And little by little gender treat differently Ethnicity culture value ideas religion language music Dress Girls bows Sounds different based on sex o Cultural groups traits o Origin o Common history o Overlap with other ethnicities Hispanic Migrate from Latin American countries Latin American Latin derived languages o Ex Haiti Brazil Race physical traits deemed important by society o Height color body shape o Racial groups is a cultural group o Many overlap with other races Caucasians transferred from generation to generation o Where are they from Undefined Race and ethnicity very confusing vague arbitrary relative social constructs based on what society deems important changes from generation to generation and place to place o Learn as we become socialized into a culture o Irish had experiences upward mobility in ethnic value o Varies from culture to culture o African Americans Descendent of Africans But white people can be descendants of people from Egypt o In some situations we are conscious of race and ethnicity and others we are not o Race and ethnicity are still very prominent Asked for passport But only talent matters in some situations o Effects lifestyle and life chances an education Ascribed status effects achieved status Have different opportunities to travel be promoted have a sense of belonging and receive Definitions change throughout time and space social construct Not written in stone Xenophobia fear of strangers Nativism In sociological contexts this term is used most commonly to refer to the negative ethnocentric responses of native born populations towards Sex and Gender Sex is biological organs and physiological processes for reproduction o Male and female Sex and Gender traditionally is a dichotomy o Sex and Gender must now be a continuum Sexual orientation must come into play Society tries to make gender and sex align o Gender Masculine and feminine Changes across cultures social construct that varies across space and time Ex Dress codes Women nurturing Men dominant In reality Gender roles overlap In last 30yrs trying to get rid of prescribed gender roles Look for understanding and carrying partners Gender identity does not exist in a vacuum Women are equal in theory but in practice not so much o Who s at fault Society us Not willing to give some things up Ex Chivalry Men make the first move romantically o Change has to start at home between partners Gender expectations having a family whose working whose taking care of the kids this is socialization o American families have two earners Gender Divide within each racial and ethnic group socialization varies by gender o Gender should not be a limitation Conflict theory different spheres of society different spheres are valued differently Divide labor o In home women Doesn t pay No promotion or raises Not valued o Outside home men o Women have increased expectations in the home and in the workplace Paid and this kind if work is the basis of success Double standard Home must be the priority but must still succeed in their career o Women change last name but men don t Signifies property or ownership Name changes makes it hard to follow women in studies No longitudinal studies o A female Hispanic behaves a different than African American female Within the same group there is inequality o Brought up to believe that you can do anything but expectations conflict with this premise o Socializations happens throughout life You will pass it own to you own children Women on the supreme court cause for alarm o Women don t become lawyers and judges because they have other responsibilities i e biological clock marriages o Institutions inflict expectation which you don t have to conform to Groups Group a collection of people social unit of two or more people who share a common identity and interact with each others o Ex Class o Common identity is SYG1000 spring 2013 Crowd collection of people who don t interact or have unguided interactions don t share a common identity Interaction must have a script Social category a collection of people that share a trait don t have to interact o Ex College students Classifications for groups depends on what you look at o Memberships In groups Belong Common identity creates solidarity maintain integration increase cohesion Bring people together Creates conflicts with out groups us vs them Identify as apart of a group Out groups The others The opposition everyone who doesn t belong to the group Common identity creates solidarity maintain integration Out groups commonly seen as less than Created competition o Interaction create different types groups Quality size duration intensity content Primary are defined as a typically small social group in which relationships are both personal and enduring Example is family Size Smaller in size o Can only be close to a small number of people o Too large groups greater than 6 or 7 people begin to compartmentalize feelings and grow closer to certain people o Any group larger than 10 begin to have sub groups Make rules and procedures Become more formalized Intensity All encompassing reasons why people interact emotionally connected Size Tend to be larger in size can be small Duration Long time life long Content Part of inner circle Informal lack of rules not codified Agents of socialization early in life Secondary Intensity superficial Duration Short term finite Reduced quality of interaction Very specific shared identity o Ex syllabi in classes Agent of socialization later in life Formalized so people are treated more or less the same way Are primary groups mutually exclusive or the end point of a continuum Primary groups and secondary groups are on a continuum Secondary groups can become primary groups as you get to know each other in a deeper way go beyond initial task Families and friendships can erode lose touch primary group becomes secondary group Not mutually exclusive Content of interaction frequency quality as these things change move from one group to another o Evaluation of groups Must be able to do certain things and complete certain

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