Socialization Learning how to be a human being learn culture behave Obtain a self personality knowledge about environment and social beings Can you be human if you were raised outside of society o From birth you can from someone when you die people you love will be around you Social being being human only humans define you genes don t define you Society is within us Socialization is learning to conform to the norms of society Learning culture if removed from your culture you will feel culture shock Nature vs nurture social argument is central to the study of socialization Explanations of how we become human beings realize who we are and relate successfully to over people Individual has an personality entity in itself Derived from psychology A person can t grow up in isolation Personality develops to a degree that is determined by how socialized a person is o Healthy personalities respond to others in a way that is mature stable Personality is the way we see if someone is socialized properly Socialization has biological component Mead and Cooley Both Symbolic interaction and University of Chicago Develop a self identifies you from everybody else o Learning way of life and culture Only humans have culture Mead does not address biology o Self is a combination of the I and the me patterns makes you different o Me learned from society The I is unique creative spontaneous unpredictable undetermined unexplored no Understands rules and follows them studied in sociology because it is repetitious Only part science can study o Can t predict human behavior because of the I Ex How you behave under pressure panic or calm down is unpredictable o Self developed little by little o Groups gives you identity Ex Sense of humor varies with culture o Play how we learn to get out of ourselves and put ourselves in others shoes Learn about different roles and what they mean o Children are egocentric me me me until development of generalized other o Generalized other consider different roles and different expectations society put on them o If you don t have society where would we be Cooley Freud Nature Nurture Dead or animals individuals are harmonious with society o No biological component all of personality is learned Language and gestures are social used to communicate Looking glass self the eyes of the people you interact with are your mirror o Tells you who you are you see yourself in the eyes of others without others you don t o Accommodate to what we see if we see admiration in the eyes of others we continue that know who you are behavior experiences Erikson life All personality has a biological component or id drives or instincts ex Hunger o Ex Society says you can eat but can t eat all the time 3 times a day o Ideals and values that go against biological instincts Ego mediates conflict o Result of Socialization o Individual drives versus society rules Adulthood mature because of experiences Personality is molded and is stable and able to handle o Basis is childhood If not socialized properly in childhood problems will pop up later in life Conflict between individual and society is never solved and appears in different ways throughout As you get older you experience different dilemmas 8 o ex Sacrifice freedom for children The longer we live the more difficulties we have Must face these dilemma and have an answer in order to have a fulfilling life If you don t solve dilemma then you have personal baggage because of socialization imbalances uncertainty grumpy Personality effects how you deal with dilemmas If society gives you the wrong identity nature responds life will be difficult o Biology has power Hormones affect behavior we don t respond independently of our bodies o Ex PMS situations in which adrenaline takes over As we mature we can do more things and vice versa If people treat you as something you are not you will act the way they perceive you Who we are varies with race class religion gender A child who have been raised in isolation discriminatory human contact lack socialization and o Behavior due to social forces can t perform certain developmental tasks o Doesn t know how to have sex o Hard to eve overcome disadvantages If someone tell you something negative and that s all you ever hear o Have self esteem problems o Hostile perspective of environment o Can you be lovable or love Love is a social behavior it is learned it is not a natural behavior Piaget Personality and self identity are social products Interaction is based on the use of symbols with shared meaning Without society such symbols had no meaning and we would be lacking self BIOLOGY IS NOT DESTINY Born with limitations If placed in proper environment one can overcome limitations All groups have culture Education system based on his ideas Understanding of environment is subordinate to age Oral fixation of children Learn by feelings and movement experience Children understand concrete things tangible Go beyond and understand abstractions concepts ideas things you can t see like society Symbolic interaction Crime people interaction to the point to which a person says I m going to solve a conflict in a certain way evolution Theories are abstract but make sense thus we create experiment and develop policy Development requires progression through stages How to learn in other societies Limitations only applied through schools Environmental stimuli involves how individuals are treated by others given their gender race ethnicity and other social status Similar to personality and moral development cognitive theories stress that nature conditions learning Similar to Mead and Cooley cognitive development can be promoted and enhanced by the learning environment Less industrialized societies better at society Ability to learn varies with culture gender Leaders must make moral reasoning and be responsible must mature age Cooley and Mead only ones who don t use biology to explain behavior What does it mean to be human o Understand the world and other people o Learn how to respond appropriately handle situations in a mature way and avoid being a Example Crying Hormones vs how you were raised psychopath o Still can t predict human behavior Unpredictable part of people Moral Judgment o Need to age mature need to go through biological changes to acquire experience that allow you to make moral decisions based on information gathered o Must be responsible for the consequences of those decisions o Leaders are middle aged and have had certain
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