Chapter 5 Erving Goffman 1967 1971 Civil inattention 03 20 2012 o The process whereby individuals in the same physical setting demonstrate to one another that they are aware of each other s presence Microsociology Social Interaction The study of human behavior in contexts of face to face interaction The process by which we act and react to those around us Nonverbal Communication Communication between individuals based on facial expression or bodily gesture rather than on language o The expected behaviors of people occupying particular social The World as a Stage Roles positions Status o The social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of a society Status groups normally display distinct styles of life patterns of behavior that the members of a group follow o The social identity an individual has in a given group or Social Position society Impression management Unfocused interaction o Preparing for the presentation of one s social role o Interaction occurring among people present in a particular setting but not engaged in direct face to face communication Focused Interaction o Interaction between individuals engaged in a common activity or in a direct conversation with one another o A meeting between two or more people in a situation of face Encounter to face interaction Back Region o Areas apart from front region performance as specified by Erving Goffman in which individuals are able to relax and behave informally Front Region o Setting of social activity in which people seek to put on a definite performance for others Social Context and Shared Understandings Ethnomethodology o The study of how people make sense of what others say and do in the course of day to day social interaction Social Rules and Talk Conversation Analysis o The empirical study of conversations employing techniques drawn from ethnomethodology Interactional Vandalism o The deliberate subversion of the tactic rules of conversation The physical space individuals maintain between themselves and Personal Space others Chapter 8 Systems of Stratification Social Stratification 03 20 2012 o The existence of structured inequalities between groups in society in terms of their access to material or symbolic rewards Structured Inequalities o Social inequalities that result from patterns in the social structure Three Characteristics of Stratification Systems o The rankings apply to social categories of people who share a common characteristic without necessarily interacting or identifying with each other o People s life experiences and opportunities depend on the ranking of their social category o The ranks of different social categories change very slowly over time Slavery Caste System Class o A form of social stratification in which some people are literally owned by others as their property o A social system in which one s social status is given for life o Most sociologists use the term to refer to socioeconomic variations between groups of individuals that create variations in their material prosperity and power o Four Characteristics of a Class System Class systems are fluid Class positions are in some part achieved Class is economically based Class systems are large scale and impersonal Life Chances o A term introduced by Max Weber to signify a person s opportunities for achieving economic prosperity Classes in Western Societies Today Income o Payment usually derived from wages salaries or investments Wealth group Education o Money and material possessions held by an individual or o The real indicator of social class argued by scholars o An important dimension of social stratification o The value of a college education has increased o One of the strongest predictors of occupation income and wealth later in life Occupation prestigious they are Upper Class o An important indicator of social standing in terms of how o A social class broadly composed of the more affluent members of society especially those who have inherited wealth own businesses or hold large numbers of stocks shares Middle Class o A social class composed broadly of those working in white collar and lower managerial occupations Working Class Lower Class o A social class broadly composed of people working in blue collar or manual occupations o A social class comprised of those who work part time or not at all and whose household income is typically lower than 30 000 a year Underclass o A class of individuals situated at the bottom of the class system normally composed of people from ethnic minority backgrounds Inequality in the United States a Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor Inequality in the US o During the past quarter century the rich have gotten much richer middle class incomes have stagnated and the poor have grown in number and are poorer than they have been since the 60s o Corporate Executives vs Workers o Minorities vs White Americans o Single Parent Families vs Married Couple Families Social Mobility Social Mobility o Movement of individuals or groups between different social positions Intragenerational Mobility o Movement up or down in a social stratification hierarchy within the course of a personal career Intergenerational Mobility o Movement up or down a social stratification hierarchy from one generation to another Poverty in the United States Absolute Poverty existence Relative Poverty o The minimal requirements necessary to sustain a healthy o Poverty defined according to the living standards of the majority in any given society Poverty Line o An official government measure to define those living in poverty in the United States Working Poor o People who work but whose earnings are not enough to lift them above the poverty line Feminization of Poverty o An increase in the proportion of the poor who are female Social Exclusion Homeless o People who have no place to sleep and either stay in free shelters or sleep in public places not meant for habitation Chapter 9 03 20 2012 Global Inequality Differences among Countries Globalization o The development of social and economic relationships stretching worldwide Global Inequality countries High Income Countries o The systematic differences in wealth and power between o Generally those that industrialized first Middle Income Countries o Primarily found in East and Southeast Asia and also include oil rich countries of the Middle East and North Africa and Mexico Central America Cuba and other countries in the Caribbean and South America Low Income Countries o
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