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Chapter Eight The Structure of Inequality members of society categorized and divided into groups then placed into hierarchy gender race class age etc Social Stratification and Social Inequality social stratification the division of society into group arranged in a social hierarchy social inequality the unequal distribution of wealth power or prestige among members of society characteristic of society rather than reflection of individual differences persists over generations different societies use different criteria for ranking members of society maintained through beliefs that are widely shared by members of society four principles of social stratification aren t paid for their labor and are forced to work under mental or physical threat are treated Slavery slavery the most extreme form of social stratification based on the legal ownership of people like commodities and have none of the rights common to free members of the same societies sometimes race nationality or religion of slave owners was same as slaves Greece and Rome historically could become enslaved in several ways as an economic system was profitable for slave owner some were slaves for life and their children were slaves some were able to buy back their freedom prohibited by every nation in the world declared by Declaration of Human Rights however still continues in form of child slavery serfdom forced and bonded laborers human trafficking and sex slaves debt if you couldn t pay what you owed you became slave to the creditor prisoners of war defeated soldiers or women and children of opposing side could be taken committing a crime and slavery was means of compensating the victim some slaves captured and kidnapped estimated 25 million people in slavery today born into a certain stratum differentiated along religious economic political lines skin color Caste caste system a form of social stratification in which status is determined by one s family history and background and cannot be changed and or other physical characteristics creates a highly stratified society no chance of a person changing his her position no matter what they may achieve individually and must marry into their group higher castes more prosperous lower castes have fewer resources may live in poverty and may suffer discrimination Hindu beliefs and karma membership in a caste is a well deserved reward or punishment for create great disparity among those in the different strata of society behavior in a past life apartheid the system of segregation of racial and ethnic group that was legal in South Africa between 1948 and 1991 S A classified into 4 main racial groups white English and dutch Indian from India colored mixed race and black were socially and geographically separated from one another under these systems whites held all political economic and social power black was majority 60 of the population Social Class social class a system of stratification based on access to resources such as wealth property power and prestige social class system often used interchangeably with class much less rigid than the caste system can move up or down levels in the strata also referred to as socioeconomic status SES a measure of an individual s place within a can be an overlap between race ethnicity gender age and SES Social Classes in the United States upper middle and lower class though middle class can also be broken into upper middle and lower The Upper Class upper class a largely self sustaining group of the wealthiest people in a class system in the United States they constitute about 1 percent of the population and possess most of the wealth of the country positions of power in government or philanthropy ranks elites who have gained membership in various ways old money vs new money earn excess of 250K per year and are often highly educated cultured and influential tend to attend private schools prestigious universities display distinctive lifestyle seek largely self sustaining with most members remaining stable and few new members to join The Upper Middle Class upper middle class mostly professionals and managers who enjoy considerable financial stability constitute about 14 of the U S population tends to be well educated college or post graduate degrees and highly skilled work primarily in executive managerial and professional jobs feel some financial stability and own their own homes possibly a second as well generally depend on income from salaried work upward of 89 150K per year most likely to The Middle Class middle class composed primarily of white collar workers with a broad range of incomes they constitute about 30 of the U S population some believe this is less due to corporate downsizing and outsourcing of work in foreign white collar a description characterizing workers and skilled laborers in a technical and lower countries many have moved up or down middle class range composes primarily white collar workers management jobs earning 55 88K per year most have high school education and 2 or 4 year college degree traditionally been homeowners but not all can afford one The Working Lower Middle Class working class lower middle class mostly blue collar or service industry workers who are less likely to have a college degree they constitute about 30 of the U S population typically have a high school education and generally work blue collar jobs as well as in service industry and employees have little control in the workplace earn between 23 54K per year blue collar a description characterizing workers who perform manual labor work is routine small portion especially those in unions may earn above average incomes for this class typically have low net worth and live in rental housing or a modest home long saved for The Working Poor and Underclass working poor poorly educated workers who work full time but remain below the poverty line they constitute about 20 of the U S population most members generally not well educated high school dropouts and experience lower levels of literacy than other classes may lack other work skills valuable in the job market jobs include unskilled temporary and seasonal jobs minimum wage jobs housekeeping day labor and migrant agricultural work however suffers high rates of unemployment and underemployment with members receiving welfare subsidies underclass the poorest Americans who are chronically unemployed and may depend on public or private assistance they constitute about 5 of the U S population earn less than 7 5K

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FSU SYG 1000 - The Structure of Inequality

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