HUN 1201 Study guide for Exam 2 Due Before Exam on March 6 2013 Please handwrite your answers This study guide is worth 0 5 increase in total weighted grade In order to receive full credit the entire study guide must be completed The material can be found in chapters 3 7 corresponding textbook pages listed in course syllabus Chapter 3 1 What is the difference between hunger and appetite Hunger physiological drive for food Appetite psychological desire to consume specific foods 2 What is the order of organs in the digestive tract beginning with the mouth Mouth esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine 3 Define the following AND where they occur a Peristalsis the muscular contractions that move food through the gi tract b Segmentation a unique pattern of motility c Haustration the mixing of feces to expose it to the surface of intestine to absorb water Sac like structures 4 What are the components of gastric juice What role does each play 5 What is the function of bicarbonate secreted in the stomach and pancreas individually HCL denatures protein and activates pepsin Pepsin enzyme that digests protein Lipase digests fat Intrinsic protein absorbs b12 vitamins Stomach neutralizes acid Pancreas neutralizes chyme 6 What is bolus and chyme Bolus food that is chewed and moistened in the mouth Chyme liquid product of mechanical and chemical digestion in the stomach 7 What are the 3 sections of the small intestine a Duodenum jejunum ileum 8 What are the major functions of the large intestine a Store undigested food material and absorb water short chain fatty acids and electrolytes 9 List the digestive enzymes and hormones of the gastrointestinal tract GIT and their functions a Hormones i Gastrin secreted by stomach lining cells that stimulate gastric juice ii Insulin and glucagon regulate blood glucose levels 10 List 3 accessory organs and their role in digestion Gallbladder stores bile a greenish fluid produced by the liver Pancreas manufactures holds and secretes digestive enzymes Liver receives the products of digestion via the portal vein releases glucose from glycogen stores Chapter 4 Study Guide 1 What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates Know examples and sources of each a Simple contains one or two molecules monosaccharides and disaccharides Sugar b Complex contains 3 or more molecules oligosaccharides starch glycogen fibers 2 What is the difference between starch and glycogen Starch plants store carbohydrates as starch Glycogen storage form of glucose for animals 3 What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fibers Soluble dissolve in water viscous and gel form Pectin gum mucilage fruit Insoluble does not dissolve in water good for bowel movements whole grains legumes seeds 4 Where does carbohydrate digestion occur Which enzymes breakdown carbohydrates and where in the GIT a Digestion begins in the mouth Salivary amylase is the enzyme that breaks it down to maltose b Mostly happens in the small intestine with pancreatic amylase 5 What happens to excess carbohydrates in the body a Excess carbs are turned into glucose then into glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles 6 Which hormones regulate the blood glucose levels Role of each of these in the regulation of blood glucose a Insulin decreases blood glucose b Glycogen increases blood glucose 7 Define ketosis ketoacidosis and gluconeogenesis a Ketosis alternative source of fuel for the brain b Ketoacidosis excess ketosis causes a decrease in ph levels in the body c Gluconeogenisis occurs when a diet is deficient in carbs The body then creates glucose from proteins which takes much more energy to do 8 What are some health benefits of fiber a Good for poop b Helps prevent colon cancer c Prevents diverticulosis 9 What are the dietary recommendations for carbohydrates and fiber a Carbohydrates 130 g day 45 65 of daily calories b Fiber at least 25 g day for women 38 g day for men 10 Differentiate between types 1 and type 2 diabetes a Type 1 body does not produce enough insulin Causes hyperglycemia b Type 2 cells become less responsive to insulin 11 Define lactose intolerance a Insufficient enzyme lactase to digest the lactose containing foods Chapter 5 Study Guide 1 What are the 3 types of lipids found in food and our bodies a Triglycerides b Phospholipids c Sterols 2 Explain the different classifications of fatty acids a Saturated fatty acids have hydrogen atoms surrounding every carbon b Monounsaturated fatty acids lack one hydrogen and have one double bond c Polyunsaturated fatty acids have more than one double bond 3 Define saturated and unsaturated fatty acids What is the effect of consuming foods high in each of these on disease risk a Saturated fatty acids pack tightly together Solid at room temp Butter animal fats lard b Unsaturated fatty acids does not stack well More liquid at room temp 4 What is hydrogenation a Hydrogen atoms are added to unsaturated fatty acids to get rid of the double bonds i Makes oils more solid and more saturated Creates trans fatty acids 5 What are the 2 types of EFAs What are some dietary sources of each a Omega 6 fatty acids found in vegetable and nut oils safflower sunflower corn soy and peanut oil b Omega 4 fatty acids found in vegetables soy flaxseeds and flaxseed oil 6 Describe phospholipids What are some of their functions in the body a Consists of a Glycerol backbone two fatty acids and a phosphate group It transports substances in and out of the cell 7 Describe sterols What are some of their functions in the body a Contains multiple rings of carbon atoms Found in both plant and animal foods and are produced in the body They are primarily found in fatty parts of animal products butter egg yolks 8 Where does fat digestion occur Explain the process of fat digestion a It begins in the small intestine CCK and secriten are released from the gallbladder and turn fat into lecithin Then pancreatic enzymes break fat into fatty acids 9 Define the following and know where they are produced and their role in lipid transport a Micelles transport lipids to enterocytes b Chylomicrons lipoproteins produced in enterocytes to transport lipids from a meal c VLDLs a lipoprotein that transports triglycerides d LDLs a lipoprotein that delivers cholesterol to cells e HDLs pick up cholesterol from dying cells and transfer it to other lipoproteins 10 What are the dietary recommendations for fat a 20 35 of calories 11 Define cardiovascular disease what are the risk factors and
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