Alternatives to Bureaucracies Humanize organization workers are given a say so in the policy making Address gender issues promotion of women in accordance to skills Japanese Model o Connection to socialization Gender taught by family schools and economic institutions Employment distinctions are made by gender McDonaldization Exaggeration of Bureaucracies Fast food companies are examples o Detailed management 1 Efficiency 2 Calculability quantification of production elements 3 Predictability standard production 4 Control monitoring of workers and customers A way to evaluate the consistency of a model o No matter where you go everything is the same Train customers and workers both know exactly what to expect Serve the most amount of people with the least amount of resources o Ex Frequently asked questions on University websites Standardized procedures predictability is high o Ex Entertainment all amusement parks are the same expectations are upheld o Automated phone systems The Goal is to control you All groups go through Mcdonaldization except families o Not concerned with efficiency parents say the same things over and over o Predictability families only have goals for their members but can t guarantee behaviors o Parents want to control children but can t o Has been able to escape tendencies toward bureaucracy like other organizations Families Social institution a combinations of social patterns of behaviors and practices to fulfill a basic need Family s goal is to survive by having children Families are universal found in all around the world and in every society Families as a Primary Group families are emotional ties and intense and prolonged interactions In charge of raising and bearing children unit of several members that have common identity norms and have a distinct status Family is the unit of society that tell people who they can have sex with regulates sexual conduct Children belong to a couple In some cultures children belong to the community Children belong to Native American tribes Families are the unit that cares for children economically morally and emotionally Families have very strict expectations that depend on hierarchy and status o Hierarchy with in the family there limitations on children rights because they are physically and mentally limited o Family is the last place to find equality Family dynamics teach conformity consequences of violating the rules In families children learn manners A family unit o 2 or more people o Related by blood adoption or marriage o Live in the same place o Care for each other o Official definition by the US government proven by documents Conjugal legal marriage Marriage certificate Same sex marriage Everyone is born into a small group family of orientation care and tax benefits are examples o Family orientation Guide you through first years of life And teaches norms Socialization Question of equality not morality Gays want the same rights that are afforded to heterosexual couples health As you get older become independence for parents Erikson o Loose independence by committing yourself to someone else through marriage o Test waters through cohabitations not recognized by US government because doesn t have document to legalize the commitment Don t share common identity Family of procreation o One you create o Is a groups because it has a common identity o Can start by having children first instead of marriage coming first Single parent families and cohabitation are dyads so they are less stable Nuclear family parents and offspring o The more people brought into the family the dynamics of the family changes Divorce o Tend to remarry Americans love to be in groups Blended Family step family o Result of divorce and remarriage Extended family most common type of family world wide o Beyond the nuclear o A family group consisting of more than two generations of the same kinship line living either within the same household or more usually in the west very close to one another Nuclear family most common in the U S o But different economic organizations contribute to the presence of extended parents Primary groups of the family have different forms o Dynamics change as family change different size of groups Conformity Responsibility Obedience The presence of different forms of family changes by change race age religion culture time religion Family socialization is not the same for everyone 67 72 of families at nuclear at some point o Families are flexible Traditional family o Parents stay together o Men breadwinner mom care for family in the home o Picture not everyone s reality Only a particular social class ethnic group experienced this form of family not the o Most common form of family across time and space are polygamous families multiple majority wives Single Parent raise children o Liberal Blue States o Usually Headed by females the law looks at women as having an innate characteristic to Type of family varies in accordance to race education and economic conditions Equality between men and women Postpone marriage because it s for personal fulfillment not economic need o Conservative Red States Life cycle is standard marriage sex then children Moral version of the family Stricter view of family but have higher divorce rates non marital children and violence Attitudes and behavior often have nothing to do with each other Family authority o From the father o Gives identity to everyone o Patriarchy is universal Residence o Move away o Patrilocal married couple lives near or with the husband s family o Matrilocal married couple lives near or with the wife s family o Neolocal separates from both families common in the US Marriage divorce o In the US people can only have one partner at a time monogamy o Serial monogamy individuals engage in sequential monogamous pairings because of o People marry those who share the same characteristic endogamy marry within the same group Same goals experiences ethnicity Have to have something in common o Exogamy marrying those who are different Not the majority but happens as business arrangement marriages in monarchies o Family has variation and different dynamics Variations in family patterns Flexibility As a primary group family members share many aspects of themselves so creativity and adjustment are needed to function properly come up with new forms of family Ex Minorities teach children that every thing isn t going to be equal but you have someone who loves you
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