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SYG 1000 FINAL STUDY GUIDE Be able to apply the major theoretical perspectives to each topic Structural functionalist focus on consensus and cooperative interaction in social life emphasizing how different elements that make up a society s structure contribute to its overall operation Focus on cooperative interaction in social life emphasizing how different elements that make up a society s structure contribute to its overall operation Focus on how society creates and maintains stability Society is a complex system of many interrelated parts families schools economy that work together to produce social stability Conflict focus on issues of contention power and inequality highlighting the competition for scarce resources People compete for scarce resources which brings different groups to conflict power struggles inequality Symbolic Interactionist focus on how people use shared symbols and construct society as a result of their everyday interactions We develop a sense of self through interactions with others through language words and symbols to create and maintain social reality Understand who they are and role in society definitions How do sociologists define family Two or more people related to either by birth or through social commitment who share resources care for any dependence and often maintain a close emotional relationship key social institution Know the functions of the family Social stability link kinships together micro bond between individual and relatives macro create intricate social networks including extended family older generations Material aid pull together resources to provide produce family necessities Descent and inheritance o D The way people trace kinship over multiple generations o I The rules regarding the reallocation of property within a family after someone dies Care and socialization of dependents mostly children and elderly Sexual regulation teach what sexual acts are socially acceptable Emotional comfort expected to provide comfort and love How might a structural functionalist view the family They emphasize a variety of tasks that are carried out by families tell us that shared values continue to tell us how to raise children and maintain family life despite recent cultural changes The influences of patriarchy second shift physical violence partner and child abuse Patriarchy male dominance through social institutions and culture Second shift the phenomenon of employed women still having primary responsibility for housework and childcare With a man in charge women are more likely to work in this time and have primary care of the children and housework Male dominance could lead to physical or domestic violence Their children are likely to witness and pass it on as a male dominant household Characteristics of household division of labor especially among dual earner families The specialization in various house hold tasks divide chores equally Typically men do the dirty work taking out the trash mowing the lawn etc and the women do the indoor jobs doing dishes mopping etc Impact of Industrialization on family types and family size Families are getting smaller more mouths to feed Extended families are less common more people can afford small houses Open mate selection is growing freedom in choosing partner Women are waiting longer to get married get education work longer People spend fewer years of their lives being married divorce rates Parenting and the central responsibility of the family children as public good from this perspective how is good parenting defined Good parenting would be both parents living together under the same roof The father typically provides and the mother cares for her children cooking cleaning etc Socialization of children Children are socialized through their parents and their peers In society religion is becoming less important so it is likely for a child to grow up not going to church regularly What is the observed pattern of median age at first marriage The age at first marriage has risen from historic lows in the 1950s to historical highs today Much more common among college grads than others People tend to marry in the same class educational backgrounds Current divorce rates and overall pattern factors reasons noted for increase in divorce A variety in legal and cultural changes Limited legal restrictions in the past not now Introduction of no fault divorces More importance on person happiness Modern remarriage patterns in the US Problems associated with single parenting what type of policy solutions are promoted Financial support School based social programs Affordable housing Universal healthcare Hull article competing theories about changing landscape of marriage Transformation theory and pure relationships Pure love is based on the idea that both partners stay in the relationship as long as they are satisfied enough to stick around This type of relationship is built on trust gained from intense communication What is religion Why do sociologists study religion Religion a unified system of beliefs and ritual practices relating to the sacred that bond people into a moral community To understand the role it plays in social life The impact if religion in social life comes from some people believing in the truth of their faiths and adjusting their behavior accordingly What purpose does religion serve according to Peter Berger It s primarily an effort to create a meaningful reality in which to live To make sense of our existence and provides order Protects humans from danger sacred canopy Liberation theology social injustice A form of Christian belief dedicated to combating poverty and other forms of Understand Durkheim s description of everyday life as profane while what is sacred is set apart and defined as extraordinary The most important belief of any religion is that the world can be divided into sacred and profane Sacred something extraordinary to be treated respectfully with reverence and awe texts idols gestures objects holy water bible set apart from profane Profane the ordinary world of everyday life How did Emile Durkheim define religion What are the required elements Religion a unified system of beliefs and ritual practices relating to the sacred that bond people into a moral community A set of core beliefs A set of ritual practices A community of adherents According to Durkheim what are the three societal functions of religion Social solidarity develop social bonds through religion Social control helps

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