MASON ECE 448 - Introduction to Experiment 6

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Introduction to Experiment 6 Internal FPGA Memories Pseudo Random Number Generator Advanced Testbenches ECE 448 Spring 2009 Sources Lecture 14 Xilinx FPGA Memories Lecture 11 Advanced Testbenches P Chu FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples Chapter 11 Xilinx Spartan 3 Specific Memory Sundar Rajan Essential VHDL RTL Synthesis Done Right Chapter 14 starting from Design Verification handout distributed in class ECE 448 FPGA and ASIC Design with VHDL 2 Sources XAPP463 Using Block RAM in Spartan 3 Generation FPGAs Google search XAPP463 XAPP464 Using Look Up Tables as Distributed RAM in Spartan 3 Generation FPGAs Google search XAPP464 XST User Guide Section Coding Techniques Google search XST User Guide PDF http www xilinx com itp xilinx4 data docs xst hdlcode html HTML ISE In Depth Tutorial Section Creating a CORE Generator Module Google search ISE In Depth Tutorial ECE 448 FPGA and ASIC Design with VHDL 3 joystick from CONTROL CURRENT ADDRES Curr Addr INPUT INTERFACE PRNG Addr RAM CONTROL Din Dout Curr Addr OUTPUT INTERFACE Two 7 segment 8 LEDs displays SORTING EDIT from CONTROL Task 1 Browsing Mode 8 LEDs in binary notation Current Address Joystick up Increment Address Joystick down Decrement Address Address Data 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 01 02 03 04 05 FA FB FC FD FE FF FA FB FC FD FE FF 256x8 RAM Value at Current Address Two 7 Segment Displays in hexadecimal notation Task 2 Edit Mode 8 LEDs in binary notation Current Address Joystick up Increment Address Joystick down Decrement Address Address 00 01 02 03 04 05 FA FB FC FD FE FF Data 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 FA FB FC FD FE FF 256x8 RAM Value at Current Address Two 7 Segment Displays in hexadecimal notation Joystick Enter Edit Joystick up Increment Data Joystick down Decrement Data Joystick Enter Approve Task 3 Initialize Joystick Enter Initialize with Pseudorandom Values Address Data 00 25 01 02 03 04 05 87 94 26 B5 C6 FA FB FC FD FE FF 7A 5B 34 43 89 78 256x8 RAM Pseudo Random Number Generator PRNG A pseudorandom number generator PRNG is an algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers that approximates the properties of random numbers The sequence is not truly random in that it is completely determined by a relatively small set of initial values A PRNG can be started from an arbitrary starting state using a seed state It will always produce the same sequence thereafter when initialized with that state The maximum length of the sequence before it begins to repeat is determined by the size of the state measured in bits PRNG Circuit can be constructed from a Linear Feedback Shift Register LFSR circuit from http en wikipedia org wiki PRNG Linear Feedback Shift Register LFSR A linear feedback shift register LFSR is a shift register whose input bit is a linear function of its previous state The only linear functions of single bits are xor and inverse xor thus it is a shift register whose input bit is driven by the exclusive or xor of some bits of the overall shift register value from http en wikipedia org wiki LFSR 8 bit LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register with the period of 28 1 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 8 R D flip flop with set or reset determining its initial value after soft reset Run for 8 clock cycles before using a new output value R0 Task 4 Sorting Joystick Enter sorting using one of the following types sorting signed numbers in the descending order sorting signed numbers in the ascending order sorting unsigned numbers in the descending order sorting unsigned numbers in the ascending order Joystick Up changing sorting type Address Data 00 25 01 02 03 04 05 37 44 56 57 78 FA FB FC FD FE FF B4 B6 B8 CC D4 FF 256x8 RAM Task 5 Advanced Testbench Processes Generating Input Stimuli Process Comparing Actual Outputs vs Expected Outputs Design Under Test DUT Yes No Testvector file s Design Correct Incorrect Task 5 Format of an input file 6 B4 89 A3 58 61 78 number of entries to be sorted in decimal empty line numbers to be sorted in the initial order in the hexadecimal notation one number per line empty line 58 61 78 89 A3 B4 numbers after sorting in the hexadecimal notation one number per line Task 6 Different Memory Types Memory Distributed MLUT based Block RAM based BRAM based Memory Inferred Manually Using Core Generator Task 7 Dual port Memory Replace Single Port RAM with Dual Port RAM and redesign Sorting Logic accordingly Calculate the gain in terms of average execution time smaller resource utilization Introduction to Core Generator Hands on Session

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MASON ECE 448 - Introduction to Experiment 6

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