ECE 448 Spring 11 Lab 3 Part 1 Sequential Logic for Synthesis Agenda for today Introduction Why are we here Part 1 Pseudorandom Random Number Generators Part 2 Debouncing Circuit Part 3 Rising Edge Detector Part 4 Counter Part 5 Clock Divider Part 6 Basys II Part 7 FPGA Design Flow based on Aldec Active HDL Introduction Purpose Test basic circuits on the Basys II Counter Debouncing circuit Rising edge detector Introduction to Pseudo Random Number Generator PRNG Introduction to FPGA Design Flow based on Aldec Active HDL Debouncer test 7 Seg Display Unit clk 1k zeros 7 4 sw 3 0 15 8 7 0 8 8 rst i button 2 step i button 2 Generic n 8 data o Counter button 1 rst i step i 8 Generic n 8 rst i button 0 DEBOUNCER RED en i clk i RED en i Counter clk i clk 50M Notation RED Rising Edge Detector data o Top level Circuit for Lab 3 7 Seg Display Unit clk 1k 15 8 8 rst i button 2 Generic n 8 7 0 button 2 rst i data o data o PRNG rst i button 0 DEBOUNCER 8 RED en i Counter clk i en i clk i clk 50M Notation RED Rising Edge Detector Part 1 Pseudo Random Number Generator PRNG Also known as Deterministic Random Bit Generator DRBG Generates a sequence of numbers that approximates the properties of random numbers The sequence is fully deterministic i e it can be repeated based on an initial state of PRNG The period of the sequence may be made very large typically 2n 1 where n is an internal state size PRNG Random Numbers are often important Testing of VLSI circuits Cryptography Monte Carlo simulations Noise addition Bit error detection and many other applications PRNG Block Diagram of Lab 3 PRNG Inputs of XOR gates Three Initialization Options Option 1 required Initialization to ALL ONES using the signal SET common to all shift registers connected to rst i Option 2 required Initialization to ALL ONES by shifting 1 to all shift registers for 6 clock cycles after reset Option 3 bonus Initialization to arbitrary value by shifting in internal state serially using special input sin one bit per clock cycle PRNG Test Vectors Clock Cycle Output Clock Cycle Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FF 74 BD 67 EA AE 4E 5B 6A 62 D9 31 87 38 95 19 5c CE 7E 52 Part 2 Debouncing Circuit Debouncer Capacitance in the button and contacts bouncing causes spurs that cause false positives A debouncing circuit removes these spurs Debouncer When the first change is detected we ignore all subsequent changes for some period of time preferably until all of the bouncing would have occurred This is usually on the order of ms Debouncer reset output input Debouncer clk Debouncer Part 3 Rising Edge Detector Rising Edge Detector Rising Edge Detector Turn a step function into an impulse Allows a step to run a circuit for only one clock cycle Can also be used to cross clock domains Rising Edge Detector rising edge detector data i data o clk i clk i data i data o Part 4 Counter Counter Count whenever enable signal is high Synchronous reset Data out is valid after one clock cycle Increment step size is configurable Why use a generic Generics make circuits reusable Counter n data o rst i step i n Generic n en i Counter clk i Counter n step i rst i n 1 n data o Register 0 n en i clk i Part 5 Clock Divider Clock Divider Clock Divider 1 rst i en i n n Counter step i data o c en clk o clk i Part 6 Basys II Basys II Basys II Expansion ports VGA connector 7 Segment Displays 4 ON OFF Switch Switches 8 LEDs 8 Buttons 4 Basys 2 I O Circuits Seven Segment Display By lighting different combinations of LEDs different figures appear For Instance CA CB CC make 7 Common anode means that writing a 0 to CADP illuminates the led where a 1 turns it off Seven Segment Display SSRegCtrl has a 16 bit input that is divided into four 4bit digits AN 0 3 select which 7 segment display to output to Digilent recommends a digit period of between 1kHz and 60Hz Part 7 FPGA Design Flow based on Aldec Active HDL FPGA Design process 1 Design and implement a simple unit permitting to speed up encryption with RC5 similar cipher with fixed key set on 8031 microcontroller Unlike in the experiment 5 this time your unit has to be able to perform an encryption algorithm by itself executing 32 rounds Specification Lab Assignments On paper hardware design Block diagram ASM chart VHDL description Your Source Files Library IEEE use ieee std logic 1164 all use ieee std logic unsigned all Functional simulation entity RC5 core is port clock reset encr decr in std logic data input in std logic vector 31 downto 0 data output out std logic vector 31 downto 0 out full in std logic key input in std logic vector 31 downto 0 key read out std logic end AES core Synthesis Post synthesis simulation FPGA Design process 2 Implementation Timing simulation Configuration On chip testing Design Process control from Active HDL
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