MASON ECE 448 - Midterm Exam

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Midterm Exam ECE 448 Spring 2008 Tuesday Section 15 points Instructions Zip all your deliverables into an archive last name zip and submit it through WebCT no later than Tuesday March 4 10 00 PM EST Introduction Design a system that performs a bit serial multiplication of two 4 bit unsigned numbers The algorithm begins when the input START is set to a 1 When the algorithm is complete a DONE signal goes high indicating the completion of the multiplication The pseudocode for the multiplication algorithm is shown below A Reg A IN B Reg 0 For i in 0 to 7 loop If I 4 B Reg B Reg 2 0 B IN i Least significant bit first Else B Reg B Reg 2 0 0 For j in 3 downto 0 loop If j 3 Sum j A Reg j and B Reg j xor Previous Carry j Carry j A Reg j and B Reg j and Previous Carry j Previous Carry j Carry j Else Sum j A Reg j and B Reg j xor Previous Carry j xor Sum j 1 Carry j Majority A Reg j and B Reg j Previous Carry j Sum j 1 Previous Carry j Carry j End if End loop End loop The interface circuit is shown below CLOCK RESET A IN 4 Multiply RESULT B IN DONE START Signal Name CLOCK RESET A IN B IN Type Size Function Input Input Input Input 1 1 4 1 START RESULT Input 1 Output 1 DONE Output 1 20 ns 50 duty cycle clock Reset signal Multiplicand A parallel input Multiplier B serial input starting from LSB and ending with MSB Starts the computation algorithm high for one clock cycle Serial output of result starting with LSB and ending with MSB Signals the end of computation The execution unit for the circuit is shown below Note that all inputs that are in capital letters are external inputs Inputs that are written with lowercase letters are inputs from a control unit The timing waveforms for two successive computations are shown below Design Requirements The combinational portion of the circuit should be described using the dataflow VHDL code and the sequential portion of the circuit should be described using the synthesizable behavioral code Your code should infer a circuit that requires a minimum amount of FPGA resources Tasks Perform the following tasks 1 Write a VHDL code of the execution unit of the described above circuit shown in the block diagram above 2 Write a testbench verifying the operation of your execution unit 3 Perform functional simulation of your circuit and use it to debug your VHDL code 4 Design a control unit of your circuit If you do not know how to do it go to Step 6 5 Write a testbench verifying the operation of your entire code 6 Synthesize your circuit and save the RTL schematic 7 Implement your circuit 8 Perform timing simulations of your circuit 9 Run the static timing analysis of your circuit 10 Based on the circuit block diagram and the implementation reports determine the most critical path in your circuit and its length Deliverables 1 VHDL code of your entire circuit fulfilling the requirements specified in the Design Requirements section above 2 VHDL code of your testbenches 3 RTL schematic of your circuit 4 Timing waveforms from the functional simulation demonstrating the correct operation of your circuit 5 Description of the critical path in your circuit 6 Timing waveforms from the timing simulation demonstrating the delay of the circuit most critical path 7 FPGA resource utilization 8 Minimum clock period of your circuit

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MASON ECE 448 - Midterm Exam

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