Study Guide for Exam 2 Chapter 5 Physical Growth Know the main factors that affect physical growth o Heredity o Nutrition o Infectious disease o Emotional well being o Differences What gender differences and similarities exist in relation to physical growth Growth spurts girls 10 12 boys 12 14 Fat and muscle composition muscle increase 150 more in boys Gross motor skills in childhood there are little to no differences but in adolescence boys develop more strength speed and endurance Social more athletic pressure on boys Understand the basics of brain neuron growth as well as related terms ex the different lobes o Frontal cortex the front part of the cortex assists in planning self control and self regulation lateralization pruning etc immature in a new born o Cortex the crinkled outer layer of the brain o Auditory hearing is acute at birth o Visual vision is the least mature at birth since there is nothing to see while in the womb o Cerebral cortex largest most complex part unique to humans 85 of brain s weight greatest number of neurons and synapses last brain structure to stop growing most susceptible to environmental influence o synaptic pruning neurons that don t form a connection will die off we re born with 100 200 billion if they aren t needed for an experience they will die off 40 are pruned o Lateralization brain is split into two hemispheres by the corpus callosum Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Controls right side of body Verbal abilities Positive emotion Sequential analytical processing Controls left side of the body Spatial abilities Negative emotion Holistic processing What is the difference between experience expectant and experience dependent brain growth o Experience expectant growth ordinary experiences expected by brain to grow normally o Experience dependent growth additional growth as a result of a specific learning experience Ex bilingual households playing instrument reading to child before bed In the Factors Affecting Physical Growth section focus on nutrition over infectious disease and emotional well being o Maramus wasting condition when mom s diet is too low in nutrients and child does not get enough breast milk or bottle milk o Kwashiorkor unbalanced diet with low protein large bellies because too many calories are obtained through starches and not enough protein o Iron deficiency anemia unbalanced diet with low iron Low iron levels cause CNS issues including lack of attention withdrawal and Know the difference between primary and secondary sexual characteristics listlessness o Primary reproductive organs Females uterus ovaries vagina Males penis scrotum testes o Secondary visible features outside of the body that serve as signs of maturity Females breasts underarm pubic hair Males voice change facial underarm and pubic hair Know the effects of early vs late puberty o Early Maturation Girls unpopular low confidence withdrawn deviant negative body image Boys popular confident independent positive body image o Late Maturation Girls popular sociable school leaders positive body image Boys unpopular anxious talkative attention seeking negative body image How is the adolescent brain different than an adult brain o In adolescence neurons become more responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters as a result adolescents react more strongly to stressful events and also experience pleasurable stimuli more intensely changes that probably contribute to teenagers drive for novel experiences including drug taking Know the main differences between anorexia and bulimia nervosa o Anorexia Starving one s self because of a compulsive fear of getting fat have distorted body o Bulimia strict diet and exercise binge and purge feel depressed or guilty about eating habits image and want help Understand the main points from my additional slides on autism o No known cause No known cure for autism o Most effective treatment Applied Behavior Analysis ABA Operant conditioning related treatment positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior Chapter 6 Cognitive Development Piaget Core Knowledge and Vygostsky Know the four stages of Piagetian cognitive development and relevant terms o Sensorimotor Stage Birth to 2 years Think building schemes with their eyes ears hands and other sensorimotor equipment Can t yet carry out many activities mentally Object Permanence understanding that objects continue to exist when out of sight Incomplete at first A not B search error Still search for it at the first hiding place Mental Representations Categorization helps infants make sense of experience Habituation recovery Internal mental depictions of information o Preoperational stage 2 to 7 years Big increase in mental representation Characteristics Dual representation Ex plastic toy food toy AND food drawing spatial symbols language Egocentrism and animistic thinking Egocentrism inability to distinguish the symbolic thinking of others from own Animistic Tendency to attribute thoughts feelings and emotions to inanimate objects Usually use motion as a cue to something being alive Lying is an indication that the child is becoming less egocentric Centration is the focusing or centering of attention on one characteristic to the exclusion of all others Irreversibility the idea that nothing can be undone Have difficulty classifying into classes and subclasses depending on similarities and differences o Concrete Operational stage 7 to 11 years More logical flexible organized Conservation Can be perceived and tell you why Decentration can now focus on other principles Reversibility things can now be done Classification Seriation putting things in order ability to order items along a quantitative dimension Ex biggest to smallest shortest to tallest Transitive inference seriate mentally Spatial Reasoning Mental rotations directions improved cognitive maps Cannot yet think abstractly o Formal operational stage Capacity for abstract systematic scientific thinking Hypothetico deductive reasoning Deducing hypotheses from general theory Possibility reality Propositional Thought Logic of verbal propositions No need to refer to real world circumstances Problems with Decision Making Idealism and Criticism Inexperience Overwhelming options Self Consciousness Self Focusing Sensitivity to criticism Personal fable Imaginary audience Sensorimotor How Piaget was right o Be able to identify what evidence supports does not support his theory o Timing of Object search A not B Make believe play How Piaget might have been
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