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Chapter 1 Three Grand Theories o Piagets Cognitive Developmental Theory children gain knowledge by manupulating exploring world Emphasizes Ideas Beliefs change in how people think over time thoughts shape IDEAS BELIEFS ASSUMPTIONS 4 Stages Sensorimotor Preoperational concrete operational formal operational drives originate in childhood Biological drives vs social norms Psychosexual Stages Oral birth 1 Anal 1 3 Phallic 3 6 Latency 6 11 Genital 11 experiences shape who we are includes classical operant conditioning social learning EMOTIONS unconcious motives and o Behaviorism Watson Skinner Pavlov o Freud s Psychoanalytic Theory ACTIONS Ericksons psychosocial theory cultural diversity social change personal crises affect person more than sexual urges Freud How were Freud and Erikson similar or dissimilar as psychoanalytic psychologists dissimilar Erikson emphasized development must be understood in relation of each cultures life situation social changes sexual urges Erikson also has three stages in adulthood rather than just childhood stages as Freud proposes Similar stages of development both psychoanalytic How did Eriksons and Freud s stages of development compare Figure 1 1 Freud psychoSEXUAL Erikson psychosocial Erikson has stages in adulthood Freud s stages only last till adolescence Classical Pavlov vs Operant Conditioning Skinner Classical person animal is conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus bell with meaningful stimulus dog food focuses on involuntary automatic responses Operant reinforce or punish VOLUNTARY behavior Positive or Neg Punishment or Reinforcement Positive vs Negative Reinforcement Operant Conditioning Positive adding desirable outcomes get ice cream if you get an A on exam Negative taking away something unwanted if play a good football game don t have to come in to condition at 5 am Positive vs Negative Punishment Operant Conditioning way to reduce frequency of behavior Positive yelling at child for writing on wall with crayons will decrease likelihood they will do it again Negative Paying a speeding ticket the money required to pay will decrease the likelihood to speed again Harlow s Baby Rhesus monkey findings baby monkeys preferred to cling to soft terry cloth mother over wire mesh mother holding a bottle evidence that parent infant attachment is based on more than satisfaction of hunger Modeling according to Social Learning Theory major way children acquire new responses imitation observational learning ex babies clap hands after mothers do learn how to brush their teeth by imitating parent Bandura s Bobo Doll experiment first experiment to show children mirror parents show aggression toward doll and form new aggressions after watching parents be mean to Bobo doll similar to bullying on playground because cool kids do it Descriptions of Piaget s stages Sensorimotor birth 2 years think by using senses pulling level to hear toy finding hidden toys putting object in or taking out of container Preoperational 2 7 years symbols to represent sensorimotor discoveries development of language make believe play no logic Concrete Operational 7 11 reasoning becomes logical better organized amount of liquid doesn t change even if glass its in does able to organize hierarchies and classes Formal Operational 11 abstract systematic thinking starts with hypothesis make inferences evaluate logic of verbal statements without referring to real world scenarios Assimilation vs Accommodation Assimilation use current knowledge to interpret external world ex Camel at the zoo child calls horse because they appear alike Accommodation new or adjusted knowledge after noticing current way of thinking isn t right child calls camel lumpy horse because she notices the difference part of adaptation Ecological Systems Theory emergent influential theories Bronfenbrenner views child as developing within complex SYSTEM of relationships affected by multiple levels of surrounding environment Microsystem innermost level classroom family religion home peer group Mesosystem interactions among the different microsystems Exosystem affects but doesn t contain child churches schools extended family workplace friends neighbors Macrosystems large social setting cultural values of society economic political processes Eclectic Perspective psychotherapy that combines 2 therapy techniques for one person ex psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral CHAPTER 2 Theory orderly integrated set of statements that describes explains or predicts behavior Not a guess Research Question initial step in research what causes eating disorders Hypothesis prediction drawn from a theory Common Research methods Systematic Observations natural structured Self reports interviews Clinical Case Study Ethnography observes culture Neurobiological Methods relationship btw nervous system processes and behavior Dependent vs Independent Variables Independent manipulated Dependent result of manipulated variable Correlational design examines relationships between variables without altering peoples experiences Use of correlational coefficient strongest is 1 1 Cross Sectional design groups of children at different ages studied at same point in time helps with understanding development but vulnerable to cohort effects Microgenetic design investigator presents child with novel task and follows mastery over closely spaced sessions Sequential Cohort Sequential design comparing participants of same age born in different years or participants over different ages but during same years Ethics Risk vs Benefit Ratio weighing of costs to participants in terms of inconvenience and possible psychological and physical injury vs study s value for advancing knowledge Ethics Protection from Harm children have right to be protected from physical or psychological harm in research Ethics Informed Consent right to have all aspects of study explained that might affect willingness to participate parental consent for children by 7 give own consent Ethics Debriefing researcher provides full account and justification of the activities after research is over necessary so childrens trustworthiness in adults isnt undermined Cohort children developing in the same time period who are influenced by particular cultural and historical conditions Results based on one cohort may not apply to children developing at other times Correlation doesn t equal Causation ex ice cream sales and murder rates rise in summer therefore the more ice cream being sold the more murders

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FSU DEP 3103 - Chapter 1

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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