Unit Two Chapter 3 1 3 1 what are the genetic foundations of development What is the difference between genotype and phenotype What are alleles What are chromosomes What are genes and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next through mitosis and meiosis a Genotype i Genetic information b Phenotype i Directly observable characteristics c Chromosomes i Rod like structures which store and transmit genetic information d Genes e Mitosis i Segment of DNA along the length of the chromosome i Unique feature of DNA is that It can duplicate itself 2 3 2 How is sex determined i Determined by the xy chromosome 3 3 3 Name the two types of twins and describe how each one is created i Fraternal ii Identical 1 Dizygotic twins two eggs 1 Monozygotic twins one egg 4 3 4 Describe patterns of genetic inheritance What are examples of each type What are some implications of various types of genetic inheritance What are chromosomal abnormalities What are examples of chromosomal abnormalities You only need to know the ones covered in class i Homozygous ii Heterozygous 1 they will display inherited trait 1 and relationships between the alleles determine the trait that will appear 5 Alleles a Forms of the same gene on a pair of chromosomes b Down syndrome i results from problems with the 21st chromosome ii Mental retardation memory and speech problems iii Slow motor development iv Risk greatly increases with maternal age rises sharply after 35 6 3 5 What are genetic counseling and prenatal diagnostic methods Who might be the best candidates for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnostic methods How do they help prospective parents determine the best course of action a Genetic Counseling i A communication process designed to help couples understand genetic principles genetic testing and prevention of genetic disorders asses their chances of giving birth to a baby with hereditary disorder and choose the best course of action in view of risks and family goals ii Those who are the best candidates are those who have had difficulties bearing children or women who delay child bearing past age 35 7 3 6 Describe conception and the three periods of prenatal development What are the milestones reached in each period During which prenatal period does the most rapid change take place i Period of the Zygote 8 Placenta a Permits food and oxygen to reach developing organism b Permits waste products to be carried away 9 Umbilical Cord a Delivers blood to developing organism b Removes waste from developing organism c Period d Length e Key Events f Zygote g 2 weeks h Fertilization i j Mitosis begins Implantation k Start of placenta l Embryo m 6 weeks n Arms legs face organs muscles all develop o Heart begins beating p Fetus q 30 weeks r Growth and finishing s Period of the Fetus i By 12th week external genitals are formed and heartbeat can be heard ii Mother can feel movements during second trimester iii Can be stimulated by light and sound t Third Trimester Age of viability between 22 and 26 weeks i Cerebral cortex enlarges ii Fetus spends more time awake 10 3 7 What are teratogens What factors impact how teratogens impact prenatal development What are examples of known teratogens Why is it difficult to determine how environmental agents impact prenatal development 1 Refers to any environmental agent that causes damage during the prenatal period 11 3 8 what other maternal factors impact development and how do they impact development i Teratogens a Exercise b Nutrition c Emotional Stress 12 3 9 Name and describe the three stages of childbirth i 13 3 10 Describe the purpose and features of the Apgar scale a Appearance color b Pulse heart rate c Grimace reflex irritability d Activity muscle tone e Respiration Respiratory effort pain relieving drugs during labor and delivery a Classes b Relaxation Breathing i Techniques c Labor Coach d Social support 14 3 11 Describe natural childbirth and home delivery techniques What are the risks of using 15 3 12 Describe various birth complications What are the risks associated with oxygen deprivation and preterm and low birth weight infants a Oxygen Deprivation Anoxia i Breech Position ii Placenta Abruptio 1 premature separation of the placenta iii Rh Factor Incompatibility 1 When the other is RH negative blood type the baby may inherit the rather Rh positive blood type If even a little of a fetus Rh positive blood crosses the placenta into the RH Negative blood stream she begins to form antibodies to the foreign protein If these enter the fetus s system they destroy red blood cells reducing the supply of oxygen Chapter 4 1 4 1 What are newborn reflexes and what purposes do they serve a Inborn automatic response to stimulation b Can reveal the health of a baby s nervous system c Early warning of damage to cerebral cortex d Some form the basis for later motor skills i E g tonic neck reflex palmar grasp swimming stepping 2 4 2 Name and describe the five infant states of arousal Describe adult responses to infant cries Give examples of ways to soothe a crying infant a Sleep i nREM regular ii REM irregular b Drowsiness c Quiet Alertness d Crying 3 4 3 What is cosleeping Describe cultural variation in infant sleeping arrangements What is sudden infant death syndrome SIDS How can SIDS be prevented a Cosleeping i sleeping with baby in the bed b SIDS i the unexpected death usually during the night of an infant younger than 1 year of age that remains unexplained after thorough investigation Can be prevented by changing infants sleeping position quitting smoking and removing a few bedclothes 4 4 4 Name and describe the four types of infant learning that occur Under what conditions do each occur What is the value of each Give examples of each a Classical Conditioning b Operant Conditioning c Habituation d Imitation 5 4 5 Describe the dynamic systems theory of motor development What is the difference between fine and gross motor skills i Mastery of motor skills involves acquiring increasingly complex system of action When motor skills work as a system separate abilities blend together each cooperating with others to produce more effective ways of exploring and controlling the environment 6 4 6 Describe the development of reaching and grasping a Prereaching b Ulnar Grasp i Adjust grip to object ii Move objects from hand to hand 7 Pincer Grasp 8 4 7 Describe perceptual development in infancy including the development of touch taste smell sound and sight How does perceptual development
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