DEP 3103 STUDY GUIDE CHAPTER 1 Developmental psychology Child development What is a theory Patterns of developmental growth Continuous development Discontinuous development Periods of development Nature vs nurture What is nature What is nurture Which one influences development Environmental factors nurture Difference equals deficit error Implicit theory Plasticity Dynamic system approach Theory Psychoanalytic Theory History Theory and Applied Directions science that seeks to understand how and why people of all ages and circumstances change or remain the same over time Area of study devoted to understanding constancy and change from conception through adolescence Orderly integrated set of statements that describes explains or predicts behavior not a guess Stages Linear Continuous Unpredictable Growth and decline A process of gradually adding ore of the same types of skills that were there to begin with A process in which new ways of understanding and responding to the world emerge at specific times The prenatal conception to birth Infancy and toddlerhood birth 2 yrs Early childhood 2 6 Middle childhood 6 11 Adolescence 11 18 Nature refers to the influence of genes that people inherit Nurture refers to environmental influences that affect development after an individual is conceived Both influence development In the womb In the home Parents Siblings SES Social peer groups the mistaken belief that a deviation from some norm is necessary inferior to behavioral or characteristics that meet the standard We all have unique perspectives experiences beliefs Everyone is different and comes from different backgrounds As we get older our brain has less and less plasticity Ability for the brain to bounce back from damage view of human development as an ongoing every changing interaction between the physical and emotional being and between the person and every aspect of his or her environment including the family and society Orderly integrated set of statements that describes explains and predicts behavior First grand theory theory of human development that holds that irrational unconscious drives and motives often originating in childhood underlies human behavior originated with Sigmund Freud 1856 1936 Birth to 1 year the mouth the oral stage 1 3 years the anus the anal stage DEP 3103 STUDY GUIDE 3 6 years the penis the phallic stage 6 11 years quite time latency stage Adolescence and beyond genital stage Psychoanalytic Theory No data to support Erik Erikson 1902 1994 Was a follower of Freud who emphasized culture diversity social change psychological crises Behaviorism Family and culture not sexual urges A grand theory of human development that studies observable behavior John Watson 1878 1958 Strict Behaviorist Perspective Conditioning Classical conditioning Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Punishment Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Positive punishment Negative punishment Social Learning Theory Modeling Self efficacy What is a modern application of social learning theory Cognitive Theory All behavior is learned Strongly believed in verifiable data with controlled experiments study what a person does not what they re thinking feeling Specific laws of learning apply to conditioning Ex Baby Albert all behavior is learned step by step the processes by which responses become linked to particular stimuli conditioning repeated practice a person or animal is conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus involuntary Ex Pavlov Reinforcing or punishing VOLUNTARY behaviors A technique for conditioning behavior where behavior is followed by something desired A technique for conditioning behavior where behavior is followed by something NOT desired Reinforce a desired behavior by giving something desired Reinforce behavior by taking away something undesirable Punish behavior by giving them something they don t want Punishing a behavior by taking away something they want Extension of behaviorism Emphasizes the influence that other people have over a person s behavior Ex The Bobo Doll Experiment Albert Bandura a person observes the actions of others and then copies them belief of some people that they are able to change themselves and effectively alter the social context Violence in the media Third grand theory Focuses on changes in how people think over time According to this theory our thoughts shape our attitudes beliefs and behaviors Jean Piaget 1896 1980 Patriarch of cognitive theory DEP 3103 STUDY GUIDE What are the three grand theories Other theories include Swiss scientist trained in biology Cognitive theory ideas beliefs assumptions Psychoanalytic theory emotions Behaviorism actions Information Processing Theory continuous developmental theory Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Ethology Evolutionary Dev Psych Sociocultural Development Ecological Systems Theory the human mind is view as a symbol manipulating system through which information flows interactions among the different microsystems a person s immediate surroundings MICROsystems MESOsystems EXOsystems MACROsystems local institutions schools churches larger social setting cultural values economic polices political processes a group whose ancestors were born in the same region and who often share a language culture and religion refers to a group of people who are regarded by themselves or by others as genetically distinct from other groups on the basis of physical appearance idea that is built more on shared perceptions than on objective reality ancestral heritage national origin Religion Culture language RESEARCH STRATEGIES based on observation experience or experimentation not theory replication Having a diverse sample Generalizability Eliminating pre existing noise variables A tendency to only focus on evidence that supports your ideas or your hypothesis Control conditions Single blind study designs Double blind study designs Information processing theory The ecological model microsystems mesosystems The ecological model exosystems macrosystems Ethnic group Race Social construction Ethnic groups share certain attributes such as CHAPTER 2 Empirical evidence is Why is it important to have good methodology Confirmation bias Ways to avoid confirmation bias DEP 3103 STUDY GUIDE Qualitative research describes particular conditions and the ideas of participants Quantitative research research provides data that is expressed with numbers Can look at the specific situational factors influencing an
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