The first exam will be given on Thursday February 18 Remember that no make up exams are given without a documented University approved excuse A zero will be given for a missed exam You will have the entire class period to complete the exam Objective sheet for Exam 1 02 18 2016 Structure 50 multiple choice questions drawn from all readings and lecture Content Chapter 1 History Theory and Applied Directions 1 Understand the difference between the three basic issues of child development including all terms that go along with each Be able to apply the concepts of these issues across many contexts e g Table 1 3 Continuous or Discontinuous o Continuous represents the difference between infant to toddlerhood to childhood everything is pretty much one line it is continuous the way that development really is Gradually adding more of the same type of skills that were there to begin with o Discontinuous for ex is when you go from high school to college we get much support in high school teachers are there for you and then you leave home and you are expected to be an adult Best way to put it is one day you are this way and the next day you are this way it isn t very reliable Process in which new ways of understanding and responding to the world emerge at specific times One course of development or many everyone developments at the same exact time and the same way and this is endorsed by stage theorists Many courses of development different courses of development and that your calendar age does not really define your course of development and this is endorsed by contemporary theorists Nature or Nurture speaks to the underlying causes of development o Nature inborn biological givens the hereditary information we receive from our parents at the moment of conception o Nurture complex forces of the physical and social world that influence our biological makeup and psychological experiences before and after birth Theories that stress this emphasize change plasticity 2 Be able to describe and pick out historical views of childhood and all terms e g original sin noble savages tabula rasa etc You only have to know names of theorists if that s how we name that theory e g naming difference of Rousseau vs the Reformation Don t need to know years Medieval Times first time being a child was considered different it was considered a separate period of life and age of 7 was considered age of reason and expected to work alongside adults The Reformation children seens as innately evil which is aka original sin Transition to modern thinking Locke thought nurture was the most important thing and that you were born with nothing no pre programmed stuff so nurture is what mattered o Tabula rasa blank tablet slate Rousseau believed in noble savage which means children inherently good they are born good and society corrupts them He believed children were born ready to learn mature Darwin Theory of evolution he kept a baby biography to document behavior The difference between Rousseau and the Reformation were Rousseau believed that children were not blank slate and they did not need to be filled by adults He believed they had an innate plan for orderly healthy growth and that they could only be harmed by adult training Locke believed that their blank slate had to be filled by adults 3 Be able to identify and pick out examples of different perspectives theories on development e g ecological cognitive psychodynamic etc Know the major terms and ideas underlying all Psychoanalytic Perspective emphasizes the unique history of each child and focus on emotional and social development and origins of personality traits A series of stages included conflict b w biological drives and social expectation and how individual resolves determines behaviors Behaviorism emphasis on directly observable events only stimulus and response o Operant conditioning reinforcing or punishing voluntary behaviors o Reinforcement a technique for conditioning behavior where behavior is followed by something desired you want the behavior to increase so you link it with something positive o Punishment a technique for conditioning behavior where behavior is followed by something NOT desired you are trying to reduce the behavior so you link it with something negative Social Learning Theory emphasized modeling otherwise known as imitation or observational learning as a powerful source of development based on principles of conditioning Cognitive Developmental Theory children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world Focuses on change in how people think over time adaptation of mind over time develops to fit Sociocultural Theory focuses on how culture is transmitted to the next generation and is the most necessary factor of how children require ways of thinking Your culture is extremely important to your thinking and learning Ecological Systems childs bio influenced dispositions interact w environment to mold development He views the child as developing within a complex system of relationships o Microsystem a persons immediate surrounding which are parents teachers friends AKA biodirectional o Mesosystems interactions among the different microsystems school churches home o Macrosystem farthest away from the individual ex laws political influences around you o The exosystem social settings that do not contain child but affect child parents workplace religion o Chronosystem era historical time 4 Know Freud and Erikson and how they contributed to the Psychoanalytic Perspective You do not need to memorize the specific stages of either Freud came up with the Psychosexual theory that stated how parents manage child s sexual and aggressive drives is crucial for healthy personality development for ex fixation Erik Erikson came up with the psychosocial theory which involved family and culture not sexual urges Development came from social interaction 5 Be able to talk about the limitations and contributions of all theoretical perspectives with that information Behavior modification consists of procedures that combine conditioning and modeling to eliminate undesirable behaviors and increase desirable responses 6 You have to know about Piaget as he fits into the historical literature and class themes but you do not in the text need to know his stages Piaget trained in biology he was a patriarch of cognitive theory he influenced the contemporary field of child development more than any other 7 Know the aspects which can foster resilience
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