DEP3103 Fall 2014 Study Guide Exam 3 NOTE Exams may contain material not included on this guide Material on guide is not guaranteed to be on exams Use this information as a GUIDE for your studying but do not treat it as a map that will show you everything This information comes from the textbook AND the lectures Chapter 10 Emotional Development Any lecture material we covered Know the Functions of Emotions section particularly the functionalist approach to emotion and the different domains emotions are involved in e g cognitive processing social behavior a rapid appraisal of the personal significance of the situation which prepares you for action emphasizing that the broad function of emotions is to energize o Emotion o Functionalist approach to emotion behavior aimed at attaining personal goals o Different domains emotions are involved in emotional reactions can lead to learning that is essential for survival Can Cognitive processing also impair learning Emotions can powerfully affect memory influence well being growth Stress related to diseases affect behavior of others regulate own behavior Social behavior Health Know the section including all key terms and developmental patterns if applicable in the Development of Emotional Expression section broad grin evoked by the stimulus of a human face happiness interest surprise fear anger sadness disgust o Basic emotions o Social Smile o Stranger Anxiety o Secure Base o Self conscious emotions involve injury to or enhancement of our sense of self shame guilt most frequent expression of fear from unfamiliar adults not universal point from which to explore babies use familiar caregiver o Emotional Self regulation embarrassment envy pride intensity so we can accomplish our goals strategies we use to adjust our emotional state to a comfortable level of Well developed emotional self regulation emotional self efficacy in young people appraising the situation as changeable identifying the difficulty and deciding aimed at controlling distress when little can be done about an outcome o Problem Centered coping what to do about it o Emotion centered coping o Developmental Patterns Earliest emotional life consists mainly of two global arousal states Attraction to pleasant stimulation Withdrawal from unpleasant stimulation Middle of first year expressions become well organized Facial expressions offer most reliable cues of infant emotions Across cultures interpret same emotions Happiness smile from birth social smile 6 10 weeks laugh 3 4 months Fear stranger anxiety 8 12 months Same for Understanding and Responding to Emotions of Others o Social referencing relying on another person s emotional reaction to appraise an uncertain situation 8 o Empathy involves a complex interaction of cognition and affect the ability to take another s emotional o Prosocial or altruistic behavior actions that benefit another person without any expected reward for the o Sympathy feelings of concern or sorrow for another s plight You don t need to memorize the specifics of the Milestones of Emotional Development p 419 but again know the general developmental patterns 10 months perspective self Know the section on Temperament and Development you don t need to worry about memorizing the dimensions of temperament in Table 10 1 but you will need to know the categories that Thomas and Chess describe e g easy child difficult child slow to warm up child o Temperament early appearing stable individual differences in reactivity self regulation Reactivity quickness and intensity of emotional arousal attention and motor action o Thomas and Chess s model of temperament Easy child quickly establishes regular routines in infancy is generally cheerful and adapts Difficult child has irregular daily routines is slow to accept new experiences and tends to react easily to new experiences negatively and intensely Slow to warm up child is inactive shows mild low ley reactions to environmental stimuli is negative in mood and adjusts slowly to new experiences Understand the different styles of attachment and how they can affect life both as a child and as an adult o Which types of attachment are most common Are all cultures the same Ethological Theory of Attachment 1 Preattachment 2 3 Attachment in the making Clear cut Attachment Birth to 6 weeks 6 weeks to 6 8 months 6 8 months to 2 years o Separation anxiety 4 Formation of reciprocal relationship o Harry Harlow experiment Strange Situation experiment 4 Types of Attachment Secure upset when caregiver leaves happy when he she returns MOST COMMON Resistant ambivalent upset when caregiver leaves simultaneously seeks comfort and is upset when caregiver returns Avoidant not upset when caregiver leaves little reaction when he or she returns Disorganized added in 1988 Inconsistent behaviors Social Effects of Attachment in Childhood Adolescent Securely attached children are more well liked by other toddlers Securely attached children have better relationships with Even Attachment and Adult Relationships o Attachment style may impact How responsive How understanding How open an individual is in a close relationship Airport Separations Chapter 11 Social Development and the self Any lecture material we covered o Self recognition around age 2 mirror self recognition scale errors o Children s Theory of Mind age 4 o Self Esteem judgements we make about our own worth Influences age school transitions culture child rearing practices higher self esteem well adjusted sociable conscientious Achievement related attributions Mastery oriented attribute success to ability focus on learning goals Learned helplessness attribute failure to ability focus on performance goals Influence on Achievement related attributions Parents teachers gender ethnicity cultural values o Erikson s theory identity vs identity confusion o Suicide is leading cause of death for US youth What is social cognition and how does it relate to developmental psychology o Social cognition self and other people how children come to understand their multifaceted world How children discover the How does the mark and mirror test measure self awareness How do animals differ from humans o Moms rubbed red dye on toddler s faces some went and touched the mirror showing that they had no self awareness while some touched their faces indicating that they were aware of their unique facial appearance o Chimps dolphins have self recognition dogs and snakes don t Understand scale errors and the theoretical
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