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Study Guide for Exam 1 NOTE Exams may contain material not included on this guide Material on guide is not guaranteed to be on exams Use this information as a GUIDE for your studying but do not treat it as a map that will show you everything This information comes from the textbook AND the lectures Chapter 1 History Theory and Applied Directions Know the distinctions between the three grand theories of development o Psychoanalytic Freud founder Erikson A grand theory of human development that holds that irrational unconscious drives Psychoanalytic perspective children move through series of stages in which they and motives often originating in childhood underlie human behavior confront conflicts between biological drives and social expectations How these conflicts are resolved determines the person s ability to learn to get along with others and to cope with anxiety o Behaviorism Watson Skinner A grand theory of human development that studies observable behavior Watson All behavior is learned Strongly believed in verifiable data with controlled experiments Specific laws of learning apply to conditioning o Study what a person does not what they re thinking feeling o EX baby albert Behaviorism directly observable events stimuli and responses are the appropriate focus of study o Cognitive Paiget The third grand theory which focuses on changes in how people think over time According to this theory our thoughts shape our attitudes beliefs and behaviors What psychologists were famous for founding and or revolutionizing their respective fi elds within these types of psychology Freud psychosexual Erikson psychosocial o o Watson founder of behaviorism Skinner operant conditioning theory o Pavlov classical conditioning o Bandura social learning theory bobo doll o Piaget stages of cognitive development How were Freud and Erickson similar and dissimilar as psychoanalytic psychologists Specifically how did their stages of development compare o Freud s Ideas stages Birth year the mouth the oral stage 1 3 years the anus the anal stage 3 6 years the penis the phallic stage 6 11 years quite time latency stage adolescence and beyond genital stage psychosexual theory emphasizes that how parents manage their child s sexual and aggressive drives in the first few years is crucial for healthy personality development desires redirect the id s impulses so they are discharged in acceptable ways Id the largest portion of the mind is the source of basic biological needs and Ego the conscious rational part of personality emerges in early infancy to Faces the increasingly complex task of reconciling the demands of the id the external world and conscience o Superego between 3 6 also known as the conscious develops through interactions with parents who insists that children conform to the values of society EX when the id impulse to grab an attractive toy from a playmate confronts the superego s warning that such behavior is wrong the ego must mediate between these two forces deciding which will win the inner struggle or alternatively working out a compromise such as asking for at urn with the toy Criticism First it overemphasized the influence of sexual feelings in o development o Second because it was based on the problems of sexually repressed well to do adults in 19th century Victorian society it did not apply to other cultures Finally he had not studied children directly o o Erikson was a follower of Freud who emphasized Stages Family and culture not sexual urges Culture diversity Social change Psychological crisis Psychosocial theory erikson emphasized tat in addition to mediating between id o impulses and superego demands the ego makes a positive contribution to development acquiring attitudes and skills that make the individual an active contributing member of society o Birth 1 year trust v mistrust o 1 3 autonomy vs shame and doubt o 3 6 initiative vs guilt o 6 11 industry v inferiority o adolescence identity v role confusion young adulthood intimacy v isolation o o middle adulthood generatively v stagnation o old age integrity v despair What are the distinctions between classical and operant conditioning o All behavior is learned step by step conditioning The process by which responses become linked to particular stimuli conditioning repeated practice classical conditioning a person or animal is conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus o the dogs Pavlov reasoned mush have learned to associate a neutral stimulus the trainer with another stimulus food that produces a reflexive response salivation Operant conditioning reinforcing or punishing voluntary behaviors Reinforcement a technique for conditioning behavior where behavior is followed by something desired food drink praise a friendly smile or a new toy Punishment a technique for conditioning behavior where behavior is followed by something not desired disapproval or withdrawal of privileges reinforcement and negative punishment Be able to recognize examples of positive reinforcement positive punishment negative Positive Reinforcement o Giving a child a compliment or candy for a job well done o Getting paid for a completed task watching behavior by removing worry o Watching your favorite TV show after doing all your homework o Dolphin gets a fish for doing a trick o Dog gets a treat for sitting laying rolling over o Get a candy bar for putting money in the machine Negative Reinforcement the removal of a negative stimulus following a response o Scratching an insect bite that itches reinforces scratching behavior by removing itch o Rubbing itchy eyes reinforces rubbing behavior by removing itch o Daydreaming or doodling in boring class reinforces daydreaming behavior by removing boredom o Studying when you worry about a test reinforces study behavior by reducing worry OR o Watching TV when you worry about a test procrastination or giving up on it reinforces TV o Taking a pain reliever to reduce pain reinforces pill taking behavior by removing pain Positive Punishment o Yelling No at a dog jumping up on a person adds scold to reduce behavior o Spanking a child o Swatting a dog with a newspaper for peeing on the carpet o A speeding ticket for speeding o Squirting a cat for eating the plants o Burning your hand when you touch a hot stove o Getting nauseous after eating rotten food Negative Punishment o Child has a toy taken away for fighting with his sister o Teen is grounded for misbehavior o Dolphin trainer walks away with

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FSU DEP 3103 - Study Guide for Exam 1

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Chapter 4

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