Child Psychology DEP3103 02 Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 History Theories Research What are the three historical philosophical views of childhood Original sin Tabula rasa Innate goodness What is the photographic dome The photographic dome was a dome shaped room with cameras moving along a track at the top in which children were enclosed in a more natural environment The idea was that they wouldn t know they were being observed What is the nature vs nurture debate about Whether a person s characteristics are a result of their inherited genetic material or their environment What is the discontinuity or stage concept What is the continuity concept The continuity concept describes human development as a gradual cumulative change while the discontinuity concept describes development as distinct stages o Which developmentalist nature driven vs nurture driven focuses more so on which concept of development continuity or discontinuity What is the difference between an theory and a hypothesis o Theory interrelated coherent set of ideas that helps explain and to make predictions o Hypothesis specific testable assumptions or predictions often written as if then statements What are the various types of research drawbacks and benefits of each o Observational research subjects can be observed without being conscious of researchers therefore their behavior is more natural Observation can be done in a laboratory or in the real world In the case of the latter few variables can be controlled o Survey research large bodies of subjects can be researched with relative ease but often it is difficult to survey a random group of people Also people often respond in the manner they think they are expected to respond o Naturalist observation research behavioral observation that takes place in real world What is the difference between a longitudinal cross sectional and sequential design o Cross sectional approach A research strategy in which individuals of different ages are setting compared at one time o Longitudinal approach A research strategy in which the same individuals are studied over a period of time usually several years or more o Sequential Design What is descriptive research What is correlational research What is experimental research o Descriptive Research research that involves observing and recording behavior o Correlational Research Research in which the goal is to describe the strength of the relationship between two or more events or characteristics o Experimental Research a carefully regulated procedure in which one ore more of the factors believed to influence the behavior being studied are manipulated while all other factors are held constant What are the environmental systems in the ecological theory o Microsystem mesosystem exosystem macrosystem chronosystem What is Vygotsky s theory of zone of proximal development o Zone of Proximal Development Vygotsky s term for tasks that are too difficult for children to master alone but can be mastered with assistance from adults or more skilled children o What is Scaffolding Scaffolding In cognitive development Vygotsky used this term to describe the practice of changing the level of support provided over the course of a teaching session with the more skilled person adjusting guidance to fit the child s current performance level Chapter 2 Biological Process Genes What is the difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins o Monozygotic originating from one zygote or identical twins o Dizygotic each twin originated from its on zygote or fraternal sororal twins What is Darwin s theory of survival of the fittest natural selection adaption behavior o Natural selection is the evolutionary process by which those individuals of aspecies that are best adapted are the ones who survive and reproduce o Adaptive behavior behavior that promotes an organism s survival in the natural habitat What is meiosis and mitosis o Meiosis the process by which sex cells multiply o Mitosis the process by which body cells multiply What are sources of genetic variability o Chromosomes in zygotes are not exact copies of those in mother s ovaries and father s o Changes occur during separation and recombination of chromosomes during meiosis testes crossing over o Sex differences on 23rd pair of chromosomes XX and XY o Genotype vs phenotype o Mutations What are dominant vs recessive genes o The dominant gene of a pair exerts its effects overriding the potential influence of the recessive gene What is the epigenetic view o The view that development is the result of an ongoing bidirectional interchange between heredity and environment What are active passive and evocative genotype environment correlations o Active niche picking genotype environment correlations which occur when children seek out environments they find stimulating and compatible o Passive occur because biological parents provide a rearing environment for the child o Evocative occur because a child s characteristics elicit certain types of environments What are shared vs non shared environmental experiences o Non shared o Shared The child s unique experiences within and outside family Parents personalities Intellectual orientation Family s socioeconomic status Neighborhood Chapter 3 Prenatal Development and Birth What are the various periods of prenatal development o Germinal embryonic and fetal What is organogenesis o The process by which organs form during the first two months of prenatal development What are blastocysts and trophoblasts later develop into the embryo o Blastocyst the inner layer of cells that develops during the germinal period These cells o Trophoblast the outer layer of cells that develops in the germinal period These cells provide nutrition and support for the embryo What is the purpose of the umbilical cord and the placenta o To transfer blood from mother to baby What problems can result from the underdevelopment of neural networks or the neural tube o Acecnephaly and spina bifida which are birth defects related to failure of neural tube to close What are Teratogens Teratogens are agents which cause birth defects originating from the greek word tera meaning monster o What are the three factors that can lead to a difference in miscarriage or levels of birth defect o What is FAS Dose genetic susceptibility and time of exposure FAS Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder a cluster of abnormalities and problems that appear in the offspring of mothers who drink alcohol heavily during pregnancy o A
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