Gender o o o o Socially influenced women should be nurturing men should take care of women Psychological dimension of being male or female Men should be tough be handy able to provide be able to solve own problems like sport Women should care for family be emotional take care of house and children not understand sports cry be domesticated Widely held beliefs about characteristics that are deemed appropriate for males and Gender stereotypes females women drive bad men don t listen Gender Identity Private It is the gender that you identify with how much you decide what you are You may be male but identify as a woman and vice versa Sense of being male or female androgynous having both characteristics with personality or physical features o Association of objects activities roles or traits with biological sex in ways that conform to cultural stereotypes of gender Gender typing Personality stereotypes Physical stereotypes Occupation stereotypes truck driver Became big in the 70 s instrumental traits competence independence rationality assertiveness expressive traits warmth caring sensitivity typical man strong masculine brown hair tall typical woman dainty petite blonde short soft Men doctors lawyer pilot military athletes firefighter cop CEO leaders president Women nurse teacher designer dare care provider babysitter hair stylist secretary paralegal performers maids Early Childhood Age 2 notice children start to make subtle associations like men are rough and sharp while women are soft and round Age they label themselves as boys or girls 18 mos 3 years External characteristics and activities determine gender One study showed that preschoolers linked toys clothes tools household items games occupations and colors with one sex or the other Rigid rules can t wear long hair or wear a skirt and be a boy girls can t be rough or be a doctor Middle childhood and adolescence Shift from external to internal stereotypes move to less obvious areas like personality and achievement the rules become more flexible however they still respond harshly to boys being girly personality traits assign masculine adjectives to describe boys and girls rough rational cruel gentle affectionate dependent Girls are better at reading spelling and music boys at sports math and science Sex differences don t vary in general intelligence but do vary in specific abilities males and females are more alike than different Where do differences occur mental abilities verbal abilities girls ahead of boys mathematical abilities girls before boys Aggression boys more than girls Relational aggression intending to hurt someone by destroying relationships Personality traits emotional sensitivity self report girls more than boys SUBTLE girls can be good but sneaky and gossipy Mean Girls Socialization training the young to become competent participating members to society Emotional support Reproduction socialization and emotional support are still primarily functions of family giving purpose and commitment support Family Processes If indirect or direct will grow and change Social systems perspective Complex set of interacting relationships influenced by larger social context Interactions in the family system Danny 5 yr old wants gum but mom says no cause that money goes towards his favorite direct influences on child parents to children Example cereal Example How will Danny behave next time he goes to the grocery store Authoritative Doesn t try to get gum next time 3 yr old Meg is pulling apart bananas in Wal Mart Mom slaps hand and takes away Does same thing when she grabs candy Will cry and misbehave next time in store Authoritarian tough love Indirect influences on the child Relationship between parents Research finds that when hostile relationships are around children they have lower self esteem are more violent parents are more punishing with kids o Also how parents treat siblings is a view of how they could treat you or parent Grandparents relationship with parents could be positive or negative on how parents treat o Negative relationship between parents and grandparents or between grandparents you children and spouse o Parents arguing with them or trying to have different styles of parenting o Grandparents disagree with parenting styles do whatever at grandmas Interactions in the family Social contexts influence on the child Formal organizations school work child care centers religious institutions Informal social networks relatives neighbors friends Sociocultural and historical changes Family structure what events in past have influenced the family in some way o Deaths births divorces 9 11 invention of TV What do you predict will happen to the family by the end of the 21st century What will be the structure o More expenses due to technology kids are going in a lot of ways with new advancements more women being the money maker men spending more time at home Family Size Historically it is changing move from larger families to smaller Children worked younger and helped more around the house Now kids are more expensive to have economic reasons We have birth control couples delay having kids divorce rates are higher women having careers marital instability Effect on child development Experts told people not to have big families due to lowered IQ however it wasn t What is being found now is that lower IQ mothers tend to have larger families because of that Siblings 80 of us children have at least one sibling Sibling jealousy and rivalry o Dad paying attention more causes this What other factors increase jealousy o Close to same age One child families Not necessarily spoiled Higher self esteem generally Higher motivation Problems with conflict resolution Seem spoiled because they can t resolve conflicts with others Never married single parent families Divorce 10 of families consist of single parent families 90 are mothers 10 are fathers African American women are more independent most likely group to make choice not to marry and to have child by their selves Better to have no partner than a bad partner No single event but a transition What are the effects of divorce on children o compared with non divorced families children of divorce do show slightly poorer adjustment problems o Approx 75 do not have significant adjustment issues Factors related to adjustment fewer resources bad parenting or the conflict continues or increases o Reduction of conflict divorce stops the problems and they can t parent well o Harmonious relationship
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