Chp 9 language What is language o system of communication can be written verbally spoken even nonverbal symbols o rule systems phonology language s sound system includes the sounds used and rules about how they may combine phonemes smallest unit of sound that affects meaning o ex Cat 3 phonemes you can remove the c and change it to a b and it now is a bat with a new meaning morphology the rule system that governs how words are formed in a language morphemes smallest units of meaning o it is a word or part of a word that cannot be broken into smaller meaningful parts prefixes suffixes and root words o ex ing ly s pre un o ex Farmer farm er 2 morphemes o syntax rules for how we arrange words into a sentence adjectives go before nouns the pretty girl walked to class right the girl pretty walked to class wrong o semantics meaning of words and sentences rules for how words can be organized with respect to meaning the bicycle talked the boy into buying a candy bar bikes don t talk o pragmatics rules for appropriate use of language in different contexts ex May I have one of your crayons Gimme a crayon Clicker people should use punctuation and proper grammar in school and business emails This is an example of what pragmatics How language develops o Infancy Crying Starts at birth can mean distress or a wide range of other things 3 basic types basic cry anger cry and pain cry Cooing 1 2 months Vowel like noises pleasant oo sound Babbling 4 months middle of 1st year Long strings of consonant vowel combinations Ex Bannnananana nananana Ex Mamamamamamam will lead to mama with positive encouragement Deaf babies can babble but in order to move past this stage and develop you must be able to hear speech Normal hearing babies will continue to babble even after they say their first words Gestures 6 12 months Use gestures such as pointing and showing at about 8 to 12months Importance of gestures o Iverson and goldin meadow 2005 study Look at kids and see if there was any rhyme or reason to what kids did Observed 3 times during play and meal time Attempt to direct the adults attention No ritual acts blowing kisses or patty cake Results showed 3 gestures Deictic gesture o Holding up an object so adult can see index pointing palm pointing showing Conventional gestures o Nodding head yes or no Ritualized gestures o Child extends his or her arm toward something with repeated opening and closing of palm o Rowe and Goldin Meadow 2009 study Found that parents of high socioeconomic status SES were more likely to use gestures when communicating with their 14month infant Has been linked to a larger vocabulary at 54 months 4 5yr o Baby sign language Why do it Can find out what is going on in the babys mind its important because your fine motor skills develop before your speech does you have the ability to communicate nonverbally before you can verbally Fine motor skills develop faster than those required for speech No earlier than 6 months can we start teaching sign language benefits can reduce frustration in both children and parents makes communication easier increase self confidence in child o when they can communicate correctly they feel good when they are not understood they get frustrated wondering why no one understands them enrich parent child bond gives kids the sense that their parents can fit their needs reach language milestones earlier proven that kids who start early reach it faster clicker I know someone that has or is using baby sign language true clicker I would consider using something like this with my children yes o first words between 10 15 months infants indicate their first understanding of words between 8 to 12 months important objects to child parents pets toys body parts easiest sound sequences mama dada bye bye night night o practice pronouncing sounds in words about 18 months juice du ju dus jus sus jusi ex Timemba remember pagetti spagetti o vocabulary 18 months can speak about 50 words 2 yrs old can speak about 200 words 6 yrs old can speak about 10 000 words o overextension o underextension apply words too broadly ex Car for buses trains trucks doggy for all four legged animals apply words too narrowly ex Dads yellow chevy Malibu is only thing called car goes to so and wont call bear a bear b c only his special teddy is bear o telegraphic speech 16 24 months focus on high content words and leave out the smaller less important ones ex mommy shoe now go car more cookie where ball o early childhood 3yrs 4 5 yrs 6 10 yrs o Dyslexia o Dysgraphia Conditions 3 4 and 4 word combinations can produce all vowel sounds and most of the consonant sounds understand and use morphemes 0 tendency to overuse or use incorrectly goed instead of went foots instead of feet change speech style to suit situation o child directed speech short simple sentences higher pitch repeat important phrases talk more slowly appreciate multiple meanings of words metaphors jokes Is a severe impairment in the ability to read and spell Is a severe impairment in handwriting ability Elementary school years Advances in vocabulary and grammar develops metalinguistic awareness o Is knowledge about language such as understanding what a preposition is or being able to discuss the sounds of language o Allows kids to think about their language understand what words are and even define them Reading phonics vs whole language o phonics approach emphasizes that reading instruction should focus basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds early reading instruction should involve simplified materials o whole language approach stresses that reading instruction should parallel children s natural language learning Reading materials should be whole and meaningful o Cunningham and allington 2010 Children can benefit from both approaches but direct instruction in phonics needs to take place especially in kindergarten and 1st grade Adolescence Increased sophistication in the use of words More subtle abilities o Metaphor o satire an implied comparison between 2 unlike things the use of irony derision or wit to expose folly or wickedness 15 20yrs understand complex literary works everyone s speech changes during adolescence dialect o a variety of language that is distinguished by its vocabulary grammar and punctuation o Ex Slang Biological and environmental influences o Biological influences Evolution and the brain Two regions of brain involved in language o 1 broca s area an area in the left frontal lobe of the brain involved in
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