Child Psych Notes Test 2 02 22 2012 Thursday February 2nd 2012 Prenatal Development and Birth Intro VIDEO CLIP something from this WILL be on test o one egg develops ea month for women o only one sperm can enter the egg o period of about 40 weeks the embryo develops into a fetus then a baby is born o short video unfertilized egg ovam o is released during ovulation in a woman s menstrual cycle o fertilized after released from the ovaries potentially o then travels to the uterus If it doesn t implant in the uterus then woman has a period 2 weeks later Things to know o males produce approx 300 million sperm a day o sperm can lie and wait for the ovam for up to 6 days inside a woman s body o the day of ovulation and the 2 days right before days 12 13 and 14 of cycle roughly are the 3 days that a woman is most likely to get pregnant Prenatal Development The germinal period o first 2 weeks after conception o implantation The Embryonic Period zygote attaches to the uterine wall 10 to 15 days after conception o 2 8 weeks after conception o foundation for organs are laid o really important time period heart starts to differentiate itself life support systems are developing o Life support systems developing amnion sack with clear fluid where embryo floats what are the functions of the sack protection o from mother s movement and activities o from outside world provides a controlled environment o going to keep a constant controlled temperature umbilical cord 2 arteries and 1 vein connects the baby to placenta removes waste and takes in nutrients oxygen Placenta disk shaped group of tissues where small blood vessels from mom and baby intertwine oxygen food to baby waste away from baby umbilical cord is connected to it where baby gets all its nutrients The Fetal Period o 2 9 months after conception o differentiation of organs o rapid growth in size and weight o suggestion look over chart in this chapter that shows growth of fetus Teratogens anything that causes a birth defect tons of them it is impossible to avoid every single one o also you can t always tell that something has effected your baby right at birth might show up later 4 factors that influence effect of teratogens o dose o heredity obvs the more of it that you have the greater the chance of an effect on the baby your genotype will contribute to how the teratogens effect your baby Maybe alcohol effects one woman more than another woman o other negative influences ex poor nutrition lack of medical care can strengthen the effect of other teratogens o age of organism if exposed before implantation rarely impact if it is negative enough then it just wouldn t implant Embryonic period most serious defects Fetal period damage mostly minor compared to the embryonic period brain eyes genitals most likely to be affected during this period Types of Teratogens If you have the latest edition of the book white one there is a new discussion about particular drugs for depression etc that we won t talk about in class because some drugs we don t know the effects of yet Takes a while to see the results of drugs sometimes Prescription Drugs o Thalidomide Sedative given in the 1960s mothers 4 6 wks after conception had children with gross deformaties used for anti anxiety and to relieve nausea eyes nose ear missing limbs o Diethlstibestrol DES 1945 1970 drug used to prevent miscarriages daughters of women who took drug had higher rates of cancer of the vagina uterus malformations and infertility example of how effects don t always show up right away sons also had abnormalities in their seminal fluid o Accutane o Aspirin o Caffeine drug used to treat acne Idea behind drug is to change your body chemistry to make you a drier person more than 150 documented cases each year of problems with babies because of this Nonprescription over the counter drugs only high doses seem to be a problem linked to low birth weight maternal and fetal bleeding recent study showed that woman who consumed 200 or more milligrams of caffeine a day had increased risk of miscarriage caffeine in a lot of things you don t realize ice cream green tea etc FDA recommends that pregnant women don t consume it at all or if they do then only sparingly Psychoactive Drugs o what is a psychoactive drug o Nicotine Alcohol act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness modify perceptions and change moods book talks about more than we will in class Includes info about cocaine marijuana etc We will just discuss ones that are legal in class estimated 80 of PREGNANT women drink alcohol and 30 smoke in US alcohol appears to have greatest effect in the last trimester different than most teratogens that have greater effect in 1st trimester even moderate cosumption during pregnancy can result in fetal alcohol syndrome FAS indicators of FAS mental deficiencies facial deformities eyes spaced farther apart Nicotine results in preterm births low birth weight fetal and neonatal deaths respiratory problems and sudden infant death syndrome SIDS possibly poor language and cognitive skills and ADHD delay in intellectual and behavioral development Hazards to Prenatal Development Maternal diet and nutrition o Advised to gain 25 35 lbs o diets that are missing important vitamins minerals or proteins typically result in stillborn miscarriage and infant mortality things that could influence this diet economic status allergies food aversions morning sickness Emotional States and Stress o a little stress is good for everyone o intense anxiety results in low birth weight miscarriage and infant respiratory o studies found that women who are anxious and under emotional stress have infants more active in the womb and tend to be more irritable after birth more crying feeding and sleeping problems illness Maternal Age o Teens diet probably not very good body not ready for pregnancy and delivery o Older women older eggs can cause problems during cell division Paternal Factors o father adding stress to the mother o secondhand smoke o emotional or physical abuse to the mother o drugs or chemicals that you use or are around can mutate your sperm Environmental Hazards o Radiation EX Hiroshima Nagasaki Chernobyl o Pollution mercury lead pesticides some household cleaners car exhaust o Tuesday February 7th 2012 Notes Test grades are posted You can make an appointment anytime until midnight next Tuesday if you want to discuss your grade BIRTH Stages of birth o 1st stage uterine contractions 15 20 minutes apart Can
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