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Child Psych Test 2 Chapter 3 Prenatal Development and Birth Video clip In a woman s ovaries one egg is produced each month and a woman will ovulate in the middle of the menstrual cycle around day 14 The egg will move down the fallopian tube and meet with sperm After the fertilized egg will move into the uterus and implant The sperm can live in side the females body for up to 6 days Prenatal development The Germinal Period First 2 weeks after conception Implantation The Embryonic Period 2 8 weeks after conception Foundation for organ are laid life support systems develop Zygote attaches to uterine wall 10 15 days after conception Amnion sack with clear fluid where embryo floats What the functions of the sack protection cushion this is what allows mother to jog and walk controlled environment will keep a constant temperature Umbilical cord two arteries an one vein that connects baby to placenta It re moves waste and takes in nutrients Placenta disk shaped group of tissues where small blood vessels from mom and baby intertwine Oxygen food to baby waste away from baby The Fetal Period 2 9 months after conception differentiation of organs rapid cell growth growth in size and weight Teratogens anything that causes a birth defect although one can avoid a lot it is im possible to avoid all four factors influence effects of teratogens Dose the more there is caffeine cocaine alcohol accutane the larger the will be your baby will be at risk for birth defects Hereditary Age of organism Before implantation rarely impact Embryonic most serious defects Most miscarriages take place during this period Fetal damage mostly minor compared to embryonic with the brain eyes genitals being most affected Other negative influences poor nutrition and lack of medical care Types of Teratogens Prescription drugs Thalidomide sedative given in 1960 s Diethlstibestrol DES 1945 1970 Also used for anti anxiety nausea used to relieve symptoms of morning sickness mother 4 6 weeks after conception had children with gross deformities eyes nose ear missing limbs Drug used to prevent miscarriages Daughters of women who took drug of higher rates of cancer of vagina uterus malformations and infertility Sons also have seminal fluid abnormalities More than 150 documented cases each year have had deformed babies because of this drug Accutane Nonprescription drugs Aspirin only high doses are problem linked to low birth weight maternal and fetal bleeding Caffeine recent study showed that women who consumed 200 or more mil ligrams of caffeine a day had increased risk of miscarriage FDA recommends that pregnant women either not consume it sparingly Psychoactive drugs anything that can act on the nervous system to alter states of con sciousness modify prescriptions and change moods Alcohol and nicotine Estimated 80 of women drink alcohol and 30 smoke in US Alcohol appears to have greatest effect in last trimester Even moderate consumption during pregnancy can result in fetal alcohol syndrome FAS Nicotine results in preterm births low birth weight fetal and neonatal deaths respiratory problems and sudden infant death syndrome Possibly poor language and cognitive skills and ADHD delay in intellectual and behavioral development Hazards to prenatal development Maternal diet and nutrition Advised to gain 25 35lbs diets that are missing important vitamins minerals or proteins typically result in stillborn miscarriage and infant mortality Emotional states and stress Intense anxiety results in low birth weight miscarriage and infant respiratory ill ness Studies found that women who are anxious and under emotional stress have in fants who are more active in the womb and tend to be irritable cry more and have feeding and sleeping problems Maternal Age Teens diet body not being ready for pregnancy and delivery Older women older eggs problems during cell division Paternal factors Age occupation abuse Environmental hazards Radiation hiroshima nagasaki chemobyl Pollution mercury lead pesticides some household cleaners Chapter 3 Stages of Birth 1st stage uterine contractions 15 20 minutes apart lasts up to one minutes toward end of stage contraction is to dilate cervix longest stage of labor avg 12 14hours for the first birth 4 6 hours for later births 2nd Stage 3rd Stage delivery of baby 50 min for 1st birth 20 min for later births delivery of placenta or afterbirth 5 10 min Videos Weeks before delivery there is an decrease in progesterone and increase in other hormones such as oxytocin body makes this naturally these are the chemicals that are responsible for contractions pitocin manmade chemical that stimulates oxytocin mucus plug seals cervix up expels then water breaks This happens immediately during labor or a couple days before 8cm most most painful part when babies head is coming out 3 bones on head push together Water breaks amniotic fluid comes out of amniotic sac Top of head is visible that is called crowning 4 cm active labor 10cm full dilation when delivery occurs Birth hospitals home or birthing centers doctors and midwives historically prior to industrialization in the US births took place in the home with midwives during industrialization the death rate for moms and babies increased drasti cally Why Teratogens and cross contamination early 20th century when women started dying doctors campaigning against midwives gave doctors the chance to not only make money but the doctors also cared about well being of mother children today the mass majority of births take place in hospitals 99 of all births take place in hospitals some women still choose home or birthing centers have to be 5 10 min away from hospital Many people choose birthing centers to avoid unnecessary medical proce dures and because birth is apart of family life Midwives bachelor s degree midwifery training and state and national licensing address individual concerns encourage walking rocking and leaning during labor usually with women before and after birth to help at birth centers but will go to hospitals Methods of Childbirth Childbirth classes Read and Lamaze Anatomy and physiology reduce fear through knowledge relaxation and breathing techniques counteract pain labor coach shorter and fewer complications during labor important and vital part to happen to a birth process Video Stress and fear keeps oxygen from reach baby deep focused breathing through nose pushing on sacrum relieves pressure double hip squeeze prenatal yoga poses help with relaxation slow hip

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FSU DEP 3103 - Chapter 3 - Prenatal Development and Birth

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