DEP3103 Exam I Sara Hart Spring 2012 Chapter 1 History Theory and Applied Directions 1 Understand the difference between the three basic issues of child development including all terms that go along with each Be able to apply the concepts of these issues across many contexts e g theorists view points on each etc Remember I will not try to trick you up with this if there was debate in class about how a theorist would feel about an issue I will not pick that out Child development a field devoted to understanding constancy and change from conception to adolescence Part of developmental science field changes we experience throughout lifespan 1 Domains of Development Physical body size proportions functioning of body systems perceptual and motor capacities and physical health i e sitting crawling walking Cognitive attention memory knowledge problem solving imagination creativity language i e understanding of surroundings Emotional and Social self understanding interpersonal skills friendships intimate relationships and moral reasoning behavior 2 Periods of Development prenatal conception to birth infancy toddlerhood birth 2 yrs early childhood 2 6 yrs middle childhood 6 11 yrs adolescence 11 18 yrs emerging adulthood 18 25 yrs Basic issues in Development 1 Continuous vs Discontinuous Continuous smooth process of gradually adding more of the same types of skills that were there to begin with quantitative Discontinuous process in which new ways of understanding and responding to the world emerge at different times stages qualitative Development takes place in stages changes in thinking feeling behaving 2 One Course of Development vs Many One Course of Development endorsed by stage theorists Many Courses of Development endorsed by contemporary theorists Influenced by Contexts unique combinations of personal environmental circumstances result in different paths of development o Personal Contexts heredity biological make up o Environmental Contexts Immediate home school neighborhood Macro community resources historical time period societal values 3 Nature vs Nurture speaks to underlying causes of development Nature based on genetic inheritance theories that stress nature emphasize stability i e kids who are high or low at a characteristic will remain so at later ages emphasize change i e change is possible if new experiences arise physical and social world environment theories that stress nurture Nurture 2 Be able to describe and pick out historical views of childhood and all terms e g original sin noble savages tabula rasa etc You only have to know names of theorists if that s how we name that theory note difference of Rousseau vs the Reformation Medieval Times The Reformation o Childhood viewed as separate period of life o Age of 7 considered age of reason and children expected to work alongside adults o Children seen as innately evil stubborn original sin discipline was very harsh Philosophies of Enlightenment o Tabula Rasa blank slate John Locke Children begin as nothing at all their characters are shaped entirely by experience Focus on role of environment education makes the man DEP3103 Exam I Sara Hart Spring 2012 Social approval disapproval were powerful shapers of behavior children should be treated with kindness and compassion Associationism association of ideas when young is most important foundation of o Rousseau self noble savages Children are not blank slates but are inherently good naturally endowed with a sense of right and wrong and are corrupted by society Children born ready to learn mature will naturally develop into moral adults Introduced concept of stages and maturation genetically determined naturally unfolding course of growth In contrast to Locke Rousseau saw development as discontinuous stagewise Darwin Theory of Evolution natural selection and survival of the fittest Certain species survive in diff parts of the world because they have characteristics that fit with or are adapted to their surroundings The baby biographies documenting behaviors of children o Pioneers o Pioneers Hall Founding of child development as academic discipline 1st psych dept in U S Theories based on maturational development Normative Approach typical development measures of behavior are taken on large numbers of individuals age related averages and are computed to represent typical development o Mental Testing Movement identify academically at risk school children Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale development of first standardized intelligence test to help nature nurture are of equal importance interwoven o Baldwin 3 Be able to identify and pick out examples of different perspectives theories on development e g ecological cognitive psychodynamic etc Know the major terms and ideas underlying all Psychoanalytic Perspective Freud Erikson o Discontinuous one course of development both nature and nurture o Emphasizes unique history of each child o Children move through a series of stages in which they confront conflicts between biological drives and social expectations How individual resolves these issues determines their ability to learn to get along Behaviorism Social Learning Theory with others and to cope with anxiety o Continuous Many possible courses emphasis on nurture o Behaviorism Emphasis on observable events inspired by Pavlov s study of animals classical conditioning stimulus response Consistent with Locke s tabula rasa by controlling environment can control behavior B F Skinner Operant Conditioning Theory behavior shaped via reinforcers increase behavior and punishments decrease behavior Social Learning Theory emphasizes modeling imitation or observational learning Albert Bandura now refers to his model as social cognitive theory Cognitive Development Theory Piaget o Discontinuous one course both nature and nurture o Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world DEP3103 Exam I Sara Hart Spring 2012 o Biological concept of adaptation structures of mind develop to better fit with or represent the external world Information Processing o Continuous one course both nature and nurture o Emphasis on rigor and precision Inputs information outputs behavior Use of flowcharts maps steps of thinking and mental processes o Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Study relationships between changes in the brain and developing children s Ethology Evolutionary Developmental Psychology cognitive processing and behavior patterns o Continuous and discontinuous one
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