1 9 14 Ch 1 Online quiz Due By Next Thursday Child Development field devoted to understanding consistency and change from conception through adolescence part of developmental science field interdiscinplinary Prenatal conception to birth most change Infancy birth to 2 years language motor skills social attachments Early Childhood 2 to 6 years kids come into their own motor skills imagination middle childhood 6 to 11 years understand world active schooling Adolescence 11 to 18 years puberty adult body abstract thoughts morality Emerging Adulthood 18 to 26 years Domains Physical body size proportions body systems cognitive attention memory knowledge problem sizing emotional social self understanding interpersonal skins Theory vital tools that guide us sound basis for practical action understand improve welfare of children Issues Continuous vs discontinuous one course of many nature vs nurture Continue Discontiue gradual slow cont Quantitative stair steps discount stage theory rapid transformation with each step qualitative development One course development Many one course stage theory many course contemporary theory unique combinations different paths personal hereditary environmental home school neighborhood immediate historical time period culture Macro Nature Nurture nature genetics emphasizes stability nurture physical and social world emphasizes change and plasticity Historical Views of Childhood Medieval Times Childhood separate from adults 7 years of reason and expected to work alongside adults Reformation children are innately evil original sin harsh discipline Transition to modern Locke tabla rasa blank slate instruction example reward education makes the man associationism association of ideas when going is most important foundation for self treat children with kindness Transition Continued Rosseau noble savage children are inherently good society corrupts them born ready to learn would naturally develop into moral adults introduce ideas of stages and maturation infancy childhood late childhood adolescence children choose their own destiny Darwin theory of evolution documenting behavior kept a baby biography of infant son Pioneers of child development hall gesell believed in maturational development founded child development in academics normative approach typical development binet simon standardized intelligence test baldwin now nature and nurture coincide work together
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