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Child Psychology DEP3103 WEEK 1 5 16 12 6 41 PM Dr Lane email lane psy fsu edu Office PDB 228 Class meets MWF 930 1140am Required Text Santrock J W Child Development 13th Ed McGraw Hill FIRST TEST FRIDAY may 18th Ch 1 and 2 IF you want to check out test must make apt within 1 week of being posted iClicker EXAM 1 May 18 chapters 1 2 EXAM 2 June 1 chapters 3 4 5 EXAM 3 June 13 chapters 9 10 11 Disney Death EXAM 4 June 22 chapters 12 14 15 CHAPTER 1 Intro History and Science of Child Psychology Child Psychology dreams Psychology study of behavior and mental processes languages thoughts Conception Adolescence FOCUS ON How When Why WHY understand impact of childhood on adulthood helps parents teachers others understand children helps understand ourselves How Perception of Children has changed over time Medieval 6 15th Century through paintings etc suggest children were seen as separate adults Original Sin view 16th Century puritans kids born EVIL and STUBBORN with sin harsh restrictive parenting aka beatings tough love True or False They do not love their children FALSE Tabula Rasa view end of 17th century JOHN LOCKE blank slate TorF kids are NOT born bad or good TRUE Spend time with child and help them become contributing member of society TorF Those following Tabula Rasa believe if your child is a serial killer it s the parents fault TRUE Innate Goodness view 18th century kids born KNOWING what is RIGHT and WRONG INHERENTLY good Little parental monitoring harmed upbringing if adult involved too much Today Kids seen as separate department stores laws securing their difference with protection against sexual pedophilia clothing Important Terms 1 Development pattern of change from conception to death child development from conception to adolescence 2 Biological processes changes in the body 3 Cognitive processes changes in though intelligence language 4 Socio emotional processes changes in relationships emotions and personality Biological processes tend to be physical in nature cognitive purely thought processes socio emotional dealing with reactions to environment inside Ex Suze s ability to grasp a bottle would be considered A Biological Processes CORRECT Time Periods 5 Prenatal Period conception to birth 9months 6 Infancy Birth to 18 24 mos 2yrs 7 Early Childhood 2 5 or 6yrs of age PreSchool age 8 Middle Childhood 6 11yr 9 Adolescence 10 12 18 22yrs Emerging Adulthood 18 25yrs Reflect What age range did you become an adolescence B 11 12yrs old personal answer Were you physically cognitively and socio emotionally different when you became an adolescent Yes Reflect 3 Issues child researchers deal with in their research 1 Nature Nurture Issue biology vs socialization 2 Continuity and Discontinuity Continuous Development vs Stages life experiences can change your development when things are happening throughout development discontinuity is when you reach a certain age something happens etc 3 Early Later Experience Early life is more important to adulthood than later life experiences Which of the following do you feel had the biggest influence on who you are now A Can you identify an early experience that you believe contributed in Early Experiences important ways to your development Can you identify a recent or current later experience that you think had is having a strong influence on your development Theories of Development A Psychoanalytic Theories Unique history of child Series of stages with conflicts that need to be resolved discontinuity Resolution or lack there of determines who you become as an adult Freud neurologist coke addict genius Psychosexual Theory Focus on unconscious and drives sex aggression 3 Parts of Personality Id Ego Superego Id Does NOT operate in reality desires immediate gratification Ego DOES OPERATE in REALITY Mediator job to make sure Id and Superego are satisfied Superego put in place by parental figure conscience Does NOT operate in reality always wants you to do what s RIGHT Every stage must be met with right amount of gratification parents job FIXATED means parent did not give right amount too much or too little for gratification of growing pleasure zones Doesn t mean you don t move on but as war goes on you will leave troops behind in these zones which is what causes the lingering fixation Freud Oral birth 1yr feeding breastfeeding Anal 1 3yrs potty training too early or too late could cause fixation anal retentive comes from this too controlling because you couldn t control bowels OR messy sloppy because not taken care of this Phallic 3 6yrs age 3 baby realizes he she is boy girl Freud says boys desire momma Oedipus complex girls desire daddas Electra complex afraid father will find out about ur desire for momma which creates Castration Anxiety which leads to you adopting dad s values and actions so you can find someone LIKE your mom Freud believe women don t have morals and values because they DON T have penis which means they DON T feel castration anxiety thus they DON T relate with mother and DON T take up mother s value system Latency 6 puberty focusing now on socialization with own gender and not as much on sex Genital Puberty onward romantic feelings sexual mingling Ex Sammy wants juice mom says no he wants it badly has temper tantrum What is responsible for this Id CORRECT Psychosocial Stages aka Erikson similar to Freud in age mapping but diff focus on belonging to others has basic 5 stages but ADDED 3 more that deal with Adulthood B Behavioral and Social Cognitive Theories Pavlov s Classical Conditioning salivating dogs Bahaviorism Watson John Social Learning Theory Bandura imitating action Social Cognitive Theory Bandura rev modeling parents thinking C Cognitive Theories Key is conscious thought US 1960 s Piaget s Cognitive Development Theory Assimilation take new knowledge and put it into categories or schemas that already exist see golden retriever put into category for dog 4 legs etc etcbarks Accomodation new info doesn t fit into the categories that already exist so you make a new category see cow say doggy find out its new and create new category with it END CLASS 1 Day 14th of May 05 16 Theories of Development continued Clicker Judy watching Modern Family noties one of families is two men and a child She had previously considered a family only a man and a woman and child She now decides that two men and a child could definitely be a family The PROCESS of deciding that these two men and their child are a family when she previously didn

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FSU DEP 3103 - Child Psychology NOTES Week 1

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