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CHILD PSYCH FINAL EXAM Family Styles of parenting during childhood and adolescence 2 Separate dimensions of Parenting 1 Emotionally 2 Control Emotionally 1 High 2 Low warm loving responsive to desires of child child centered cold rejecting unresponsive parent centered Control how much control parents exert 1 High behavior 2 Low set clear rules discipline when rules are broken don t tolerate unacceptable or immature behaviors Hold high standards and monitor child s do not set clear rules lack of or inconsistent discipline Allow child to express impulses Parent styles are based on combined dimensions Warm Responsive Cold Unresponsive High Control Authoritative Authoritarian Low Control Permissive Indulgent Uninvolved Neglecting Child outcomes predicted with each parent style 1 Conflicted Irritable Anxious low self concept does not feel in control of like looks to others for approval and what to do Vulnerable to stress Matches Authoritarian parenting style 2 Impulsive Aggressive compliant low achievement impulse and aggressive Usually not severe delinquency Matches Permissive parenting style 3 Neglected lack of attachment low achievement low social skills truancy precocious sex delinquency Matches Uninvolved parenting style 4 Energetic Friendly high self concept high achievements high self control low anti social behaviors high attachment Matches Authoritative parenting style Exceptions to the Rules 1 For poor minorities in dangerous neighborhoods authoritative style does not have the best outcome Authoritarian has the best adjustment 2 Asian Chinese parents who are authoritarian tend be viewed very positively and have positive child outcome Authoritarian has a different meaning in Asian culture which values family and cultural standards over independence and internal standards Discipline negative consequences when child misbehaves not necessarily physical punishment or severe Regularly use discipline Authoritarian and Authoritative How to Punish Effectively 1 When possible negative consequences should be immediate and consistent 2 Rules and consequences for breaking rules should be clear 3 Never threaten if parent cannot follow through 4 Avoid all physical punishment current recommendation of National Academy of Pediatrics Reasons why to avoid physical punishment 1 Child gets aroused so less likely to learn a lesson 2 Provides aggressive model for child 3 Danger of escalating into abuse Alternatives to Physical Punishment Infancy punishment rarely appropriate before 6 months when old enough to get into things use a firm NO to redirect attention Habit Train to engage in good behaviors Make it easy for them to behave well and reinforce kids for good behavior Start young When child starts to test limits around 9 months remove the child from the situation entirely Test limits to touch something when told not to put baby back in the crib Toddlers and Young Children Beginning around 1 5 2 years recommend time outs Can be used until 7 8 years depending on the child Punishing the child with boredom Chair in the hallway where there is no stimulation parent must watch throughout timeout Start with one minute per age year Needs to be done immediately and consistently Must sit quietly no talking or explaining during the time out Goal is to bore the child Sending child to bedroom is not effective because that is not boring and the child associates bedroom with punishment you hit the dog go to time out why is this important So the child understands why they are going to time out it is wrong to hurt animals because important that this is last because the punishment needs to be immediate Proper Timing for Time outs 1 State the Offense 2 Time Out Served 3 Rationale 4 Be Calm neither angry or affectionate If the child won t serve the time out Increase the time when the child gets up But set a time limit young 12 mins older 25 mins Remove privilege when the child gets up Hold the child from behind Can timeouts be used in the Classroom Difficult to supervise Too many distractions from the time out from positive reinforcement from other children Child is in time out other children laugh and point child gets positive reinforcement At about 5 years depending on the child until teen age years use the removal of a privilege TV dessert car phone internet Proper timing for privilege removal Nature of privilege may require that punishment be delayed grounded on the weekend so that rational may need to come before the punishment Can review it again after the punishment is given and served How Quality of Marriage Divorce affects Children Quality of Marriage Martial conflict affects children in 2 ways 1 Stress for parents leads to poor parenting which in turn leads to children s problems indirect 2 Harm child when witnesses conflict Birth of child creates conflict stress in all relationships particularly weak relationships Women show more martial dissatisfaction with infant Even good marriages may need help sometimes Divorce Almost 50 of first marriages end in divorce 60 of remarriages end in divorce view divorce as life transition not as a discrete event during the first year after divorce parent and child adjustment gets worse By 2nd 3rd year most kids learn how to cope but kids are still at risk 25 of children show long term psychological problems Overall more problems seen in boys both immediate and delayed Girls show more problems in adolescence Boys more vulnerable to stressful situations Problems in Divorce Parenting skills decline more stress less time Less consistency in discipline less responsiveness Less supervision Child gets more demanding and negative with Mom greater in boys Boys act out more and are more aggressive declining in grades and more drop outs decline in peer relationships more with boys drug use and precocious sex apparent in both sexes depression in adolescence greater in girls What predicts if children s problems resolve Cooperation between parents and little conflict What of divorced parents cooperate 25 Frequent contact with non custodial parent is good particularly important for son father contact but also important for daughters Works if you don t put children between parents Daughters most likely to be put in between parents If mom has a new male relationship do boys benefit YES if the new man is responsive and the child is young Age Generally better at coping with divorce when the child is older at the time of the divorce Young children get confused and may blame self fear

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FSU DEP 3103 - Final Exam

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