Exam 2 Study Guide Child Psychology Prenatal Development 1 For each of the 3 stages of prenatal development be able to a Zygote embryo fetus a Name the stage b State when it begins and ends c Describe the specific developments that occur during each period d Know in general terms the kinds of problems e g structural functional destruction that occur when things go wrong a Zygote i Begins with fertilization and ends when the zygote has been firmly implanted on the uterine wall 1 Fertilization occurs with the sperm and egg nucleus fusing and this occurs as the egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus 3 7 day journey ovulation Implantation occurs when the tendrils from the zygote penetrate the uterine wall 2 a Destruction occurs because many miscarriages occur because the zygote does not properly implant to the uterine wall or it falls off i Begins with the firm implantation on the uterine wall and it ends at approximately the 8th week of b Embryo development 1 Most differentiation occurs here cell formation and functions most organs are formed and have crude functions 2 Germ layers are formed through differentiation Endoderm mesoderm ectoderm 3 Auxiliary structures form from the zygote Amniotic sac chorion placenta and the umbilical cord nutrients and wastes are able to pass through the semi permeable membrane 4 Formations Spinal column 3 weeks eye differentiation and limb bud formation 5 weeks hands begin to form 6 weeks toes 7 weeks External genitals most internal organs crude functions of the heart and liver crude movements of indigestion and nervous system also are developing at this time a Structural problems are most likely to occur with exposure to teratogens at this time Most miscarriages occurs in the embryonic period c Fetus i Begins at the beginning of the 9th week and ends when the child is born 1 All organs mature further 2 Biggest growth period for brain and nervous system 3 Finishing touches to muscles fat and growth 4 Further formation of genitals a Functional damage is most likely to occur 2 The process of cell differentiation a Describe what it is i The process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type b During what stage of prenatal development does it occur most rapidly i Occurs most rapidly in the embryonic stage c Describe the first step in the cell differentiation process i Formation of the 3 gem layers creating Ectoderm outer skin and nervous system mesoderm muscle skeleton blood and the endoderm lungs and digestive track 3 Auxiliary Structures a Be able to name and describe the function of each one b From what does each develop 1 i Amniotic sac Contains amniotic fluid which protects from shock and temperature changes Old cells accumulate within the fluid useful for prenatal testing Develops from the embryos DNA ii Amnion Outer membrane of sac which protects the sacs content Develops from the embryos iii Chorion Surrounds the amnion and is in charge of gas exchange Develops from the embryos DNA DNA iv Placenta Outside chorion which is attached to the uterine lining The placenta is the only auxiliary structure developed from the zygote and the maternal uterus DNA v Umbilical cord Connects embryo to the abdomen of the placenta and allows nutrients and waste to pass through the semi permeable membrane Develops from the embryos DNA 4 Explain the transfer of nutrients wastes between mother and embryo fetus a Nutrients and oxygen from Mom s blood build up in placenta and travel to embryo fetus through the umbilical cord which is attached by a semi permeable membrane Blood cells are too big to cross over the membrane however infectious diseases and drugs can pass through the barrier 5 Rh factor a What is it i It is an inherited trait that refers to a specific protein found on the surface of red blood cells If your blood has the protein then you are Rh and if it lacks the protein you are Rh b Describe the condition s under which problems can arise and what happens i The baby s Rh can get into the mother s blood if the placenta ruptures or some prenatal tests causes the moms body to build up antibodies to fight it This is only a problem if the mother is Rh and the baby is Rh If the baby is negative it isn t going to send anything over so it s not an issue 1 It takes a while for the mother s antibodies to build up and sometimes they accumulate and can be an issue for the next pregnancy c What can be done to prevent problems i Rh immune globin shots are administered during the first pregnancy which acts like a vaccine and can prevent the mother from producing and potentially dangerous antibodies If the antibodies have already been developed then a blood transfusion with Rh can take place which stabilizes the babies red blood cells and minimizes further damage caused by the antibodies already in the babies blood stream 6 What is Thalidomide what is the important lesson s to be learned from the problems it caused in the 1940 s 1950 s a It was a commonly prescribed anti nausea drug that many women took during pregnancy which led to limb deformities in some babies The babies only had limb deformities when the mother s took the drug during the critical period for limb development which is usually during the 5 8 week period b Different organs have different critical periods for development 7 Age of Viability a What is it b When is it i If born the child has a chance of survival i 22 26 weeks into the pregnancy c How does the current age of viability differ from the previous age of viability i It used to be said that if the baby was born before 28 weeks the child wouldn t be able to survive but due to modern medicine the time period has gone down 8 Weight of baby a Typical weight at end of embryonic period i 1 4 ounces 1 25 inches 2 b Typical weight at birth i 7 7 lbs 5 5 12lbs c Define low birth weight i Less than 5 5 lbs 9 Preterm or Low Birth Weight Babies a What are common causes i Multiple babies problems with uterus or placenta smoking alcohol drugs high blood pressure or diabetes major stress poor health and weight extremities b What are problems that result i Brain central nervous system and respiratory development c How can parents minimize problems i Physicals and psychological stimulation for treatment to individual and responsiveness d Describe the Breathing Bear and its effects on premature infants from text 10 Prenatal Testing For each test listed be able to explain when it is typically done how it is performed what kinds
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