PPE 3003 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Current Lecture I Three Mechanisms of Personality X Social Situation Interaction II Selection Romantic Partners III Selection Shyness and Risk IV Evocation V Evocation Aggression and Hostility VI Evocation Through Expectancy Confirmation VII Manipulation Tactics VIII Personality Predictors of Manipulation Tactics IX Machiavellianism Current Lecture A Three Mechanisms of Personality X Social Situation Interaction a Selection b Evocation c Manipulation B Selection Romantic Partners a Complementary needs theory versus attraction similarity theory i Complimentary needs 1 Opposites attract ii Attraction similarity 1 Birds of a feather flock together iii Evidence supports the attraction similarity theory iv Assortative mating 1 Personality mating ect b Personality affects who will get together and who will break up c Personality traits associated with relationship satisfaction i Agreeableness ii Emotional Stability iii Openness iv Conscientiousness d If you are high on agreeableness you will prioritize this trait as important and find someone who is also agreeable i If you are low on agreeableness you will not prioritize it and it won t matter to you if your partner is low on agreeableness and you are okay with this C D E F e Violation of desire theory Selection Shyness and Risk a Shyness i Feeling tense worried anxious during social interactions 1 How is this different form introversion b Shy people avoid social situations c Results in isolation d Shy women are less likely to i Go to a gynecologist ii Discuss contraception with potential sexual partner e Greater health risk f Shy people may view high risk big payoff gambling less favorable compared to those who are not shy i Amygdala controls thrill and risk g Conclusion i Shyness leads to greater vulnerability to some types of risks but decreases others Evocation a We evoke reactions from others b Others evoke reactions from us i Your personality your behavior friend s reaction ii Friend s personality friend s behavior your reaction Evocation Aggression and Hostility a Aggressive people evoke hostility from others i Aggressive personality Aggressive behavior Hostile reactions from others b Hostile attributional bias i Tendency to infer hostile intent from ambiguous behavior ii Example 1 You ask someone a question and they do not respond a Non hostile they did not hear you b Hostile they are purposely ignoring you c Expectation of hostility aggressive behavior d People treated aggressively tend to aggress back e Conclusion i Aggressive people evoke hostility f Your personality could evoke reactions in others that you find disagreeable i Example 1 Being high in dominance may lead you to belittle your friend which causes him her to be timid and meek a Qualities that you do not like Evocation Through Expectancy a Expectancy confirmation i When beliefs about personality of others promote behaviors that evoke actions consistent with initial beliefs ii Self fulfilling prophecies b Snyder and Swan 1978 i Cycle including 1 You believe someone is aggressive 2 You act aggressively 3 They are offended 4 They act aggressively G Manipulation Tactics a What do you do to i Get out of a speeding ticket ii Convince your roommate to clean iii Convince your parents to help you with something b Some tactics i Charm ii Coercion iii Silent treatment iv Reason v Regression vi Self abasement vii Responsibility invocation viii Hardball ix Pleasure induction x Social comparison xi Monetary reward H Personality Predictors of Manipulation Tactics a Extraversion i High extraversion 1 Coercion invoking responsibility ii Low extraversion 1 Self abasement hardball b Agreeableness i High agreeableness 1 Pleasure induction reason ii Low agreeableness 1 Coercion silent treatment I Machiavellianism a Machiavellianism i Manipulative strategy of social interaction 1 Use of other people as tools for personal gain b People who score high on Machiavellianism high Machs prefer i Loosely structured situations ii Fewer rules 1 Might restrict use of exploitative strategy c Can pay off in the end but depends on the situation
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