Lecture 1 Chapter 1 1 Know the definition of personality discussed in class a A patterning of dispositional traits characteristic adaptions and integrative life stories set in culture and shaped by human evolution b What makes someone themselves c The individual differences of that person 2 What is the difference between personality traits and characteristic adaptations a Personality Traits Dispositional i A unique set of consistent emotional cognitive and behavioral dispositions or tendencies ii Traits how people feel think and act iii Outline of personality b Characteristic Adaptations i Details of personality ii Aspects of psychological individuality that are contextualized in time place and or role iii Motivational Factors what do people want iv Cognitive Factors values beliefs expectancies v Developmental Factors evolutions of self identity 3 What are the main differences between personality psychology and the other related fields within psychology stay the same a Developmental Psychology how people change over time vs in what ways they b Clinical Psych study of normal functioning vs in what ways they stay the same c Social Psych Focus on the situation vs the person In your book 4 Be able to recognize an example of a case study 5 Know what parsimony testability and generativity are a Parsimony explain max number of observations within a minute Number of explanatory concepts i The more straightforward the explanation is usually the preferred one b Testability from the theory a scientist should be able to derive a hypothesis that can be tested through empirical research c Generativity good theory should generate new research and new theorizing 6 Know the differences between correlational and experimental designs a Correlation when one variable changes so does the other variable b Experimental scientist manipulates or alters one variable of interest in order to observe its impact on another variable i Independent vs dependent 7 Be able to recognize examples of positive and negative correlations a Positive when an increase of the one variable tends to be associated with the b Negative when the increase of one variable is associated with the decrease of the increase of the other other 8 Know the difference between nomothetic and idiographic approaches a Idiographic Allport s term for an approach to personality study that focuses on the uniqueness of the individual case morphogenic b Nomothetic Allport s term for an approach to personality study that seeks to discover general laws for all persons Lecture 2 Chapter 2 Evolutionary Psychology 1 How does natural selection work a Variety within species b Some survive and reproduce some don t c Some traits better enable an organism to survive and reproduce d Offspring inherit traits that lead to success a a b 2 How is sexual selection different from natural selection If a trait threatens survival it will be selected as long as it helps reproduction 3 What is the difference between intrasexual competition and intersexual selection INTERsexual members of one sex CHOOSE to mate based on their preferences ex birds of paradise INTRAsexual members of the same sex COMPETE with rivals for access to mates ex elephant seals 4 What is inclusive fitness Who would inclusive fitness predict we would save in an emergency a Your survival doesn t matter b Only the survival of your genes matter c A parent is more likely to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their offspring s survival and ability to carry on their genes 5 What are the three kinds of products of evolution Be able to describe and recognize examples of each strength a Environmental Triggers father absences and sexual strategies b Trait contingencies aggressive style more advantageous if paired with physical c Frequent Dependent Differences just the right number of psychopaths 6 Know the difference between proximate and ultimate explanations for behavior and be able to recognize examples of each a Proximate why does it happen her and now b Ultimate why does it happen at all i The why behind the why ii Evolutionary psychologist put emphasis on this level From your book 7 What is sociosexuality a The extent to which and individual will will not insist on closeness and commitment of an interpersonal relationship before engaging in sexual intercourse what a partner Lecture 3 Chapter 3 Conditioning examples of each 1 Know the difference between classical and operant conditioning Be able to recognize a Classical Conditioning training involuntary behaviors salivation startle reflex b Operant Conditioning training voluntary behaviors i Reinforcement increases likelihood of response ii Punishment decreases likelihood of response iii Positive something presented iv Negative something removed 2 What is observational learning a Learning by seeing or reading about the world around you b Under what conditions you observe and not learn 3 What are the steps necessary for observational learning Be able to recognize examples 1 Attention 2 Retention 3 Motor reproductive processes 4 Motivation 4 What is social ecology shape his or her life a The many different environmental context that influence a person s behavior and 5 What is a microcontext What is a macrocontext Be able to recognize examples a Macrocontext social class culture historical context in which we live i Tree approaches 1 Evoked culture 2 Transmitted culture 3 Cultural universals b Microcontext immediate environmental influences 6 Know two features of evoked culture and be able to recognize examples of evoked culture a Cooperation i Inconsistent food source hunting high cooperation ii Consistent food source gathering low cooperation b Culture of Honor of ruthless i Herding high possibility of theft advantage to building a reputation ii Growing crop low possibility of theft less need to appear ruthless 7 What are the differences between Eastern and Western cultures when describing 8 Recognize examples of independent and interdependent behavior Are Eastern cultures or Western cultures more independent Which is more interdependent themselves a Relationships vs characteristics b Special ness c Context dependence a Non western more interdependent i Ex be close to group b Western independent i Ex maintain independent From book Chapter 3 9 Know the terms from page 72 and be able to recognize examples Concepts Definition Example Positive reinforcer Negative reinforcer Any stimulus that because of its presentation after a response strengthens response
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