Research Methods Objectives Reading assignment Textbook Chapter 2 pp 44 70 Objectives 1 Why are research methods necessary To help us safeguard against errors and biases 4 major categories Naturalistic Observation Case studies Correlational research Experimental research 2 What is naturalistic observation Be able to give an example Watching behavior in real world settings without manipulating the situation Often used to study animals Ex Jane Goodall studying chimpanzees Sometimes used to study human behavior Ex Robert Provine observes ppl laughter 3 What is a case study What are case studies often used to study In depth examination of a specific individual or group Often over a long period of time Often used to describe rare of unusual psychological phenomena Ex Brain damage Useful for coming up with hypotheses to be tested systematically 4 What is generalizability Why does it present a problem for case studies 5 What question does correlational research try to answer Answers the question is X related to Y Examine whether changing one variable predictably changes another variable Ex Is ice cream associated with aggression 6 What s the difference between a positive correlation and a negative correlation Be able to give an example of each Positive As one variable increases the other increases Ex As ice cream consumption increases aggression increases Negative As one variable increases the other decreases Ex As ice cream consumption increases aggression decreases No correlation there is a no predictable change in one variable with the varying of the other variable Ex Consumption of ice cream treats has nothing to do with aggression 7 How does correlation relate to causation What can correlation tell us about causation Correlation can tell us that there is some kind of relationship between the two things Correlation does not equal causation 8 What question does experimental research attempt to answer Does X cause Y Manipulate a variable to see if it causes another variable 9 What are three requirements for causation 1 There must be a relationship between X and Y 2 The cause must precede the effect 3 Must rule out other possible causes 10 What s the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable Independent variable IV variable which is being manipulated Dependent variable DV variable which is being measured to see fi the IV affects it 11 What s a confound Why does it a present a problem for determining cause A variable that systematically changes with the IV Confounding variable may be causing the change in the DV Often referred to as third variable problem 12 What s random assignment How does it help to get around the problem of confounds Participants have equal chance of ending up in any condition Ex Flip a coin Heads hot room Tails cold room 13 From the textbook What is a placebo effect What are demand characteristics What is the experimenter expectancy effect How do each of these things pose problems for running good experimental studies What is a double blind experiment and what can it help to prevent 14 What s the difference between a laboratory experiment and a field experiment Be able to give an example of each What are the advantages disadvantages to each Laboratory controlled experiment inside the laboratory Bringing ppl to the laboratory Advantages can control everything Disadvantage unrealistic setting Field manipulating independent variables using unknowing participants in natural settings Ex Have someone drop books in a hallway and see who stops more boys or girls Advantages participates are not knowing 15 What is validity What is internal validity External validity Of the methods discussed in class which tends to have the highest internal validity Which tends to have the highest external validity Naturalistic Extent to which something measures what it is supposed to measure Internal Validity extent to which we can draw cause and effect inferences from a study External Validity extent to which we can generalize findings to real world settings 16 From the textbook What organization determines the code of ethics for psychology What do institutions use to ensure that studies meet these code of ethics 17 From the textbook What is informed consent What is debriefing 18 From the textbook Know the seven key principles of ethics outlined in Table 2 3 in your book
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