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General Psychology Fall 2011 Exam 1 Study guide September 21 2011 Prologue and Chapter 1 Psychology as a Science 1 What is psychology 2 Explain the biopsychosocial approach to studying psychology 3 What is the difference between basic research and applied research 4 What is a theory 5 Be familiar with the steps involved in the scientific method 6 Know the three main methods used to observe and describe behavior 7 What is a correlation 8 What is an illusionary correlation 9 What is random assignment and random sampling 10 What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable 11 Be able to list the three measures of central tendency and be able to define what the mean is 12 Define statistical significance 13 What are ethics 14 What information should be included on an informed consent form 15 What were the two major ethical issues regarding the Stanford Prison experiment Chapter 2 Biology of the Mind 1 What is the definition of a neuron 2 Know the three types of neurons and what they do 3 Know the parts of a neuron and what role they are responsible for in neural communication 4 What are neurotransmitters and why is it important for us to study them in psychology 5 What are the two components of the nervous system 6 What two parts of the body make up the central nervous system 7 What are the two components of the peripheral nervous system 8 What is the main function of the somatic nervous system 9 What are the two components of the autonomic nervous system and describe their functions 10 Why is it important to study the brain in a psychology course 11 What does the incident with Phineas Gage teach us about brain injuries 12 Understand the lower level brain structures and what they are generally responsible for a Brainstem b Reticular Formation c Cerebellum d Limbic System Thalamus Hypothalamus Hippocampus Amygdala 13 What is the primary function of the cerebral cortex 14 Know the 4 regions lobes of the cerebral cortex and the primary function of each Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal General Psychology Fall 2011 15 What modern techniques are used to study the brain Chapter 3 Sleep and Consciousness 1 What is the definition of consciousness 2 Understand the concept of dual processing 3 Understand that humans experience different biological cycles a Know what these different cycles are circadian menstrual etc 4 Know the first 4 stages of sleep and what occurs during each stage of sleep 5 What happens during the 5th stage of sleep aka REM sleep 6 Why is sleep important 7 What are the side effects of sleep deprivation 8 What are sleep disorders a Know what each disorder is and what the primary symptom of each is 9 What are psychoactive drugs 10 What are the long term effects of drug abuse 11 What are depressants and stimulants and know an example of each and the side effects 12 What is a hallucinogen What are the side effects of hallucinogens Chapter 1 Answers 1 2 3 Basic Research It is the study of mental processes and behavior It is a scientific approach of studying behavior Research solves practical problems Basic Applied Biological Developmental Cognitive Social Clinical Counseling Psychiatry Industrial Organization is meant for increasing the scientific knowledge base whereas Applied 4 A Theory is a set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events 5 Steps of the Scientific Method a Formulating a Hypothesis b Designing a study c Collecting evidence d Interpret and report the evidence 6 Three Main methods used to observe and describe behavior a Case Study i b Survey In depth but self report c Naturalistic observation Only observe no manipulation i i One person can be misleading only describes one person s behavior General Psychology Fall 2011 7 A Correlation is a measure of how variables relate to each other 8 An Illusionary Correlation is the perception of a relationship where none exists a Ex Getting children wet causes people to get sick b Ex Librarians are quiet is specified to a particular group treatment vs control Random manipulate studying for an exam 9 Random Assignment Sampling means who is in the study 10 Independent variable Location a Ex Dependent Variable a measure Ex Grades 11 Central Tendency s a Mode b Mean mathematical average c Median 12 Statistical Significance a Def statement of likelihood that the result occurred by chance i Psychologists usually accept a 5 Probability or lower is the righteousness or wrongness of a certain action as defined by morality 13 Ethics 14 What a Consent Form Must Include a What they ll the participants be asked to do b Risks c Benefits d Your rights as a Participant 15 Two major ethical issues regarding the Stanford Prison experiment a Participants were not allowed to leave when they wanted to b They suffered trauma following the conclusion of the experiment Chapter 2 are the basic building blocks of the nervous system 1 N eurons 2 Three Types of Neurons a Sensory b Motor Inter neurons c communicate information between neurons 3 Parts of a Neuron and their roles in communication control our motor actions outgoing control our senses incoming Majority neurons in Central Nervous System CNS that receive info from other neurons and sensory receptors carries info to the other neurons muscles and glands a Dendrites b Axon c Myelin Sheath faster information travels through the axons d Nodes of Ranvier this insulates the neurons The thicker this Myelin Sheath the are gaps in the myelin sheath 4 A Neurotransmitter are endogenous chemicals that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse They are important to study because without these neurotransmitters information would not get from one part of our body to the other 5 Two Components of the Nervous System a Central nervous System CNS General Psychology Fall 2011 i ii Brain Spinal Cord the bridge between our brain and peripheral nerves Has spinal reflexes b Peripheral Nervous System PNS i Transmits info to and from the CNS 6 The Central Nervous System is made up of the Brain and Spinal Cord 7 The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of two major components a Somatic Nervous System b Autonomic Nervous System regulates internal environment i Connects the CNS to the Smooth Involuntary muscles and organs such as the heart the stomach and liver 8 The main function of the Somatic Nervous System Interacts with External environment a b Sends signals from the sensory organs and skin to the CNS c Voluntary movement 9 The two

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