PSY2012 Exam 4 Study Guide Chapter 11 Define and be able to differentiate emotion mood and affect Emotion Conscious evaluative reaction to some event Talking about an evaluative reaction to an event Mood Feeling state not clearly linked to some event Feeling a certain way that isn t specifically linked to an event Affect Automatic response can be good or bad Distinguish between primary and secondary emotions Primary emotions are the same throughout cultures since they are rooted in biology Primary emotions combine together to form secondary emotions Alarm fear surprise Hatred anger disgust List the six universal emotions Fear Threat Sadness Loss Anger When a goal is blocked Happiness Positive experiences Disgust Threat of contagion repulsion Surprise Unexpected event Define display rules and describe some of the factors that affect how we display emotions Display rules How and when to express emotion Displaying emotions at certain times to get across certain messages Cultural Differences There are cultural factors that govern how and when we display our emotions Power difference Example Laughing at the boss to appease him Gender differences Men and women have the same emotions but men are taught not to show them Know the difference between the old view and the new view of emotion Old view Emotions are bi dimensional Try to categorize emotions into bi dimensional categories of Arousal high vs low and Valence pleasant vs unpleasant Effect on behavior depends on these levels Examples Fear High arousal unpleasant Nervousness High arousal unpleasant Sexual excitement High arousal pleasant Sadness Low arousal unpleasant Problem If this were true you should be able to predict any behavior to be the same if you have the same valence and arousal level This is not true New view Domain specificity Effect of emotion is dependent upon specific emotion Emotion serves to motivate behavior Each specific emotion will motivate specific behaviors Disgust Avoid disease Sadness Seek social support Sexual Arousal Find a romantic partner Love Maintain Relationship Describe three major theories of emotion James Lange theory There would be a stimulus that causes your body to have a physiological response Then you label that response with an emotion Cannon Bard theory Stimulus produces physiological arousal and emotion at the same exact time Dismissed this theory because it doesn t t allow for cognitive appraisal Schacter Singer theory Two Factor Cognitive appraisal is key to the cognitive emotion you are going to have If you walk into a room and there are 15 snakes in the room are you afraid Now we are told the room is in a zoo and each of the snakes are in cages where they can t effect you Cognitively you should be able to tell yourself that the snake can t affect you and that you shouldn t fear it You should be able to override fears when you know you aren t in danger Define motivation Physiological needs or desires that energize or direct behavior food sleep and sex Identify three perspectives useful for studying motivated behavior Drive Reduction Theory Basic idea A physiological need creates an aroused tension state a drive that motivates organisms to seek need satisfaction There s discomfort in not having the need met Strength of drives is affected by arousal If you are hungry put food in your body That will reduce the hunger drive you have Fulfilling a psychological urge for something Trying to promote survival or homeostasis Incentive Theories Motivated behavior extends beyond satisfying drive E g We re motivated by positive goals One piece of evidence for incentive theories is curiosity Animals often explore the world around them in the absence of any need based drive Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Model Emphasizes the prioritizing of diverse needs Basic needs before higher level needs Says that we have diverse needs that move from drives to incentives We have base drives that we need to take care of but we have higher level drives that we want to satisfy Define homeostasis as used by drive reduction theorists Equilibrium Maintaining a balanced or constant state Example What drives us to get something to drink when we are thirsty To sustain life certain substances and characteristics of the body must be kept within a restricted range not too high or too low Certain things we do to keep us alive Says we are motivated by our physiological needs to reduce the drives that we have to get what we need Distinguish between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation Intrinsic Motivation People are motivated by internal goals Something that you have a driving need to do internal motivation Extrinsic motivation People are motivated by external goals Motivated by some reward there will be a reward for doing this Describe Maslow s hierarchy of needs All of our needs move up the hierarchy until we get needs for self esteem and other things Chapter 15 What is Mental Illness Psychopathology mental illness is often seen as a failure of adaptation to the environment Identify the criteria for judging whether behavior is psychologically disordered Everyone deviates is distressed or experiences dysfunction at times It s a matter of degree not either or Think of things on a continuum of what is normal and abnormal Is this distressing to a degree that you may need to see help Example Lisa panics with anxiety whenever she leaves her home Her problem escalated gradually until she was absent from work so often that she got fired She hasn t been out of her house in 9 months and is deeply troubled by her problem This would qualify as a psychological disorder Statistical deviance from normal behavior Dysfunctional behavior because she lost her job Causes significant distress Describe Statistical Deviance Deviant behavior is outside of the normal range Bell curves or statistics good for looking at this Describe Subjective Distress Abnormal behavior may be psychologically disordered if it causes significant distress Some forms of distress and disability are the expected response to an event E g Grief over the death of a loved one Not all distress qualifies for psychologically disordered behavior Describe Dysfunctional Behavior Dysfunction Impairs one s ability to get along in life This behavior has to interfere with daily living Has to cause dysfunction E g Intense fear of heights Doesn t really interfere with someone in a rural setting Might interfere with someone who lives in a city Describe the goal and content of the
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