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11 11 2015 Ch 1 Learning Objectives Define personality and understand each of the elements of the definition of personality set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her interactions with and adaptations to the environment What are three reasons personality traits are useful Describe the way people are different average tendencies of a person describe explain predict behavior At what levels do personality psychologists analyze similarities and differences Be able to define each level and provide examples Human nature o How we are like all others nearly everyone Individual and group differences o How we are like some others o Traits mechanisms of personality that are typical of our species and possessed by o Indiv differences refer to ways in which each person is like some others o Group differences refer to ways in which people of one group differ from people in o Every individual has personal and unique qualities not shared by any other person in another group Individual uniqueness o How we are like no others the world Ch 2 Learning Objectives Describe and provide examples of the four sources of data collected by personality psychologists three from class one from the book Identify the strengths and weaknesses of Self report data questionnaire method can be open ended or true false likert each source of personality data rating scale Observer report data have access to info not attainable through other sources ie social reputation Impression on others Multiple observers can be used Test data to see if different people react differently to an identical situation Megargee s study on manifestations of dominance Life outcome data refers to info that can be gleaned from the events activities and outcomes in a person s life that are available to public scrutiny Ex personality psychologists can sometimes secure info on people regarding their speeding tickets clubs they re involved in if they own a gun etc Define three types of reliability and four types of validity and be able to recognize examples of each Repeat measurement over time intervals of one month for same people if tests are highly correlated yielding similar scores for other people the measure is said to have test retest reliability Examine relationships among the items themselves at a single point in time If the items within a test all correlate well with each other then scale is said to have high internal consistency reliability Applicable only to the use of observer based personality measures When different observers agree with each other the measure is said to have high inter rater You can have a reliable but not valid scale but not a valid and unreliable scale reliability How are reliability and validity related Define generalizability If scale is valid across various groups If scale is valid across various situations Ex depression scale should apply to everyone Know the advantages and disadvantages of correlational research What is the 3rd variable problem with correlational research What is the directionality problem Adv describes relationships between variable can measure things you can t control Disadv correlation does not equal causation Directionality problem has two variables but no cause and effect 3rd variable problem when two variables appear to be related to each other but there is another unknown variable that is the real source of the link between the first two variables Explain the benefits of experimental research What are the features of experimental research Why are these features important for achieving the goal of experimental research Only the experimental method which systematically controls and manipulates events can determine causality Features 1 control manipulation of independent variable all other variables kept constant 2 random assignment participants in each condition are equivalent at beginning of study Features are important so can use statistics to find results when is one number bigger than the other How likely that result occurred by chance o statistically significant if results could have occurred by chance 5 or fewer times out of 100 p 05 Ch 3 Learning Objectives Be able to describe the three approaches to developing trait taxonomies Lexical all important traits are apparent in language Statistical give people questionnaires and analyze using factor analysis Theoretical theory determines which traits are important What is the most widely accepted model for personality and why is it widely accepted Five Factor Model empirical evidence Most widely accepted because it was found by many researchers using different samples and has been replicated over 50 years in many languages and different item formats Be able to list and apply the five personality characteristics recognized as the Big Five e g if I give you an example of a person behaving in a specific way you should be able to identify what trait that behavior likely reflects Openness to experience encompasses willingness to engage in fantasy try new things entertain contradictory and new ideas Creative imaginative intellectual Remember dreams more day dream more Conscientiousness organized neat orderly practical prompt meticulous rule follower live longer Extraversion talkative assertive forward outspoken social Agreeableness sympathetic kind warm understanding sincere Better lovers friends Neuroticism moody anxious insecure Know the differences between extraverts and introverts Know in general what Susan Cain has to say about introverts What does she say that introverts are better at the extraverts Extroverts talk more engage in more eye contact gamble more drive faster more sexually active physically stronger like studying in social places perform better under distraction focus on speed over accuracy Introverts less likely to take risks more likely to create innovation better academic performance better at delay gratification better leaders in certain situations proactive subordinates more likely to listen and let them go where passion drives them better at problem solving silently and when attention is requires Cain says introverts are less likely to take risks prefer to work alone better at critical thinking better at delay gratification better leaders sometimes better at problem solving silently Know how extraversion and neuroticism are related to positive and negative emotionality Extraversion good moods last longer remember being in a

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FSU PPE 3003 - Ch. 1 Learning Objectives

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