PSY2012 Exam 3 Study guide Chapter 9 Define intelligence Intelligence the ability to learn from experience solve problems and use knowledge to adapt when facing novel conditions Identify the different models and types of intelligence Types of Intelligence Sensory Capacity Galton s theory people with better sense acquire more knowledge results from research showed that sensory capacity and intelligence were not highly related to one another Abstract Thinking Focused on higher mental processes such as reasoning understanding and judgment Intelligence has something to do with the capacity to understand theoretical concepts General vs Specific Abilities o General Intelligence g Accounts for overall differences in intellect among people o Specific Abilities s our particular skills Distinguish between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence Cattell and Horn theorized that intelligence is a mix of two capacities fluid and crystallized Fluid Intelligence The capacity to learn new ways of solving problems Flows into crystallized intelligence over time Ex Sudoku Raven Metrics Crystallized Intelligence The accumulated knowledge of the world we gain over time Ex Facts like how many days in a month Know the 8 intelligences included in Gardner s theory of multiple intelligences Gardner s theory of multiple intelligences categorizes frames of mind or ways of thinking about the world It emphasized the fairly unrelated nature of some types of intelligence Ex Experts may be totally normal in domains outside their expertise Argued that autistic savants 8 Intelligence Types Linguistic speak and well Logico mathematical Use logic and mathematical skills to solve problems Spatial Think and reason about objects in three dimensional space Musical Perform understand and enjoy music Bodily kinesthetic Manipulate the body in sports dance or other physical endeavors Interpersonal Understand and interact effectively with others Intrapersonal Understand and possess insight into self Naturalistic Recognize identify and understand animals plants and other living things Differentiate the 3 intelligences included in Sternberg s triarchic model of multiple intelligences Sternberg theorized three largely distinct types of intelligence Analytical Practical and Creative He believed that having one does not ensure you have the others Analytical Intelligence the ability to reason logically book smarts Practical Intelligence the ability to solve real world problems street smarts Creative Intelligence the ability to come up with novel and effective answers Triachic Model weaknesses Practical intelligence is not independent of g Causal relationship between job performance and practical intelligence is We all possess strengths and weaknesses but they might not be as distinct as unclear theorized Determine how psychologists calculate IQ and know what the deviation IQ eliminates Calculating IQ Binet Intelligence Quotient o Divides the mental age by the chronological age multiples that number by 100 to determine the Intelligence Quotient o Works well for children but not for adults Modern IQ Testing o Uses a Deviation IQ that eliminates age effects Compares each person to what is normal for their own age group Deviation IQ helps to eliminate variations in IQ scores due to age differences Ex 75 year old wont test similarly to a 30 year old Today s IQ Testing for adults o Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS Consists of 15 subtests to give 5 scores Overall IQ Verbal comprehension Perceptual reasoning Working memory Processing speed Other Influences on IQ Testing o Culture Fair IQ Tests Consist of abstract reasoning items that don t depend on language o Genetic Influences Family Studies confirm IQ runs in families o Environmental Influences Those that think IQ is fixed tend to take less academic risks Children from larger families have slightly lower IQs than children from smaller families Amount of schooling seems to exert a causal influence on IQ Early intervention programs Head Start produce short term increases in IQ Small impact of expectancy effects by teachers on IQ Define the Flynn effect The Flynn Effect details how the average IQ of the population has been rising by about 3 points every 10 years due to the following reasons having to due with the result of environmental changes Increased test sophistication Increased complexity of modern world Better nutrition Changes at home and school Chapter 10 Define developmental psychology Developmental Psychology the study of how behavior and mental processes change over the life span Differentiate the continuity vs stage view of development Continuity View Change is uniform and gradual Stage View lifespan Change can be rapid with qualitatively different stages evident across the Contrast cross sectional designs and longitudinal designs Measuring Developmental Change Cross Sectional Design o Measures age differences o Does not measure intra individual change o Ex Recruit sample group of 20 year olds and sample group of 75 year olds and compare the two groups Longitudinal Designs o Looks at the same individuals over time o Measures intra individual change o Time consuming and costly o May suffer from selective attrition tendency of some people to be more likely to drop out of a study than others o Ex Study a subject at intervals during his life time 10 years 20 years etc What are cohort effects Define schemas Cohort Effects when sets of people who lived during one period can differ in some systematic way from sets of people who lived during a different period Schemas a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information Jean Piaget studied how children s thinking changes overtime and proposed a model of cognitive development coining the term schema Schemas organize and interpret incoming info They act as mental filters Children form schemas naturally over the course of development Differentiate assimilation from accommodation Assimilation New info is interpreted in ways that fit existing schemas Make the experience fit the schema Accommodation Existing schemas are adjusted to fit new info Make the schema fit the experience State Jean Piaget s understanding of how the mind develops Jean Piaget s understanding of how the mind develops As children age they go through different states of cognitive development Each stage is characterized by a different type of thinking Each stage is qualitatively distinct All children advance through the stages in
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