Objectives Learning Chapter 6 What is learning and what are the major types of learning o Learning is a relatively permanent change in thought or behavior that results from experience not reflex driven behavior o Major types Classical Operant Latent Observational Insight What is classical conditioning Describe its four basic components o Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov 1904 Nobel Prize for research on digestion Dogs and salivation Dogs showed physiological response to cues associated with food Associate stimuli that are paired together Bell Food Salivation An unconditioned stimulus food triggers an unconditioned response saliva A conditioned response bell triggers a conditioned response saliva Saliva is an unconditional response to food but a conditioned response to a bell conditional upon associative learning Unconditional Stimulus food Unconditional Response saliva Conditioned Stimulus bell Conditional Response saliva o Limits Cognitive processes matter response Biological constraints matter Predictability of associations affect strength of conditioned Associative learning is adaptive Links may extend over several hours Some are more likely to form links than others What are the processes of acquisition extinction spontaneous recovery generalization and discrimination o Acquisition initial learning of an association between a neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus timing is key 500 ms o Extinction repeated presentation of Conditioned Stimulus without Unconditioned Stimulus will eventually eliminate response to Conditioned Stimulus suppresses learning doesn t erase o Spontaneous Recovery happens when Conditioned Stimulus briefly regains its power to elicit the response o Stimulus Generalization tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to the o Stimulus Discrimination ability to distinguish between the Conditioned Stimulus conditioned stimulus and other stimuli Which schedule of reinforcement leads to the most enduring behavior Although underestimated in Pavlov s research discuss the importance of cognitive processes and biological predispositions in classical conditioning o Predictability of associations affect the strength of conditioned response o Associative learning is adaptive some more likely to link than others What is the role of behavior in distinguishing classical conditioning from operant conditioning o Classical the emphasis is on unconditioned reflexive responses to stimuli as a result of associative learning essentially involuntary o Operant emphasis on conditioned deliberate behavior enacted by an organism to influence its environment environmental consequences shape behavior What is the process of operant conditioning including the shaping procedure o Behavior can operate on the environment to produce some effect o Past influences present How do punishment and negative reinforcement differ o Positive reinforcement something pleasant added o Negative reinforcement something unpleasant is removed o Positive punishment something unpleasant added o Negative punishment something pleasant removed Reinforcements increase likelihood of behavior Punishments decrease likelihood of behavior What evidence supports latent learning o Edward Tolman 1948 o Rats and different amounts of food at end of mazes o Not all learning requires obvious rewards and punishments What is observational learning studied by Albert Bandura Discuss some evidence for it o Observational social learning learning occurs by watching other people s behavior and observing the resulting consequences Bandura studied modeling imitation of specific behaviors in children Social learning theory social cognitive theory Bobo doll o Suggests that people and some other animals form mental representations of stimuli behavioral responses and consequences reinforcement punishment without having to directly experience them Mirror neurons activated when animal observes performs action Play role in observational learning and empathy How does insight learning research challenge Thorndike s assumptions Chapter 8 Thinking Reasoning and Language Pages 290 291 296 298 Problem Solving 300 309 Thinking includes essential aspects of cognition such as learning remembering perceiving communicating believing and deciding We strive to think efficiently What are some methods of achieving cognitive economy Why are we cognitive misers o Cognitive economy can serve us well but lead to faulty conclusions o Top down processing streamlines cognitive functioning by utilizing preexisting knowledge Includes use of concepts and schemas allows us to exert less cognitive effort over basic info and engage in more complex reasoning All problems initial state obstacles goal state o Cognitive misers make most we can from least amount of info Conserve our resources for those activities that are most important Guides through world Compare heuristics and algorithms as problem solving methods What are their pros and cons When you might want to use one vs the other o Heuristics shortcuts to increase thinking efficiency Simplifies what we attend to keeping down info needed for decision making Prevents analysis paralysis Ex look at contents available in each aisle on way to baking section Eliminate erroneous possibilities to save time and effort o Algorithm involves step by step learned procedure Good when same basic steps are needed each time faced with a certain More time than heuristics May require identification of sub problems Ex up and down every aisle looking for marshmallows till found problem them Try every letter combination possible till find a good answer o Insight no strategy Identify five cognitive skills that have been found among infra human species some information is provided in the textbook but I will elaborate in class o Tool use and construction o Self recognition among elephants dolphins anthropoids o Social assignment of roles meerkats Sentinels Forage Babysit o Symbol use orangutans Noun verb adj number o Distinct communications vervet monkeys have different cries for predators Parts of language phonemes smallest distinctive sound unit o perceptual slots for processing language arise from exposure to language New language learning requires parsing auditory data differently morpheme smallest unit that carries meaning affixes Affix morpheme that comes at the beginning end of a base morpheme Grammar a system of rules that allows us to communicate with others o Semantics set of rules by which we derive meaning from
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