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Test 4 Ch 14 Learning Objectives p 433 437 441 444 446 450 452 455 1 Be able to define the self self concept self esteem and social identity a The self is important for personality a person uses their self to operate with the world around them i The self is a broad term that encompasses the parts of human behavior that require or are altered by self reflection ii The self is about you it s a starting point of how you evaluate everything else going on iii Who you are today might not be who you were a year ago iv 3 parts 1 self concept self esteem social identity b Self concept who am I what am I like this provides the basis for self understanding i ii iii iv you are a separate entity from your surroundings v who I am is separate from everything else vi infants develop a sense of what is me and what is not 1 my body is me but my mom and rattle aren t always there 2 what is always there is me 3 what is not always there is not me vii we aren t born with this we develop this in infancy viii one way we can test this the mirror test 1 2 if a dog barks at its reflection they are not aware of self by the age of 2 half the children tested can recognize themselves c Self esteem d Social identity I know who I am now is that person good or bad i ii How do I feel about myself i Who am I in relation to other people ii What social roles do I fill iii The self that is show to other people 2 Know how one s self concept develops including how to test self awareness a infant b c as you get older you will eventually develop awareness of own body i basis of self awareness of own body ii age 2 3 i ii iii they can recognize their own gender and age they can usually hold up fingers or say their age self concept expands to include family 1 I m Maura s sister they start to understand rules that their parents have set for them they know if they ve done something good or something bad iv v age 3 4 i ii understand that there are things they can t do things they can do self concept based on developing abilities 1 2 they can say the ABC s but also they cannot write yet d age 5 6 i you begin to compare yourself to other people ii what do I do iii What do others do iv Am I better at this than someone Am I worse than someone at this v Private self concept 1 They learn to keep secrets 2 This is when they learn they can lie vi Theory of mind 1 Understand that others may have different perspectives and want different things than you do 2 You understand that people have a different perspective than you 3 This is a very complex idea for a child 4 Ball example Sally will look in the basket for her ball She does not have the same info as Anne 5 This is the beginning of perspective thinking e Adolescence i Abstract attributes Its includes personality traits ii Now their concept starts to include their values and morals iii iv Perspective taking leads to objective self awareness v Can apply their thoughts to why someone else acts the way they do perspective taking vi You understand that you are an object that other people can have thoughts and feelings towards objective self awareness 1 This leads to evaluation apprehension 2 Teens get really self conscious 3 Know the relationship between perspective taking objective self awareness and evaluation apprehension a Perspective taking leads to objective self awareness i Can apply their thoughts to why someone else acts the way they do perspective taking ii You understand that you are an object that other people can have thoughts and feelings towards objective self awareness 1 This leads to evaluation apprehension 2 Teens get really self conscious 4 What is theory of mind and how can we test if a child has developed theory of mind a Theory of mind i Understand that others may have different perspectives and want different things than you do ii You understand that people have a different perspective than you iii This is a very complex idea for a child iv Ball example Sally will look in the basket for her ball She does not have the same info as Anne v This is the beginning of perspective thinking If your schema is I m very funny and you re with your group of friends and everyone is laughing you ll filter that through your schema that I m funny and think they re laughing at the joke you told It varies on the extreme of your schema Seinfeld George has different complex schemas relationship George single George 5 What is a self schema a Part of self concept b Abstract knowledge structure about the self c When information comes in people use the schema to filter it d e f g Everyone has a schema and they are all different from each other h This is an individual difference i Other selves i Me the way I see myself right now ii But can you think of any other selves that people could have 1 The way they were in the past 2 The way you will be in the future 3 You have a current self you who actually are 6 Know self discrepancy theory a The self discrepancy theory has to do with self concept b This is looking at possible future selves c This says there are 3 basic self guides i Actual self ii Ideal self iii Ought self 1 What you are 2 However good or bad at something wherever you are in school 1 What you would want to be 2 Cat looking into mirror and reflecting a lion 3 Hopes dreams goals desires 1 What you think other people think you should be 2 This is the responsibility and commitments you think other people expect from you a Your parents want you to be a doctor iv This theory comes in when there is a discrepancy between the three selves v Actual vs ideal 1 Focusing on the ideal self 2 They tend to pay attention to opportunity and chances to achieve things 3 Promotion focus approaching goods gains wanting rewards and achievements 4 Very strong ideal self more likely to have a promotion focus 5 You re trying to achieve your ideal self how will you feel when you achieve that accomplished pleasure happiness If you don t achieve this you feel sad 6 vi Actual vs ought 1 What you feel like you should be If you re focusing on the ought they pay attention to avoiding harm shame punishment 2 3 Prevention focus you re focusing on not failing to achieve the ought self 4 If …

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FSU PPE 3003 - Test 4

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