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Learning Objectives Exam 1 Lecture 1 Chapter 1 1 Know the definition of personality discussed in class A patterning of dispositional traits characteristic adaptations and integrative life stories set in culture and shaped by human evolution 2 At what levels do personality psychologists analyze similarities and The Context The Outline The Details The Meaning Human Nature personality features possessed by nearly everyone Culture Group Differences how people are like some others in their group different from other groups Dispositional Traits a unique set of consistent emotional cognitive and behavioral dispositions or tendencies Characteristic Adaptations see answer to question 3 Integrative Life Stories an internalized and evolving narrative of the self that integrates the past present and future to provide life with a sense of unity and purpose 3 What is the difference between personality traits and characteristic adaptations Traits How people typically feel think and act Describe people Explain behavior Predict future behavior Characteristic adaptations Aspects of psychological individuality that are contextualized in time place and or role Motivational factors what do people want in life Cognitive factors values beliefs expectancies plans etc Developmental factors evolution of the self identity over time 4 What are three reasons personality traits are useful Describe people Explain behavior Predict future behavior within psychology Diff from Developmental Psychology 5 What are the main differences between personality psychology and the other related fields How people change over time vs in what ways they stay the same Focus on adulthood Diff from Clinical Psychology Study of normal functioning vs study of disorders Diff from Social Psychology Focus on the situation vs the person In your book 6 Know what induction is The process of reasoning in which the premises of an argument are believed to support the conclusion but do not ensure it 7 Be able to recognize an example of a case study A study of an individual unit as a person family or social group usually emphasizing developmental issues and relationships with the environment especially in order to compare a larger group to the individual unit 8 Know what parsimony testability and generativity are Parsimony the preference for the least complicated explanation for an observation Testability falsifiable and can be reproduced Generativity a form of prosocial behavior and is the concern of establishing and guiding the next generation by developing in them the knowledge skills and theory that will outlive oneself Socially valued work and disciplines are expressions of generativity 9 Know the differences between correlational and experimental designs Correlational linked to or associated with Experimental establish causation temporal precedence 10 Be able to recognize examples of positive and negative correlations 11 Know the difference between nomothetic and idiographic approaches Nomothetic the study of a cohort of individuals and has a tendency to generalize Idiographic describes the study of the individual who is seen as an entity with properties setting him her apart from other individuals and has a tendency to specify 12 Know the three periods of personality psychology and their dates from pages 22 23 I know some of the eras overlap so I won t give you a year that is contained in the overlap on the test Establishment of field and general systems Became more specialized ex counseling Critique and doubt 13 Know who Gordon Allport is and what he is famous for One of the first psychologists to focus on the study of the personality and is often referred to as one of the fathers of personality psychology He emphasized the uniqueness of each individual and the importance of the present context as opposed to past history for understanding the personality Lecture 2 Chapter 2 Evolutionary Psychology 1 What does survival of the fittest mean Best equipped to survive to reproductive age and reproduce 2 How does natural selection work Traits that help survival reproduction become more common in the gene pool selected for Traits that hinder reproduction slowly disappear selected against 3 How is sexual selection different from natural selection Sexual selection will select a trait even if it threatens survival as long as it helps reproduction 4 What is the difference between intrasexual competition and intersexual selection IntRAsexual members of the same sex COMPETE with rivals for access to mates IntERsexual members of one sex CHOOSE a mate based on their preferences 5 What is inclusive fitness Who would inclusive fitness predict we would save in an emergency Your survival doesn t matter only the survival of your genes does Selfish Gene Perspective Our genes want to make as many copies of themselves as possible and our behavior to the extent it s guided by our genes will be directed toward this goal Inclusive fitness theory Hamilton 1964 We share genes with others our family therefore if we help family to survive and reproduce shared genes will get copied Therefore it predicts that in an emergency we will save our family 6 What are the three kinds of products of evolution Be able to describe and recognize examples of each Adaptations features selected for by evolution For something to be an adaptation it has to deal with adaptive problem something that impedes survival or reproduction By products side effects of adaptations ex belly button Random noise feature that doesn t affect reproduction ex differences in earlobe shape 7 Know the difference between proximate and ultimate explanations for behavior and be able to recognize examples of each Proximate Why does it happen here and now How an individual organism s structures function Ultimate Why does it happen at all Why a species evolved the structures adaptations it has 8 Be able to recognize an evolutionary explanation for the need to belong helping and universal emotions In the past belonging to a group and helping was essential to survival share workload and protect each other Universal emotions serviceable fear can communicate a warning opposite of serviceable shrugging or nervous discharge from the nervous system 9 Know the results of Clark and Hatfield s 1989 study showing differences in willingness to have sex with a stranger Men were more likely to say yes to sex no woman said yes to sex Parental Investment Theory Trivers 1972 Best for man Short term mate Best for woman Long term

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FSU PPE 3003 - Exam 1

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