Ch 1 Learning Objectives 1 Define personality and understand each of the elements of the definition of personality a b Personality the set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her interactions with and adaptions to the environment The set of psychological traits i The WHAT of personality ii Characteristics that describe ways people are different from each other iii Average tendencies of a person iv Describe explain predict behavior c and mechanisms i The HOW of personality ii The processes of personality iii Three ingredients Inputs or Attention 1 2 Decision rules or Available Options 3 Outputs or Actual Behavior d within the individual i Carry with you e organized and relatively enduring i Organized linked in a coherent fashion ii Enduring consistent over time and across situations f influence interactions with and adaptation to i Affect our lives ii Serve a purpose g the environment i Physical environment ii Social environment iii Intrapsychic environment 2 What are three reasons personality traits are useful a Describe explain and predict behavior 3 At what levels do personality psychologists analyze similarities and differences Be able to define each level and provide examples Ch 2 Learning Objectives 1 Describe and provide examples of the four sources of data collected by personality psychologists three from class one from the book a Human nature i How we are like all others ii Personality features possessed by nearly everyone b Individual and group differences i Group differences 1 How people are like some others in their group different from other groups a Ex Cultural diffs age diffs gender politics SES ii Individual differences 1 Ways in which we are like some others different from some others a Ex Being high low in sensation seeking c Individual uniqueness i Skydiving i How we are like no others ii Everyone has unique qualities not shared by any other person Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each source of personality data a Self Report data interviews reports questionnaires checklists i ii advantages 1 there are things people know about themselves that no one else does iii drawbacks 1 people can lie a e g job interview questionnaire 2 there are things people don t even know themselves b Observer Report data c Test data i Types of observers professional personality assessors family friends i situational test projective techniques ink blot 1 do people behave differently in identical situations ii Situation designed to elicit behaviors that serve as indicators of personality 1 Ex Emergency situation iii Elicited behavior can be scored by independent raters iv Limitations 1 Might guess what is being measured and alter behavior 2 May interpret testing situation diff than intended 3 Researcher might influence behavior d Biological not for personality but are related 2 Define three types of reliability and four types of validity and be able to recognize examples of each a Reliability consistency i Test retest score should be similar ii iii Internal consistency rating scale consistent Inter rater reliability observers should be getting same answer b Validity a test is valid if it measures what it claims to measure i Face validity ii Predictive validity iii Convergent validity iv Discriminate validity 3 How are reliability and validity related Scale can be reliable but not valid a b Not reliable can never be valid 4 Define generalizability a Valid across various groups and various situations 5 Know the advantages and disadvantages of correlational research What is the 3rd variable problem with correlational research What is the directionality problem Strongest closest to positive or negative 1 a b Advantages describes relationships between variables can measure things you can t control c Disadvantages correlation does not equal causation 6 Explain the benefits of experimental research What are the features of experimental research Why are these features important for achieving the goal of experimental research a 2 key features control i 1 manipulation of independent variable 2 all other variables kept constant ii random assignment 1 participants in each condition are equivalent at beginning of study b Can determine causality c Control manipulation of independent variable hot room vs cold room all other variables kept constant i Random assignment participants in each condition are equivalent at beginning of study Ch 3 Learning Objectives 1 Be able to describe the three approaches to developing trait taxonomies a Trait attributes of a person that are characteristic and enduring over time i Two basic formulations 1 2 Traits as internal causal properties a Cause the behavior of individuals who possess them Traits as descriptive summaries a Describe behavior without assuming causality b A trait has four primary aspects Internal stable attribute i ii Conceived in bipolar terms continuum iii Seen as additive and independent iv Broad differences in socioemotional functioning c Taxonomy classification system i Goal identify and name groups within a subject 1 Ex Kingdom phylum class order family genus species d e Lexical all important traits are apparent in language if important enough there should be a word for it Statistical give people questionnaires and analyze using factor analysis Theoretical theory determines which traits are important 2 What is the most widely accepted model for personality and why is it widely accepted f a Five factor model ten item personality measure Most widely accepted found by many researchers using diff samples i Empirical evidence ii iii iv has been replicated over 50 years and in many languages v replicated using different items formats 3 Be able to list and apply the five personality characteristics recognized as the Big Five e g if I give you an example of a person behaving in a specific way you should be able to identify what trait that behavior likely reflects 4 Know the differences between extraverts and introverts Know in general what Susan Cain has to say about introverts What does she say that introverts are better at the extraverts i Talkative assertive forward outspoken social a Openness to experience b Conscientiousness c Extraversion d Agreeableness e Neuroticism a Extraverts Like studying in social places i Talk more ii Engage in more eye contact iii Gamble more drive faster iv Are more sexually active v Physically stronger vi vii Perform
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