1 What are the three main principles of Freud s view of human nature and what are the two primary drives humans possess Ch 9 Learning Objectives p 264 286 287 291 294 according to Freud a Determinism drive b Conflict Id superego c Unconscious d Two primary human posses life instincts libido and death instincts thanatos i Pursue them indirectly 2 Know definitions and be able to recognize examples of the terms unconscious conscious preconscious id ego and superego a Conscious part that you are aware of i It s a very small portion b Preconscious this are the things you can be made aware of if you tried i Ex who was your best friend in the 7th grade You probably weren t thinking of this prior to the question but now you can bring it to memory ii This would be a larger portion of your mind iii Its all the things you have stored that you can retrieve c Unconscious this is the part that you are intentionally unaware of i This is the largest part ii This part is thought to have hidden desires thoughts and feelings iii You cannot retrieve this if you tried you do not have access it stores things that we don t want to think 3 How is the current view of the unconscious different from Freud s view of the unconscious about a Modern psychologist will tell you that there is a part you are unaware of so a lot of your behavior is automatic and you are unaware of what you are doing Implicit prejudice is an unbiased unconscious process that people are unaware of b c We still believe in the idea of the unconscious but its not Freud s original proposal that instincts are unconscious d Psychic Determinism i Psychic unconscious mental courses are controlling everything ii Determinism don t have control iii Freud said that nothing happens by accident everything people do is caused by something within them If you do something and can t explain why its caused by your unconscious iv Dreams are a way of one trying to explain oneself v Freudian Slip when you mean to say one thing and you say something else on accident Freud would say that what you said was an accident really wasn t an accident it says something about you its caused by something within you and caused by the unconscious 1 This meant Freud didn t think that people had free will 2 Free will is really hard to measure e The id ego superego are structures of the mind if we aren t consciously controlling our emotions then these a Ex why did you pick this shirt I m not sure I just kind of saw it that s unconscious behavior three are i Ego referee superego morality police ii ID something you are born with in Freudian view dumb children would be examples of the id it operates on pleasure control it wants what it wants and it wants it now 1 natural instincts drive to create drive to destroy 2 ex impulse heat of the moment expression of the id 3 4 5 does not operate on reality 6 does not care about social constraints 7 8 also work on primary process thinking not logic based thinking its dream like fluid thinking focuses on immediate gratification a ex in a dream you re in a middle school then a shark tank its not based on reason or logic b ex angelica eating all the donuts because she wants them now not thinking it will upset her stomach iii superego has to be learned develops later in childhood concerned with morality rules social construct taught by society and parents it is not innate it s the opposite of the id it wants to follow the rules this is your conscience says this is not the right thing to do this is not moral it does not apply to reality either because if it had its way you would constantly follow every rule all the time and that s unrealistic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 morality police enforcing the social norms and constructs 8 the id and superego are always in conflict iv ego finds the balance between the id and superego 1 it works on the reality principle it understand you have certain urges but no you may not be able to express them the way you want 2 finds way to express the id and not upset the superego 3 it works on secondary process thinking logic rules and the reality of the situation a ex I know you want to do this but considering the consequences lets not do it now and maybe save it for later b ex you get really angry at the teacher and want to punch her the id would say yeah the superego would say no way ego would say save it and maybe we can yell at someone else after class 4 According to psychoanalytic theory what causes anxiety and how are defense mechanisms used to buffer against anxiety a Anxiety is caused by the constant battle between the id and superego b The ego keeps things in check because of defense mechanisms c Ego has to defend against anxiety so a well balanced mind would be someone that has a strong ego d One way it defends against anxiety through the use of defense mechanisms i Ex denial projection regression repression 5 What is repression How do repressors behave differently than non repressors a Repression keeping things out of awareness keeping them in your unconscious b Repression is considered the forerunner of defense mechanisms c According to Freud we have a lot of dark memories and urges Repression takes those undesirable things about oyu and stick them in your unconscious i Boys want to sleep with their mother d Freud says that everyone uses repression some more than others e Researchers view of repression very low anxiety but would have a very high defense 1 Sex and aggregation are main instincts says Freud 2 Psychologist measured the subjects heart rate i When they have tried to look at repression they thought that someone who represses a lot probably has ii What was reported less reported anxiety but they showed more psychological arousal 1 Physically they are experiencing it Repression isn t constantly felt but it is subconsciously so it is affecting their memory f g EX recall a time when you felt either negative or positive emotion i Negative repressors report less ii Positive repressors report less iii High in repression repress all emotional experience h In regards to self recalls emotions about self time you were sad happy they were able to recall less i Any emotional event that is about them they repress i j In regards to others how they remember someone else feelings higher Oh yeah I felt sad about that but they didn t express their second emotion i what this does it keeps them from connecting different emotions together ii they feel this one sad memory but this doesn t pull up all the sad …
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