Study Guide Ch 5 8 for Exam 2 Chapter 5 Fiver Basic Traits In the Brain and in Behavior since we talked about this chapter for 3 days I d emphasize it more than the others Even though it s from Chapter 4 make sure you understand interactions They are not going o Any time you think a trait will help predict human behavior but it DEPENDS on some other away factor o INTERACTION What is need for cognition How does it relate to education and persuasive messages o An individual s tendency to engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive activities o Relates to Enjoyment of past learning experiences Dependent on intrinsic motivation Stable over time and situations o NOT the same as intelligence o People with a high need for cognition NFC Seek out new knowledge Prefer verbal written over visual information Enjoy problem solving Focus on empirical knowledge all arguments Less anxious about academic stress o People with a low NFC Prefer visual over verbal written information Use cognitive heuristics rules of thumb Focus on cues during an argument such as credibility of communicator o EDUCATION PERSUASSIVE MESSAGES Educating the public about risks smoking High NFC responded stronger to written version Low NFC responded more strongly to drawing version Internet Marketing and learn Predicted that High NFC would like interactive sites more so they could explore agree Actually the LOW NFC preferred the interactive site Understand how most people are not pure introverts or extraverts What are we really saying when we refer to someone as an introvert or an extravert o Psychologists still refer to people as either an extrovert or an introvert however no one is 100 extravert or introvert we are simply referring to people who tend to act more commonly in one way What did Carl Jung say the relationship between extraversion and energy was Did Eysenck o Extraverts direct their psychological energy outward to the social world whereas introverts direct it inward toward private thought and fantasy Eysenck made the same distinction Extraversion isn t just related to how we interact with others In what kinds of situations are extraverts and introverts more likely to demonstrate better cognitive performance o Extraverts tend to show superior performance to introverts on tasks requiring divided attention resistance to distraction and resistance to interference o Introverts tend to perform better on tasks requiring vigilance and careful attention to details better long term memory for words Why are extraverts more likely to experience express positive affect Understand savoring the positive aspects of neutral depressing events How do they respond to punishment o Extraverts may be less responsive to punishment than introverts extraverts are more likely than introverts to continue responding in the face of punishment and frustration o Extraverts typically fail to pause following punishment pushing ahead before they can learn from their mistakes impulsively seeking out rewards extraverts may actually be motivated by punishment to work even faster and more impulsively o Extraversion is associated both with reporting greater positive affect and remembering even greater positive affect later than what was reported at the time associated with the tendency to re member a greater number of happy scenes from the past How might a trait like sensation seeking be associated to the BAS BIS system Are introverts or extraverts more sensitive to the lemon drop test o Impulsivity a key component of extraversion allows behavior to be uninhibited and forward moving towards potentially rewarding stimuli o RAS system controls saliva production in response to food is more active in introverts so lemon juice will produce more saliva for introverts Which Big 5 trait is most associated with behavioral inhibition The amygdala o NEUROTOCISM What do items measuring neuroticism look like What is it really measuring o Measures of chronic anxiety depression excessive emotionality nervousness moodiness hostility vulnerability self consciousness and hypochondriasis o Most generally described as a continuum from emotional instability to emotional stability NEGATIVE AFFECTIVITY What is the neurotic cascade Understand the steps o When it rains it pours Hyperreactivity Differential Exposure Differential Appraisal Mood Spillover Sting of Familiar Problems Is there scientific support for left brain right brain personality types Failure to cope when old problems reoccur o Students with more activity in the right anterior region tend to score toward the BIS end students with more left anterior activity scored toward the BAS end of the behavioral scale Why is openness so controversial compared to the other Big 5 o Most controversial trait Less replicable across samples and cultures Value of cultural matters Political Orientation Creativity and perceptiveness Approach to intellectual matters or basic intelligence Openness has interesting relationships with political orientation and authoritarianism Be able to explain them o Don t know if O is a good or bad thing intellectual daring may be intellectual recklessness or broad mindedness may be lack of conviction depends where you stand o Authoritarianism and O commonality is an intolerance for ambiguity What types of coping strategies are most likely to be used by people high in E N or O What types of coping mechanisms are associated with longer term positive outcomes o Extraversion Positive Thinking Substitution o Neuroticism Self blame withdrawal Wishful thinking escapism o Openness Faith negatively correlated with O Humor o In general problem focused rather than emotion focused coping styles tend to lead to better Which is the trait employers care more about Conscientiousness or agreeableness Why outcomes o Conscientiousness Predicts job performance and absenteeism Used to select employees Less biased than aptitude tests Highly correlated with integrity tests Both C A are associated with positive outcomes Which types of people are more successful in life and in love o Agreeableness cooperative and easy to get along with smoke less among children related to less vulnerability of being bullied life outcomes psychologically well adjusted healthy heart dating satisfaction o Conscientiousness predicts longer life expectancy predicts success in college positively correlated with years of schooling motivation Where does Eysenck s traditional trait of psychoticism fit into the modern Big 5 scheme o Psychotism
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