PSY2012 Test 3 Vocab Ch 15 Medical Model diagnostic system condition marked by intense continual feelings of worry anxiety physical model in which a mental disorder differs from normal model in which a mental disorder differs from normal view of mental illness as due to a physical disorder requiring co occurrence of two or more diagnoses within the same person view of mental illness in which behaving oddly hearing voices or Demonic Model talking to oneself was attributed to evil spirits infesting the body medical treatment Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM containing the American Psychiatric Association APA criteria for mental disorders Comorbidity Categorical Model functioning in kind rather than degree Dimensional Model functioning in degree rather than kind Illness Anxiety Disorder Hypochondriasis preoccupation with the possibility of a serious undiagnosed illness Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD tension and irritability across many areas of life functioning brief intense episode of extreme fear characterized by sweating Panic Attack dizziness lightheadedness racing heartbeat and feelings of impending death or going crazy Panic Disorder persistent concerns about future attacks or a change in personal behavior in an attempt to avoid them Phobia actual threat Agoraphobia embarrassing or in which help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack Social Anxiety Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder experiencing or witnessing a severely stressful event Obsessive Compulsive Disorder immersion on obsessions compulsions or both Obsession distress Compulsion stress state in which a person experiences a lingering depressed mood or diminished interest in pleasurable activities along with symptoms that include weight loss and sleep difficulties Bipolar Disorder persistent idea thought or urge that is unwanted causing marked fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or repetitive behavior or mental act performed to reduce or prevent intense fear of an object or a situation that s greatly out of proportion to its condition marked by a history of at least one manic episode repeated and unexpected panic attacks along with either intense fear of negative evaluation in social situations condition marked by repeated and lengthy marked emotional disturbance after PTSD Major Depressive Episode Manic Episode experience marked by dramatically elevated mood decreased need condition marked by extreme instability in condition marked by superficial charm dishonesty condition in which personality traits appearing first in for sleep increased energy inflated self esteem increased talkativeness and irresponsible behavior Personality Disorder adolescence are inflexible stable expressed in a wide variety of situations and lead to distress or impairment Borderline Personality Disorder mood identity and impulse control Psychopathic Personality manipulativeness self centeredness and risk taking Antisocial Personality Disorder ASPD irresponsible and or illegal actions Dissociative Disorder identity or perception Schizophrenia contact with reality Delusion change with evidence Hallucination stimulus Psychotic Symptom Catatonic Symptom postures curling up in a fetal position and resisting simple suggestions to move Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD excessive inattention impulsivity and activity psychological problem reflecting serious distortions in reality motor problem including holding the body in bizarre or rigid strongly held fixed belief that has no basis in reality not subject to severe disorder of thought and emotion associated with a loss of sensory perception that occurs in the absence of an external condition involving disruptions in consciousness memory condition marked by a lengthy history of childhood condition marked by therapies that emphasize the development of human technique in which clients express themselves without psychological intervention designed to help people resolve psychotherapies including psychodynamic humanistic and Psychotherapy emotional behavioral and interpersonal problems and improve the quality of their lives Insight Therapies group approaches with the goal of expanding awareness or insight Humanistic Therapies potential and the belief that human nature is basically positive Free Association censorship of any sort Resistance previously repressed thoughts emotions and impulses Transference the past onto the therapist Person solving problems Group Therapy Alcoholics Anonymous achieving sobriety Centered Therapy therapy centering on the client s goals and ways of therapy that treats more than one person at a time act of projecting intense unrealistic feelings and expectations from 12 step self help program that provides social support for attempts to avoid confrontation and anxiety associated with uncovering Ch 16 therapist who focuses on specific problem behaviors and method in which desirable behaviors are rewarded with tokens Behavior Therapist current variables that maintain problematic thoughts feelings and behaviors clients are taught to relax as they are gradually Systematic Desensitization exposed to what they fear in a stepwise manner Token Economy that clients can exchange for tangible rewards Aversion Therapy undesirable behaviors Cognitive Behavioral Therapies cognitions and maladaptive behaviors with more rational cognitions and adaptive behaviors Psychopharmacotherapy Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT which patients receive brief electrical pulses to the brain that produce a seizure treatment that uses punishment to decrease the frequency of use of medications to treat psychological problems treatment for serious psychological problems in treatments that attempt to replace irrational Concepts Topic One Psychological Disorders 1 During the Middle Ages people used to give super natural explanations for psychological disorders They believed people with a disease were a witch or were possessed by spirits This is the Superstitious Model of mental illness The mentally ill were left for the church The bizarre treatments used in those days such as exorcisms came directly from this model The Medical Model came about once people started to realize that diseases could cause mental illness ex Syphilis not evil spirits There was a large amount of institutionalized patients asylums and treatments ex bloodletting were not sufficient The Biopsychosocial Approach states that the interaction between biology psychology
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